HENDERSON, Charles R. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: Crawfordsville Review 30 March 1915 p 5
Charleston, SC march 28 – Dr. Charles R. Henderson, professor of Sociology in the University of Chicago, died here early today after a short illness.  He was born at Covington, Ind Dec 17, 1848 and was graduated from the University of Chicago in 1870 and from the Baptist Theological Seminary in 1873.  Dr. Henderson was widely known for his work in sociology.

Source: Indianapolis Star Tue 30 March 1915 p 4 (photo)
Charleston, SC March 29 – Dr. Charles R. Henderson, professor of sociology in the University of Chicago died here early today after a short illness. He was born at Covington, Ind Dec 17, 1846 and was graduated from the University of Chicago in 1870 and from the Baptist Union Theological Seminary in 1873.  Dr. Henderson was widely known for his work in sociology. He came to Charleston two weeks ago for rest.  Soon after his arrival he was taken seriously ill and his condition steadily grew worse. Paralysis developed last Saturday.  Dr. Henderson became generally known to the nation in 1892 when as a member of an arbitration committee he was largely instrumental in settling the Detroit, Mich street car strike. He was at that time pastor of the Woodward Avenue Baptist Church in Detroit.  Prof. Henderson’s associates on the faculty termed him a martyr. When he was appointed chairman of the Municipal Commission on Employment in Chicago last fall he was warned by his physician that his health, worn down by overwork would not admit his incurring the addition burdens of this task. In spite of this he accepted the chairmanship and deveoted much time to studying the current question of unemployment here. In 1899 Prof. Henderson served as president of the National Conference of Charities and Corrections. In 1902 he was president of the American Prison Association and in 1899, president of the National Children’s Home Society.  Dr. Harry Pratt Judson, president of the University of Chicago, Dr. AW Small of the department of Sociology and Mrs. Henderson will leave here for Chicago tomorrow with the body. Funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon at the University of Chicago and burial will be in Oakwood Cemetery. The funeral party will reach Chicago Wednesday night.

Lafayette, Ind March 29 – The boyhood days of Dr. Charles R. Henderson were spent in this city. He came here with his parents from Covington, Ind when a small child. He was the son of the late Albert Henderson who for years was engaged in the monument business here. Dr. Henderson was the first graduate of the Lafayette HS. His wife olf formerly Miss Eleanor Levering, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William H. Levering. At the time of his marriage to Miss Levering, Dr. Henderson was pastor of the First Baptist Church of Terre Haute. Dr. Henderson visited Lafayette frequently. More than a score of relatives and friends in this city attended the funeral in Chicago Thursday.  

Prominent in Terre Haute – Terre Haute, March 29 – Dr. Charles R. Henderson was for many years prominently identified with social and religious activity of Terre Haute.  He was one of the founders of the Terre Haute Literary Clb and was active in organizing the Society for Organizing Charities of which he was president until he moved from TH. At the meeting of the TH Literary Club tonight Prof. William H. Wiley delivered a brief eulogy on the life and work of Dr. Henderson and a committee was appointed to convey to the members of the family the sympathy of the organization.
Visited Indianapolis Frequently – Prof. Charles R. Henderson who died in Charleston, SC yesterday was widely known in Indianapolis.  His sister married the late John L. Griffiths, who at the time of his death was American Consul general to London. Prof. Henderson visited his sister and other friends here frequently.

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