HENDRIX-Daniel P. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: HH Hill, 1881, p. 127

D(aniel) P. HENDRIX farmer, Covington was born in Butler Co Ohio Nov 11, 1811, and is the son of Eli and Mary Pugh Hendrix, who were natives of Ohio and who migrated to Indiana in 1831 and settled in Fountain County where they both remained until their death. DP is now residing on a farm that he bought 40 years ago and one which he has made all the improvements. He was married in 1836 to Miss Mary, daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Nixon Clark, the latter a native of Montgomery County, Ohio. She was born in 1809 and came to Fountain County with her people in 1828. Her death occurred in 1876. They reared a family of 3 children: Arbanas N; Watson N; and Alvey. The two latter lost their lives in the service of their country. They were both members of the 3rd Ind Vol. Inf that was made up mostly of Fountain County men.
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