LAMB-William - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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William LAMB

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 133

William Lamb, deputy county auditor, Covington, is a native of Worcester county, Massachusetts, where he was born January 1, 1817. In 1836 he and a brother came west and settled in Newtown, Fountain county. There he began clerking for Judge Joseph Ristine, and afterward became his partner in the general merchandise business. He remained a resident of Newtown about five years, and probably would have continued business there longer but for the democratic party having nominated and elected him to the office of auditor of Fountain county. This office was created in 1841 by the legislature, and Mr. Lamb was the first to fill the office. He discharged the duties of his office with such satisfaction to the people that they kept reelecting him for twenty years in succession. After this he spent about six years as deputy auditor. He was then nominated and elected by the same party to the office of county treasurer in 1866, to which office he was reelected in 1868. After the expiration of his second term as treasurer he engaged in merchandising in Covington, which he continued for about five years, when he again went back in the auditor's office as deputy, which position he still holds. In 1880 he was again nominated by the democratic party for county auditor; but the constitutional amendments declaring no vacancy in that, as well as some other offices of the county, he was left with only the duties of a deputy to look after. Such a long and successful career as a county officer is unusual, and must be accepted as a very flattering tribute paid to honesty and popularity. Mr. Lamb is now serving his second term of office as worshipful master of Fountain Lodge, No. 60, A.F. and A.M. Not until after he became a resident of Fountain county did Mr. Lamb marry. His wife was Miss Lucinda Stafford, whose parents were among the earliest of Fountain county's pioneers, they having become residents of the county as early as 1834. They have raised quite a family of children, though but one son, who is also employed in the county auditor's office.

File Created: 2007-Apr-02
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