HENDERSON-James T. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p. 284.

Medicine is the most important science bearing upon man's happiness, comfort and welfare and when we meet with those who have spent years of their lives in its successful practice, we cherish in our hearts a deep reverence for them. Prominent among the successful physicians of Fountain Co IN stands the name of Dr. James T. Henderson who has obtained a reputation placing him in the front rank of the medical fraternity. He is a pleasant and generous gentleman, liberal in all his ideas, a protector of the rights of, a strong promoter of the welfare of, and in deep sympathy with, humanity. Dr. Henderson is a native of Annapolis, Parke County, Indiana and was born August 10, 1845 being the son of Alexander and Isabella (Chapman) Henderson also of Parke County. The parents removed to Waynetown, Montgomery County, in 1876 and the father is now retired from the active duties of life. He has always followed the occupation of a farmer. Our subject was 9 years of age when his parents moved to Waynetown and there and in Wesley he received the principal part of his scholastic training. When 17 he began teaching at Sulphur Springs and made a decided success as an educator. He taught 5 years in succession at home and in 1862 enlisted in general merchandise at Hoopeston, Ill following this for 5 years and meeting with fair success. He then began the study of medicine, for which he seemed to have a decided taste and a natural aptitude with Drs. Hurt & Anderson at Waynetown and later took a medical course at the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Indianapolis. After this he took a course in the Medical College of Indiana, at Indianapolis in 1879. Our subject began practicing at Waynetown, later went to Perryville, where he remained 4 years and in 1888 came to Covington wher he has since been absorbed day and night in a profession which is perhaps the most trying on brain and body of any in the field of science. In his political affiliations Dr. Henderson is an ardent Democrat and has been a delgate to State and district conventions and held the office of county coroner for some time. He is a writer of considerable note and contributes to medical journals. He gives special attention to surgery and is one of th emost popular and successful physicians of the county. He has devoted his life thus far to the highest temporal mission among men, a combat with disease and death, and his efficiency, skill and signal success in this calling are well known. On the 13th of April 1869, Dr. Henderson was married to Miss Amanda Thomas of New Richmond, and two children were born to them: Eugene who died at age 17 and T.M. who graduated from the Perryville HS and business department of the Normal at Covington, and after studying medicine for one year with his father, entered the Medical College of Indiana. From this institution he went to the medical department of the University of Louisville, Ky from which institution he graduated March 13, 1893 in a class of 190 and is now associated in practice with his father in Covington, Ind. He was the youngest graduate ever turned out by this institution, being under 21. He also learned telegraphy prior to the study of medicine. The Dr. has a charming home in Covington and is surrounded by every comfort and convenience. He was made a Mason at age 23; he is also a member of the Eastern Star; as is his wife and is a charter member of the Knights of Pythias of Cold Creek and organized a lodge at Perryville and Lodi. He attended Grand Lodge 4 times. He is also a membe rof the knights of Maccabees and later joined the Woodmen of the World, as did also his son. The Dr. is examining physician for 10 life insurance companies. Mrs. henderson holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal Church and is an active member of the woman's Christan Temperance Union. She is very much taken with the work of the church and society. The Dr. is a ember of the Bpatist Church and is very popular in all circles.
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