FRAZIER-Family (John W +) - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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FRAZIER-Family (John W +)

John W. Frazier Family

Source: Crawfordsville Journal March 26, 1928

The Golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Frazier was celebrated in a very pleasant manner at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Rudolph Jesse in Chicago Wednesday March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Frazier have lived all their lives in and near Hillsboro until going to the home of their daughter in Chicago recently to spend the winter. For a number of years Mr. Frazier was cashier of the Hillsboro State bank taking an active part in business social and church circles. They had with them to celebrate golden anniversary all children except a grandson and one son-in-law. They received many letters of congratulations, gifts, flowers and telegrams through out the day. Both Mr. and Mrs. Frazier are enjoying excellent health and have spent a delightful winter in Chicago but were sorry not to be able to celebrate the event in Hillsboro where they could have had the pleasure of receiving life long friends on that day.


This history of the Frazier family was written by John W. Frazier, the oldest living representative of the Frazier name, now in his eighty sixth year, to be read to the descendants of the pioneers, James and Elizabeth Cade Frazier, this day assembled for reunion in Milligan Park, Crawfordsville, Ind. June 28, 1936.

GREETINGS to you all, my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren, nieces, nephews great nieces, great nephews and great, great nieces and nephews. I believe that very few men are given the privilege of living to an age where it is possible to address the fourth generation, and I am quite sure that no one has more honorable progenitors than you to whom I give this day of the Frazier clan. I regret that I can not go back in my memory farther than my grand-parents. My Mother had a great fund of family history at her command, and I recall her interest in telling to me the stories and anecdotes of her ancestors. I did not then realize the importance of retaining those stories which she told me, nor did I know that it would be my pleasure after more than three score years and ten to genealogize those events to you. I must give due credit to my wife, your Aunt Lizzie, for many of the facts which I shall give you, as she lived in close proximity to the Frazier family in her childhood days, and she has been able to recall to my mind many incidents and facts that I had forgotten.

Before proceeding with the family history I believe I should tell you of an incident which links our family very closely to this very ground upon which we are holding our reunion today. As I recall it was the year 1870 that Joseph Milligan came to my father, James Frazier, offering to sell him a fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres located on "Scott's Prairie. He told my father that he had an opportunity to buy that land near Crawfordsville. He wished to sell his farm to my father in order to buy that land. I was present when the trade was discussed, I remember that my father found he would lack four hundred dollars in order to make the first payment. Mr. Milligan suggested that my father borrow the money at the First National Bank at Crawfordsville, Father said he had never borrowed money at a bank and did not know how to go about it. Mr. Milligan offered to take father to the bank to introduce him and join with him in signing the note. This was done and my father bought the Scotts Prairie farm and Mr. Milligan bought the land be later platted as this Milligan Park where we meet today. So you see it is very fitting that we hold our reunion on ground that was purchased with money furnished by our ancestor. My grandfather, James Frazier and my grandmother, Elizabeth Cade Frazier, came from New Jersey in 1811 to Piqua(sic)[Pickaway County], Ohio. In 1824 they moved west to Fountain County Indiana, settling on a farm about three miles southeast of Covington. They had eleven children. Some of the children were born before they came to Indiana, but my father, James, named for his father, was born on the farm near Covington in 1825.

Grandmother Elizabeth Cade Frazier was a midwife and the legend is that she was very popular in her profession and always kept her horse saddled ready for hasty departure. I have heard older persons say that in their childhood they remembered the excitement and curiosity that was aroused when "Aunt Betsy Frazier" was seen riding down the road at a swift pace. There was always conjecture as to where she was going.

The children of James and Elizabeth Cade Frazier were as follows: Jane, Sarah, Martha, Elizabeth, Nancy, Malinda, James, William, David and Phillip.

Jane the eldest married a man named Mitchell and moved to Wisconsin and so far as I know they never returned to Indiana and I do not know anything about their descendants.

Elizabeth also married a Wisconsin pioneer by the name of Minert. I seem to remember having heard that they had two children but I do not know their names.

Malinda married John Campbell. They had six children, all reared on a farm near Coal Creek, between Hillsboro and Covington.

Sarah married Thomas Ellis. Their family of three children was reared on a farm south of Hillsboro.

Martha married Mike Pemberton and moved to Illinois, later to Kansas. Their family consisted of six children.

