LAMB-G.H. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Hon. G. H. LAMB

Duncan, L. Wallace. History of Allen and Woodson Counties, Kansas. Iola, Kan.: Iola Register, 1901, p 876.

Hon. G. H. LAMB, late state Senator for the 14th District comprising the counties of Allen and Woodson was born in Fountain County Indiana Feb 22, 1858. His father was a Union Soldier and fell on the field of battle. Thrown upon his own resources at the tender age of 10 years, Mr. Lamb's early youth was one of penury and toil and hardship. From the beginning, however, he was full of courage and ambition and however hard he may have worked through the day he nearly always found some time to devote to study in the evening. In this way he fitted himself for the profession of a teacher which he followed several years in his native state. In 1883 he came to KS locating first in Wilson Co where he taught school for a few years, afterwards removing to Toronto, Woodson Co where for 3 years he was principal of the city schools. In the menatime he had employed his leisure in the study of law to such good purpose that in 1889 he was admitted to the bar and at once entered upon the practice of the profession which he has since followed with most gratifying success. An ardent republican, an eloquent speaker, it was but natural that Senator Lamb should drift into politics. He was the candidate of his party for county attorney in 1892 and was elected, succeeding himself in the same office in 1894. In 1896 he was nominated by acclamation fort he office of state senator and was one of the 10 Republicans elected in the Kansas senate in that year. In that body he advanced at once to a position of leadership, and although in the minority, wielded a commanding influence during the two sessions of the legislature through which he served. Indeed so good was the record he made that in 1898 his county presented his name as a candidate for congress, and while he failed of the nomination, he came out of the congress, and while he failed of the nomination, he came out of the contest one of the recognized leaders of his party in the district and state. As an evidence of this recognition Senator Lamb was nominated by acclamation as a presidential elector in 1900 and was a potent factor in winning the victory which restored Kansas to the republican column. When the electoral college met he was secretary of the Kansas electors, and thus made out the returns which showed that Kansas had cast her vote for McKinley and Roosevelt. Senator Lamb is a member of the Masonic, IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] , Knights of Pythias, SK and D and AOUW orders and while he maintains high standing in all of them, he has been especially honored by the last named having been elected Grand Master Workman at the 1901 session of the Grand Lodge. Mr. Lamb was married at Boswell, Benton County, Indiana March 6, 1881 to Miss Bessie Shipp, a cultured, educated and accomplished woman, whose sympathy comfort and active effort have contributed much toward the successful career of her husband. To them have been born 4 sons and 3 daughters, all living. Mr. Lamb and his family are active members of the Christian Church and while he has never been regularly engaged in the ministry, yet he often fills the pulpit of the church in a most acceptable manner. Since 1897 Mr. Lamb has been in partnership with Mr. WE Hogueland in the practice of law, and the firm is recognized as one of the strongest in the 7th Judicial district. A life of achievement such as is here briefly recorded is its own best eulogy. Here in this new western country it is the rule rather than the exception that the men now occupying positions of power and influence have fought their own way up from obscurity and poverty. Senator Lamb's career is therefore not exceptional. But is on that account none the less honorable and distinguished. To begin the hard single handed while a mere child and to achieve leadership in a learned profession and in a great party before the meridian of life is reached, is a record that any man may well hand down to his children with pride. Fine physicial strength, unquenchable courage and hope, strong intelligence, great decision of character, fluent and forceful oratory, unquestioned integrity, unwearying diligence and pertinacity -- these are the qualities that have won friends fortune and farm for GH Lamb, and that well entitle him to a place in this history.


Born: 22 February 1858 Newtown, Fountain County, Indiana  – Died: 19 Nov 1937 Buried Yates Center, Woodson County Kansas

Source: Neosho Falls, Kansas Post 30 October 1896 p 3 (photo saved – findagrave)

The head of the local ticket is the nominee for state senator – GH Lamb. He was born in Fountain County Indiana in 1858. His father was a member of Co D, 86th Reg Ind Volunteers and was killed in the battle of Stone River, Dec 30, 1862. Subsequently the widow, with her family moved to Warren County Ind where GH Lamb grew to manhood.  His history furnishes a striking example of a self-made man. The death of his father left the family penniless and GH Lamb was early called upon to help support the family. He worked among the farmers by the month and the day and was considered as good a hand when he was 16 as ever worked in a harvest field. He attended the district school in the winter and, at an early age, began a successful career of teaching. He moved to Kansas in 1883 and for three years was principal of the Toronto schools. Here he read law in the office of FM Sutton and was admitted to the bar in 1890. He opened an office in Toronto and soon built up a lucrative practice. In 1892 he was elected county attorney of Woodson County and again in 1894.  Mr. Lamb has been an uncompromising republican all his life. As a boy he was always ready for a fight; as a man his courage and aggressiveness have won him recognition upon the platform, the rostrum and at the bar.  Mr. Lamb has been a conspicuous figure in this campaign; he has devoted his time and talent with untiring energy toward advancing the cause of the republican party. His ability and personal popularity are recognized wherever he is known and his election will secure to the people of Woodson and Allen counties a representative in the state senate who will be a zealous and faithful advocate of their interests.
File Created: 2007-May-01
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