GREEN-Hansel J. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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GREEN-Hansel J.

Hansel J. GREEN

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: H. H. Hill, 1881, p 204 - 205

Hansel J. GREEN, hardware merchant, Attica, was born in Gloucestershire, England, February 23, 1829. He was the youngest son of Thomas and Mary Ann (PHELPS) GREEN. In 1842 the family emigrated to America and settled in Portage county, Ohio. Mr. GREEN was reared a farmer and obtained his education at the Atwater Academy. In 1846 they removed to Mahoning county, and there, at the age of seventeen, he apprenticed to the tinner's trade. In 1849 he went to Millersburg, Holmes county, and took charge of a stove store for a Mr. HOLCOMB, of whom he learned his trade. Next year he came to La Fayette, Indiana, where he worked at the tinning business two years, and then settled permanently in Attica. Here he opened a stove and hardware store, and has continued the business to the present date. He has in the meantime given considerable attention to farming. Mr. GREEN came here a poor man, but by untiring industry and judicious management he has acquired an independent estate. Besides his valuable mercantile interests he owns 400 acres of land adjoining Attica, 200 in Jasper county, and 160 in Kansas. He keeps some Kentucky thoroughbred horses to gratify his taste for fine stock. In the suburbs, on the heights overlooking the city from the east, is Mr.; GREEN'S home, a superb residence of brick, surrounded by spacious grounds tastefully laid out with gravel walks and drives, and shaded with forest trees. He was married February 17, 1857, to Miss Mary M. MERRICK, of North Branford, New Haven county, Connecticut. She was born April 27, 1833. They have two living children: Lamonte M., born December 17, 1857, and Emma S., March 9, 1870. They have also had two others which died in infancy. Mr. GREEN has never been an aspirant for office, but has always attended diligently to his private business, as his honorable success fully attests. He has served as councilman and school trustee. He travels considerable in the States; in 1870 he made a trip to England, and is contemplating another, with his family, soon. His father, now 90 years old, is still living, in sound health, supporting a vigorous old age. He resides at Atwater, Portage county, Ohio. Mrs. GREEN is a member of the Episcopal church. Mr. GREEN'S membership in the same church is a disputed point between bishop TALBOT, of Indiana and himself, the former claiming that he is, and the latter denying "the soft impeachment."
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