HOWARD-William - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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William HOWARD

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 248

William HOWARD, farmer, Newtown son of Job and Nancy Ann McKinney Howard was born in Miami County Oh Jan 7, 1821. Three brothers of the Howard family emigrated from England before the revolution their names were Wm.; John; Ezekiel. The two latter were blacksmiths; the first was the grandfather of our subject and when war between Great Britain and her colonies came on he remained loyal to the crown and hence was what was called in derision by the patriots, a tory. Job had two brothers, Lewis and Andrew; the former lives near Illinois City in Rock Island County, Illinois at a very advanced age; the latter near Eddyville, Iowa. These brothers were all born in the last century and were reared in Virginia. Mr. Howard's mother was born in Ohio. His grandfather, James L. McKinney was a native of New Jersey and was a good deal of a public man. He was a justice of the peace; in Miami County, Ohio he was Indian agent and after his removal to this state was again incumbent of the first-named office. In 1830 Job Howard removed his family to Richland Twp and Mr. McKinney came at the same time, but stopped at Pleasant Hill, Montgomery County where he merchandised a good many years about 1848 he relocated in Iowa and died there a year afterward. Job Howard arrived here Nov 5, 1830 and made his home 3 miles SE of Newtown; the remainder of his life was spent on this place where he died June 5, 1866 crowned with a fullness of useful years. His wife survived him till September 30, 1879 having reached the age of 80. The subject of this biography was married to Anna S. SWIGERT Oct 25, 1842. They are the parents of: Francis Marion; Samuel K (dead); Jacob P; Rebecca Alice wife of Curtis Whitheall; Alva L; Elmer E and William Erna. Francis was a member of County H 150th Reg Ind Vol and did duty in Maryland and Virginia during his term of enlistment of six months. Mr. and Mrs. Howard are professing christian;s she in communion in the Disciple of Campbellite church; he formerly belonged to the same organization but is now a member of the Church of God. He has 244 acres of land, 200 of which he regularly cultivates. He has by his own labor removed the standing timber from 100 acres of this, and made it fit for the plow. As in religion, so in politics; whereas he was once a democrat, he is now a republican.
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