HITCH-Oliver A. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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HITCH-Oliver A.

Oliver A. HITCH

Portrait & Biogrpahical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p. 592

Oliver A. HITCH who is a general merchant at Steam Corner and also deals extensively in live stock is one of the most wide awake and popular business men of Fountain County besides being a well-known figure in its political circles and in its public and social life. He is a native of Indiana born in Gibson County, April 13, 1857 a son of the late Zachariah HItch who was born in Sussex County, Delaware 1819 and was of English parentage. Zachariah Hitch's early years were passed in the county of his nativity, and in his youth he learned how to do all kinds of farm work. In 1842 he migrated to this state form his old home and bought a farm in Gibson County. He was there married to Mary A, daughter of Archibald Spain who was a prominent farmer and early settler of that county. Mr. Hitch devoted himself to the improvement of his farm and at the time of his death, which occurred March 6, 1888, he had a farm of 172 and 1/2 acres of land, which he had literally hewed from the primeval forests that abounded in that region when he settled there and he left behind him a worthy record as a valuable pioneer as a most excellent citizen and as a true Christian and zealous member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Of his 9 children, 4 are still living: Thomas A; James M; Oliver A; Harrison C and Austin. Thomas, James and Harrison reside on the old homestead in Gibson County while Austin is engaged in the profession of teaching in this county. Oliver Hitch passed his boyhood on his father's farm and was principally educated at Patoka. After leaving school he worked in that town as clerk in a general and agricultural implement store and the knowledge of trade thus acquired was useful to him when he went into business for himself. When he first came to this county he engaged in the wood business until June 1888,when he bought the store at Steam Corner of Mr. Wallace that he now manages. This is the only store in the place and has an extensive patronage not only from the villagers but from outsiders far and near. It is a good-sized establishment. Mr. Hitch does not confine his talent for business entirely to the management of his store by any means, but is extensively engaged in dealing in live stock and he also represents the crawfordsville Livestock Insurance Company in this section of the county. His wife is Postmistress at Steam Corner and as an intelligent and obliging official is giving perfect satisfaction to all concerned. Mr. and Mrs. Hitch were united in marraige Aug 24, 1883 and theirs is one of the cosiest and most hospitable homes in the village, presided over with true grace by its mistress, who finds time aside from outside duties to set the household machinery running smoothy. her union with our subject has been blessed with a daughter, Della who is 7 and a son, Oliphant, one year old. Mrs. Hitch, whose maiden name was Nannie J. PEVLER, is a daughter of Leonard C. Pevler, a well-known resident of this county and one of its pioneers. He is the father of 4 sons and four daughers, all living. The sons, all of whom reside in this county are Bloomer; Lemuel; George M and Christian. The daughers are Kate, wife of David T. Oliver, who is in business at Yeddo; Belle, wife of Abner Henry of Bloomington; Lizzie, wife of BF Myers, a farme rof this county and Mrs. Hitch. Our subject is an intelligent and public-spirited citizen who has the interests of the community at heart, and his name is associated with its progress. In politics he is a Republican and his religious faith is that of Presbytieran church of which he is a member as is his wife. Socially, his relations are with the Masons and he is actively identified with the work of the fraternity as a member of Lodge No. 314 at Kingman. he holds the office of Trustee of his township and he uses his influence to help forward any enterprise that will in any way prove of benefit to his fellow citizens.
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