HENDERSON-Alexander - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p. 285.

This venerable and highly esteemed citizen of Montgomery County has been identified with its farming interests for many years and owns and occupies one of the choice farms of Wayne Twp, pleasantly situated on Sec. 25. Mr. Henderson was born in North Carolina Sept 6, 1813. His parents were James and Rebecca (Thomas) Henderson the latter also a native of NC. When our subject ws young the family emigrated first to Ohio, whence they came to this state in 1828. The father engaged in farming east of Yountsville. In 1830 his wife died and in the ensuing year he was married to a Miss Ray. He was the father of 5 daughters and 3 sons. Mary, the eldest was born in 1813 in Ohio and married Mr. Ray, a farmer, who lives SE of Crawfordsville; Zorada was born in 1817, married Isaac Perkins, a farmer in this staet and died on year after marriage; Elizabeth was born in 1819, married Mr. Graves and died in 1839 or 1840; Gordon was born in 1821 and died in Iowa in 1845. The subject of this biographical review is a worthy example of the self-made men of this section who while hewing their way to success have contributed to the upbuilding of the county. He wa a manly, active, industrious lad of 14 when he started out for himself. WHen he attained his majority he had 120 acres of land, worth $1.25 an acre and after his marriage he had control of 80 acres more of timberland belonging to his wife and they began life together with good prospects. He subsequently sold that land and purchased the place upon which he now resides which then comprised a 1/4 of a section. he had to go in debt for it to the sum of $1,200 and as his wheat an dother crops were destroyed that year, he had a hard struggle to maintain a solid footing for awhile. But in time his efforts were well rewarded, and he improved a fine farm that comprises 160 acres of highly cultivated land. To each of his sons when they were married he gave $1,000. He devotes his farm to both grain raising and stock raising and has good grades of cattle, horses, etc. Our subject was married to Miss Isabel chapman in 1838 near Rockville, the ceremony that united them for better or wose being performed by the "Squire" of the town. For more than half a century they have lived happily together an exmplary wedded life, and have exerted ag ood influence in thecommunity in which they have lived so long. They are blessed with 8 children: Elizabeth who was born iN parke Co was married to Wesley Hendricks March 3, 1859; William who was born in this state Feb 17, 1841 married Nancy Jane Huff and was a brave volunteer in the late war a member of the 72nd Indiana Infantry under capt, Harrison and served 2 years 11 mohths; Amanda who was born Aug 28, 1843 died July 26, 1874; James who was born Aug 10, 1845 graduated from the Indianapolis schools studied medicine and is the leading physician at Covington; he married Amanda Thomas in 1870; Milton who was born Sept 6, 1847 married Sarah McCombs July 4, 1847; Mary who was born Oct 14, 1849; Alice born in 1851 married George Munns of Ripley Twp; Martha was born July 17, 1854; John born Oct 1, 1856 and was married to Miss DE Quick, who died Jan 19, 1891. Mr. Henderson's children are all well educated and 7 of the 8 have taught school. They are all church members and his son John is secretary of the "Hess Meeting." In his long life, extending over a period of 77 years, our subject has always carried himself uprightly; his dealings with his neighbors have been characterized by candor and strict adherence to principles of honor, justice and honesty and in word and deed has he shown his good will toward his fellow citizens. He gives liberally and cheerfully of his means to the supoprt of religious objects and is a valued member of the Methodist Episcopal church and has been Steward of the church for 20 years. He is a sound Democrat and is actively interested in politics.
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