GALLOWAY-John M. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H.W. Fountain County, Indiana History. Chicago: HH Hill, 1881, p. 304

JOHN M. GALLOWAY, farmer, Stone Bluff, is the son of John and Ann (Lemmon) Galloway, both natives of Kentucky, and early pioneers of Ohio, and emigrated from Ohio to Fountain county in 1825, where they remained the rest of their lives. They raised a family of nine children; Jacob, Polly A., Ruth, George A., Robert L., Martha Elizabeth, John M., Nancy and Rebecca. Mr. Galloway was a shoemaker in trade. He departed this life in 1855, his wife in 1853, aged sixty-three years. They were both earnest advocates of moral teaching, and were members of the Congregational Friends Society, now Progressive Friends. They were universally respected by all who knew them and with their disappearance faded away two of the early landmarks of Fountain county, whose, memory will long be carefully treasured. John M. now lives on Sec. 13. He married in 1856 in his twenty-fifth year to Sarah A. Romine, daughter of Isaac and Jane (Crane) Romine, whose sketch will appear in this work under the name of Jacob Romine. By this marriage he has six children; Elizabeth A., George A., Sevedus, Millie R., Owen R., John A.. He and his wife are members of the Progressive, Friends Society. Mr. Galloway has a good farm of 200 acres, well stocked and well improved. In politics he is a firm believer in the national, theory.
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