Nancy was twice married. Her first husband George Young. She had two sons by the first marriage. Her second husband was David McElwee. She had one son by that marriage.

Mary was also married twice. Her first husband was Wm. Mendenhall, the second was Wm. Ellis. Her first marriage was opposed by her family as Wm. Mendenhall was a pilot on a boat on the Mississippi river. All other members of her family were tillers of the soil, and for her to leave home and go so far away to a life so strange and unknown, left fear for her well being in the hearts of her people. She had a very picturesque and romantic life on the river. In her later years she delighted my own children with her stories of river life. She had two sons, the elder, Jimmy, went to the civil war and was never heard of again. His mother grieved for him throughout her long life and never ceased to hope and watch for his return. Every strange man who came through the country aroused in her a hope that it might be her lost boy. The second son, Elliott was born on the river. His mother always referred to him as having been "rocked in the cradle of the deep."

Phillip died at the age of 18 years. He was the only one of the eleven children of James and Elizabeth Cade Frazier that did not live to maturity.

William married Mary Ann VanGundy. They lived all their life on a farm south of Hillsboro and reared ten children. (Duly & Virgil's parents)

David married Minerva Williams and lived near Rossville, Ill. They had six sons. Here I want to mention my first disappointment and heartache that I can remember. Minerva Williams was my favorite aunt. As a young girl she was often in our home and my first recollections are of Aunt Minerva and the things she did for me as a little boy. I remember well the keen disappointment and jealousy I experienced when I heard my father and mother say that Aunt Minerva was going to marry Dave Frazier. I recall that Aunt Minerva was always sent for in any emergency. One day I was playing in the front yard and was thrilled when Aunt Minerva came riding up on horseback in a great hurry. Before she alighted from her horse she threw her "reticule" on the ground. That was something unusual and after a few hours they told me that a baby sister, Olive Eveline, had arrived. I was always sure that the baby was in the "reticule".

Lastly I give you the branch of the tree in which you are all most interested, your grandfather, James Frazier, who was as I have already stated, born on a farm near Covington in 1825. He married Margaret Williams, daughter of John J. and Polly Ann Williams.

The Williams family came to Hillsboro from Kentucky. Grandfather Williams was a miller and established the mill which still stands on Coal Creek just outside Hillsboro. One of his favorite jokes was that after locating his mill some witty person remarked that "it might be a dam by a mill site but it was not a mill by a dam sight". My mother, Margaret Williams Frazier was born in 1830. Her brothers and sisters were as follows: Pleasant, Jack, Mary Helen Bever, Minerva Frazier, Peter Thomas who died in 1838, Sarah who died in 1841, twins, Caroline and Eveline who died in 1840 and John James who died in 1849.

Father and mother started farming with two mares "Jane and Figure" They promised me that when I was eight years old they would get another horse and let me plow. When that long looked for year arrived, they got the horse as promised, and started me on my first furrow. When I completed my first round, there stood brother Frank wanting to try his hand at the plow. In order to settle the dispute father made me give Frank the plow for a trial and he did so well that thereafter I had to let him plow every other row. I remember how unhappy I was that they did not compel Frank to wait until he was eight years old as they had required of me.

When I was about ten years old we had an orchard on the rear of the farm, quite a distance from the house. Mother sold the fallen apples for 504 a bushel but she could not spare the time to go back to the orchard, and she usually sent sister Ollie and brother Frank to fill the sacks. Once I begged to go to fill the sacks for Jeff Hicks but when we came back to the house Mother would not accept the money or let Jeff out of the gate until she had Frank examine the sacks to see if I had not given Jeff too good measure. She always said she could not trust me as she could Frank to make any kind of trade.

Mother was postmistress at Hillsboro in 1845. I think that date is about correct, She used to tell me with pride that Stephen Vorhees, father of Daniel Vorhees would come all the way from old Chambersburg to Hillsboro to get her to send money to his son Daniel who was a student at Asbury College, now Depauw University, Greencastle, In. All other mail he would send from his home town but he would come to Hillsboro in order to get Margaret Williams to send money to his son Daniel Vorhees as you no doubt know was later a United States Senator of great importance.

I remember that my father contracted with a man to split fence rails at a certain price per hundred. The man could only count up to fifty and each night he would stop at the house to report how many "fifties" he had made that day.

The children of James and Margaret Williams Frazier were as follows: All were born on the farm now known as the Frazier Hesler farm south of Hillsboro.

