LAUMAN-Isaac - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: H. H. Hill, 1881, p 206, 207

Isaac LAUMAN, merchant, Attica, was born in the state of Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, March 2, 1838, and was the youngest child of Zodick Hirsch and Jette (FULD) LAUMAN. At the age of thirteen he began peddling notions, and continued in this business till 1859, when he came to America, arriving in Attica about the first of September with $6 as the extent of his worldly fortune. After a sojourn of six months in Attica he went to Dallas, Illinois, and clerked in a general store twenty months, when the firm broke up and threw him out of employment. He returned to Attica, and during the fall of 1861 bought hides and pelts, making a handsome little sum of money. The next year he clerked in the store of S. and J. Loeb & Co. In 1864 this firm took Mr. LAUMAN into partnership, and another firm was then formed by these gentlemen under the style of Loeb, Lauman & Co., both of which have continued to do business up to the present time. These two firms, which are practically one, run two business houses and have a thriving trade. They deal largely in dry goods, clothing, furnishing goods, cattle and wool. Mr. LAUMAN was married August 27, 1866, to Miss Augusta PFEIFER, of Louisville, Kentucky, who was born in Germany, August 24, 1848. Their three living children were born as follows: Julia, September 12, 1868; Belle, September 5, 1871; and Howard, November 6, 1878. Mr. and Mrs. LAUMAN are members of the Benai Jeshurun congregation (Jewish church). He was president several years, and is now the treasurer. He has been a member of the Masonic order since 1860, and has filled several offices in his lodge. He is also a member of Brazilla Lodge, No. 111, I.O.B.B., of La Fayette.

File Created: 2007-May-01
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