HAAS-Jacob - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Jacob HAAS, Esq.

H. W. Beckwith History of Montgomery County, Indiana (Chicago: HH Hill, 1881) p 595

Jacob Haas, Esq., retired, Waynetown, son of Daniel and Eve (REED), is a native of Northumberland County, Pennsylvania, where he was born April 15, 1815. His grandfather Haas came from Germany several years before the revolutionary war, working his passage, and at the opening of the war enlisted in the Continental army, where he served during the war. In 1844, the subject of this sketch came west and settled in Fountain County, Indiana, where he followed his trade, that of a carpenter, for several years, living at Hillsboro. He had married in Pennsylvania to Miss Jane CAMPBELL, who died in July 1849, leaving five young children, which was a serious loss to him, and which caused him to return to his native state, where he arrived in December of that year. The spring following he returned with a neighbor and settled at Newtown, where he lived until 1872, when he went to Jackson township, Fountain County, and settled on a farm of 160 acres which he had purchased, where he remained until 1876, when he came to Waynetown to enjoy the rest which he so richly deserves, having, until lately, worked almost without ceasing. In politics Mr. Haas is a democrat, and for sixteen years in succession, after 1852, was a justice of the peace. In 1851 he was again married, this time to Miss Amelia HARTMAN, by whom he has had five children, four of whom are living. When in Pennsylvania Mr. Haas was a member of the Lutheran Church, but after coming to Indiana, as there was none of that denomination convenient, and feeling it a duty to be united with some body of christians, joined the Presbyterian Church, a member of which body he remained until 1858, when be became a Baptist, to which denomination he has since belonged. He is a Mason, being one of the charter members at Newtown. Mr. Haas is a man of strictly temperate habits, and has given all of his children a good education, and has always by precept and example attempted to so his part in marking the world better for his having lived in it.

(Thanks to Harry Bounnell for this one)
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