I am the eldest child. I will be eighty six years old on August 19th of this year. My wife, your Aunt Lizzie was the daughter of Henry and Nancy Purnell. We celebrated our 58th wedding anniversary March 14, 1936. We have been greatly blessed to live together to so great an age without a death in our family. Our children are Cora Jesse, Harry, Flora and Myrtle Griggs.

James Franklin was the second child of James and Margaret Williams Frazier. He came close upon my heels as my mother often expressed the thirteen months difference in our ages. He married Viola Hesler. Their children were Charles and Freeman. The mother died when the children were quite young. He later married Josephine Osborn who preceded him in death a few years. Frank died at the home of his son Charles in Chicago in January 1932.

Olive Eveline the third child of James and Margaret Williams Frazier, married George Hesler. Their family of eight children was reared on the farm where Ollie was born and lived as a child. Their children were, Grace Booe, Orpha Bever, Myrtle Booe, Olcie Colwell, Byron, Fred, Ralph, and Frazier. Sister Ollie's death a short while ago has been the only death in our circle since the reunion of 1935. Ollie was always a great influence for family solidarity and interested in our gatherings. I hope for her sake if for no other reason, that you younger ones will carry on these reunions for many years.

Mary the fourth child of James and Margaret Williams Frazier married Richard Bible and moved away from the home community and brought up her family near New Richmond. Her children are Pearl Utterback, James, Arthur, Fred and Mamie Thomas. Mary had the mis¬fortune to lose her companion by death when her children were quite young. She was of sturdy, resourceful stock and fine, exemplary, boys and girls she raised to maturity are a credit to her abilities as a mother. She died at her home in New Richmond, Ind. Feb.17, 1920.

Byron the youngest child of James and Margaret Williams Frazier married Sally Kerr. Their children are Homer, Mary Jane Graves, and Ethel Foxworthy. Byron was deprived of the mother of his children when they were quite young but he kept them together and they all live today to honor him. His second wife was Lulu Pugh who survived him. Byron died at Hillsboro May 17, 1933.

You may well take pride in the fact that your grandfather and grandmother were always prime movers in all movements for cultural improvement in the community. You owe to them many of the advantages and pleasures you have today. My father, together with Henry Bever, Jacob Meyer, William Meyer, Adam Hall, Thomas Gaylor, William Gaylor and a Mr. Collins, were the first to encourage education and it was through their efforts that the first public school was established tn the community known as (Bever School) District #9. William Davis was the first school teacher. I taught my first school in that schoolhouse in 1869.

I, the oldest living representative of the Frazier family wish to leave with you these facts and anecdotes, my most precious memories. My earnest wish is that a younger hand will take up the story and relate the facts that will keep intact our family line and traditions.

Again I give you greetings and best wishes for long and useful lives and may you each add something to the happy memories of our family as long as it may live.

(signed} John W. Frazier, June 28, 1936

Transcribed by Karen Zach

File Created: 2006-Aug-16

In 1936 a Family History of the three generations of the James and Elizabeth Cade Frazier family was written by Uncle John Frazier. It was his earnest wish that a younger hand might take up the history and carry it on through the coming years. It is an honor and a pleasure to do this and I hope that I may be able to do in a manner that would be pleasing to him

. The children of John W. Frazier and Elizabeth Purnell Frazier, Cora, Harry, Myrtle, and Flora.

Cora was born July 19, 1879. She married Rudolph Jesse in Dec. 1922. Cora died May 27, 1937.

Harry P. Frazier, second child of John W. and Elizabeth was born March 24, 1882. He married Vera Reed, Sept. 12, 1912. One child, Mary Elizabeth (Betty) was born March 11,1919.

Myrtle Margaret, third child of John W. and Elizabeth Frazier was born on Dec.10, 1884. She married Paul Clark, March 21. 1902 One child Edwin Frazier Clark was born March 21, 1902. Edwin married Mary Ethel Arburn Feb. 4, 1933. Edwin and Mary Clark's first child was Elizabeth Ann born Dec. 29, 1933. Second child was James Edwin, born Jan. 16, 1935. Third child Mary Agnes born Sept. 22, 1936. Fourth child was John Arburn born Sept. 14, 1937. Fifth child was Flora Mae born Sept. 14, 1939. Myrtle's second marriage was to Otto T. Griggs on November 19, 1919. Mr. Griggs died October 16,1936.

