LAWSON-Henry - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Taken from History of Fountain & Warren Counties, Ind pg. 415

Some of the best blood in America is due to the Irish, who came to this country in search of freedom; loyal, trustworthy, big-hearted and naturally leaders of men, settling in the farming districts and giving to their communities generously of the best in themselves. Henry Lawson's great grandfather was one of these, and one can still trace his influence in the attitude of Henry Lawson toward Mill Creek township and his popularity in that region. This man, with the fire of the Emerald isle in his veins, came to Va. and located on a farm, where his son John was born. He, also, felt the call of the West and after farming for a while in the old state, came to Parke County, indiana, and established the home farm, carving out his home in the wilderness. He marr. Catherine Brent, a native of Montgomery County. She died in 1864, leaving 10 children, of whom Laura, Walter, William and Mary are dead and Rachel, James, Emma, John, Re ecca and Henry are still living. John Lawson then took a second wife, Melissa Huffmire, and has two children by this marriage, Manson and Nettie. He was a democrat.... a member of the Universalist church and died in 1899 on the old home place. Henry Lawson was born on the home farm in Parke Co, Sugar Creek township, Sept, 8, 1856. He was married there in 1878 to Florence Sowers. Just five hours after the marriage, however, she was killed, due to an unfortunate accident in the charivari. Mr. Lawson afterward married Phebe Barker, daughter of Bryant and Annie (Sowers) Barker, who were old settlers of Parke County, having come originally from North Carolina and were prominent farmers in the county. They have 7 children, Manford, John, Joe, Amanda, Emma, George and Wilson, the latter of whom is dead. Henry Lawson has lived in Mill Creek Township, Ft. county for 23 years and has been very prosperous. He has a farm of 30 acres of fine tillable soil and has brought his land to a high degree of cultivation. He has been very active in the affairs of the community and is looked up to by his neighbors as one of the brightest and most able men in the township. he has been township trustee, to which office he was elected in 1908 and also held the office of township assessor for four years and that of deputy assessor for 3 years. He has been aggressive, making all the improvements on his place, nine miles form Veedersburg, himself, helping along with every public work and using his influence for good in every opportunity which has presented itself. Mr. Lawson is a Universalist by belief, and is a Mason at Yeddo. His wife is also a social factor in the community and is a member of the Eastern Star, to which order her husband also belongs, as well as the Royal neighbors. Mr. Lawson is a good example of the law that says that as we give we receive, and he has prospered and is the type of the citizen who has made Indiana the prosperous state that it is today.

File Created: 2006-Aug-15
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