EVERLY-Jacob - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 152

Jacob Everly, miller, Covington, is senior member of the firm of Everly, Marlatt & Co., millers. Their mill was built in 1855, by a company composed of two carpenters, a millwright and a machinist, and took the name of the "Covington mill." In July of 1860 the firm changed to Everly, Sangster & Co., and in 1874 was changed to the present firm name. The capacity of the mill has been increased until now they have three run of burrs,- one of which is for corn turning out 100 barrels per twenty-four hours. They do both merchant and custom milling, and buy large quantities of grain. Mr. Everly became a resident of Fountain county as early as 1843, though he did not become a resident of Covington until 1858. He is a native of Frederick county, Maryland, were he was born in 1823. He remained a resident of his native place until he had received a good business education, and had learned the trade of a miller, serving an apprenticeship of most three years. When twenty years old he came west and located in Fountain county. Mr. Everly has taken quite an interest in local affairs. He is a member of both the Masonic and Odd-Fellows orders, and is at present holding the office of warden in the latter. He had been a member of the city council for several terms. He was married in 1846 to Miss Elizabeth Carr, whose people came to Fountain county about 1845. They have three children, two daughters and one son, the latter now engaged in farming.
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