Flora Frazier fourth child of John W. Frazier and Elizabeth Frazier was born April 24, 1888.

The children of James Franklin Frazier and Viola Hesler Frazier are Freeman and Charles.

Freeman J. was first child of J. Franklin and Viola Frazier was born Jan. 25, 1879. He married Lona Livengood. Lorraine E. born April 13, 1912 and died July 1, 1928 Marion F. was born November 13, 1916. Evelyn Mae was born December 7, 19, 1918. Mary Virginia was born December 29, 1921. Freeman died May 22, 1922.

Charles second child of J. Franklin and Viola Frazier was born Feb. 5, 1881. Charles married Ethel Glascock. They had 2 children Charles R. and Helen. Charles R., the first child of Charles and Ethel Frazier was born Sept. 2, 1903 He married Josephine Morrison Sept. 2, 1933. Their daughters were born, Joan Elizabeth on Oct. 16.1934 and Janice Ann was born April 1, 1937. Helen Frazier, second child of Charles and Ethel Frazier was born April 25, 1905. Helen married Henry Clay Champlin III, December 27,1930. Two daughters were born, Ann born November 5, 1931 and Caryl born July 25, 1934. The children of Olive Eveline Frazier and George Washington Hesler are Orpha, Grace, Byron, Myrtle, Fred, Ralph, Olice, and Frazier. Orpha, first child of George and Olive Hesler was born Nov.9,1874. She married Alpha Bever. Two daughters were born to Orpha and Alpha, Marjorie Ruth was born Dec. 30, 1894. She married Vora Nelson Keller, May 16, 1915. One son was born to Marjorie and Vora Keller, Rex V. was born April 10, 1917. Rex married Marian Clore on June 9, 1940. Mabel Marie second child of Orpha and Alpha Bever was born Mar. 28, 1896. She married Glenn R. Pitman on Nov.27, 1920. one daughter was born to Mabel and Glenn. Margaret Ann born April 4, 1932. Orpha died July 13, 1898.

Grace the second child of George and Olive Hesler was born Sept. 22, 1877. She married James R. Booe April 5, 1896. Six children were born, Marie, Maurice, Marion, Marvin, Harold, Francis. Marie was first child born to Grace and James Booe on April 19, 1897. She married Verner Mann on April 10, 1920. Marie and Verner Mann had three children, Barbara born Dec. 27,1922, Marvin born Mar.31, 1927, and Virginia born Feb. 25, 1930. Maurice, second child of Grace and James Booe was born Oct. 4, 1898 and died Sept. 23, 1899. Marion, third child of Grace and James Booe was born July 1904. He married Mary Eslinger on Mar. 31, 1927. Marion and Mary had five childern. Gail, born Nov. 5, 1927 and Sydney Born Sept. 25, 1931. Three children died in infancy. Marvin was fourth child of Grace and James Booe was born Nov. 12, 1906 He married Dortha Weaver, July 30, 1938. Harold, fifth child of Grace and James Booe born Oct. 25, 1908. Francis, sixth child of Grace and James Booe was born on July I, 1914. He married Louise Rivers Aug. 25, 1939. Byron, third child of Olive and George Hesler was born Feb. 9, 1880. He married Mary Newlin Myers, Nov. 29, 1899. They had five children. Mona Estelle, born Oct. 29, 1900 and died July 6, 1902. Evelyn J. born Sept, 3, 1903. She married Walter Ford May 6,1924. Evelyn and Walter had one daughter, Julia Marie born Feb. 17,1925. Frances Pauline was born Aug. 28, 1906. She married William Overman, Sept. 28, 1929. Eleanor Lee, born Nov. 14, 1915 and died Dec. 10, 1916. James Byron, born Jan. 7, 1921. Myrtle fourth child of Olive and George Hesler, born Aug. 9, 1882. She married Thomas J. Booe on Feb. 9, 1902. One son Harold Hesler Booe was born April 12, 1904 and died Sept. 13, 1904. Fred fifth child of olive and George Hesler was born Oct. 24, 1885. He married Leola Elizabeth Coats on Dec. 7, 1905. They had five children. An infant boy born died April 8, 1909. Elmer Loran, born April 23, 1913. Berle Gale, born May 12, 1918. He married Opal Waneta Felton on Nov. 25, 1939. George Thomas, born Aug. 16,1919. Mary Olive, born March 13, 1923. Leola, wife of Fred died Dec. 10, 1932. Ralph, sixth child of Olive and George Hesler born Sept. 14, 1887.. He married Fern Williams, Oct.18, 1918. Ralph and Fern had one daugh¬ter Eileen, born July 31, 1921. Fern died Nov. 21, 1922. Ralph second married was to Della Myers Feb. 20, 1926. They had one son Harold Lee born Feb. 3, 1927. Olcie, seventh child of Olive and George Hesler was born Mar. 15, 1890. She married Timothy I. Colwell, May 26, 1917. They had one son, Robert H., born Sept. 18, 1918. Frazier, eighth child of Olive and George Hesler was born Nov. 23, 1896. He married Mayme G. Routh, Jan. 14, 1920. They had two children Olive Gertrude born Nov. 7, 1920. Olive G. married Warren Richardson July 18, 1939. they have one child, Betty June, born Feb. 15, 1940. Charles Frazier, second child Frazier and Mayme, born June 9, 1923.

The children of Mary Frazier and Richard Bible, are Pearl, James, Arthur, Fred, and Mayme. Pearl first child of Mary and Richard Bible was born Aug.4, 1878 She married John G. Utterback Dec. 27, 1899. James F. second child of Mary and Richard Bible was born Aug. 11, 1880. He married Gretchen Kincaid Oct. 10, 1906 They had three daughters. Thelma born Sept. 2, 1907. She married Samuel N. Howard, Sept. 8, 1932 They had two daughters Vivian M. born June 21, 1933. Geneve A. born Nov. 5, 1934. Samuel was killed in a railroad accident Nov. 5, 1938. Second daughter of James and Gretchen was Vivian Ruth born July 1, 1912 and died Sept. 9, 1914. Third daughter of James and Gretchen Bible was Christine Mae was born June 25, 1918. Arthur third child of Mary and Richard Bible was born Aug. 23, 1882. He married Marie Rawlings June 3, 1908. They had one daughter Mary Virginia born June 15 1910. She married M. Bruce Provast Sept. 29, 1934. They have a son born Charles B. born Dec. 17, 1936. Fred E, fourth child of Mary and Richard Bible was born Dec. 30, 1885. He married Mable Vincent Sept. 7, 1911. Fred and Mable had two children. Kathleen born Jan. 6, 1915. She married Meridith B. Flanigan on March 1, 1936. Richard E. son of Fred and Mable born June 21, 1918 He married Martha Mason Sept. 2, 1939. Mayme fifth child of Mary and Richard Bible was born Mar. 26, 1891. She married Clyde Thomas Feb.23, 1913. They had one son, Maurice born Sept. 5, 1914 and died Aug. 11, 1932. Children of Byron F. Frazier and Sally Kerr are Homer B., Mary and Ethel. Homer was born Dec. 8, 1883. he married Mary Ellen Lee. They had three daughter, Mary Lee, Helen Mildred, and Elizabeth Ruth. Mary Lee was born Aug. 13, 1917. She married Donald P. Tinkner on Nov. 12, 1938 Helen Mildred second child of Homer and Mary Ellen born July 3, 1920 and Elizabeth Ruth was born Nov. 14, 1922. Mary, second child of Byron F. and Sally Frazier was born Jan. 31, 1886. She married Warren M. Graves Aug. 24, 1904. they had two daughters, Mabel and Marie. Mabel was born July 24, 1905. She married James D. Warren, Oct. 6, 1923. Mabel and James had one son James Gerald born April 8, 1925 and died April 23, 1925. Marie second daughter of Mary and Warren Graves born Mar. 28, 1910 and died June 7, 1934. Ethel, third child of Byron F. and Sally Frazier was born Jan. 22, 1895. She married Walter L. Foxworthy Aug. 20, 1913. They had one daughter Mary Louise born July 14, 1914. She married Hugh J. Webster Jan. 1, 1935. They have two children Sally Lee born Oct. 12, 1935 and died Oct.13,1935. James Leroy, born Mar. 4, 1939. The past few pages of family history have been written to the best of my ability.

A record of the births, deaths, and marriages, which shall occur in the family in the future will be recorded in the yearly secre¬tary report of the Frazier Family Reunions. I wish to extend to my cousins and their children a hearty wish for happiness and success in the coming years and may we prove to the would that we have been a worthy family. (Signed) (Ethel Frazier Foxworthy ) June 5, 1940

Transcribed by: Tom Hesler
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