DOCHTERMAN-Henry H. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Record of Marriages in Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Co IN p 379 ?? on source

Henry H. DOCHTERMAN. There was something essentially America in the life and character of the gentleman who is the subject of this sketch. The US has given rare opportunities to men with courage, honesty of purpose, integrity and energy to achieve success. The bulk of the public men and those who have made thier mark in the world have been men of the above characdteristics and Mr. Dochterman was most certain one of that stamp. Henry H. Dochterman, one of the prominent legal lights of Ft. Co IN was a native of the Hoosier State born near Laurel, Franklin Co, June 9, 1847 and the son of Chalres A. and Hulda POTTS Dochterman, the father probably a native of Pa and of German origin. His father, Jesse Dochterman, died in Iowa in about 1890. The father of our subject moved to Montgomery Co IN in 1849, and there followed his trade of millwright for some time. Later he began the study of medicine with Dr. Green and when about ready to begin practicing died of consumption. The subject of this sketch was but 2 when he came with his parents to Montgomery Co and was 7 when his father passed away. His mother, with her four children then went to reside with her brother, Samuel Potts, on a farm and our subject, when 9, he took up his residence with Abner GRAY, a miller on Black Creek, remaining with his 2 years. His mother was marr. in 1856 to Garret HARLOW, a farmer, and our subject made his home with his stepfather until age 16. He attended school regularly and being possessed of an unusually bright and active mind, began teaching school when 17 near Wesley, Montgomery Co. After one winter spent as a wielder of the ferrule, he entered DePauw Univ. in 1866 and grad. in 1869. Sanford Gray of near Wesley, had purchased a scholarship for him and he worked his own way thourgh, graduating with the degree of BS. Following this Mr. Dochterman taught during the winter months and in the summer season worked on a farm. By March 1871 he had saved $450 and in the spring of that year he came to Covington where he began the study of law with Stilwell & Woods. In the fall of 1871 he taught school again but returned to law in 1872 and was admitted to the bar. He then began practicing in partnership with Hon. SF WOOD, containued with him 3 years and then became connected with Thomas L. STILLWELL with whom he continued in partnership until 1881. In that year he formed a partnership with Lucas NEBEKER and remained with him until 1887 when Mr. Nebeker moved to KS. In Jan 1891, our subject formed a partnership with Daniel W. SIMMS, which continued until his death. They had a very large and lucrative practice and one of the most complete libraries in the county. Our subject was elected Twp. Clerk in 1872 and held that office several teMrs. His early education, his intellectual bent, his legal training and his self discipline, combined to fit him most admirably for the position which he was called upon to fill. He was also School Trustee for 6 years. His knowledge of the law was broad and comprehensive and his careful investigation of facts, courteous and dignified demeanor, strong and forcible manner of speaking, placed him among the most prominent members of the bar in Fountain County. He was a Democrat in politics and had been a delegate to district and state conventions. Socially he was a member of the IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] . On the 27th of March 1873 Mr. D. married Miss Hannah SMITH a native of Montgomery County, Ind and the daughter of Jasper Smith, now a resident of Crawfordsville. Of this union there is one child, Charles G, who is now 18 and a student in the Sophomore class at Wabash College. Mr. Dochterman and son are members of the Methodist Church. Mr. Dochterman was well informed on religious history and was liberal in his views. He was a gentleman in every sense of the term honest, reliable and esteemed by all.

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 155

H.H. DOCHTERMAN, Attorney, Covington, who has made rapid strides of progress toward a place of prominence at the Fountain county bar, is a native of Franklin county Indiana. In 1840 when he was but a child his parents moved to Montgomery county, Indiana. His father Charles E. Dochterman was a millwright by trade, though shortly after his removal to Montgomery county, he took up the study of medicine, and had but just fitted himself to practice when, in May 1854, he was taken sick and died. H.H. had progressed so far in his studies as (1866) to be admitted to Asbury University, from which he graduated in the class of 1869. While in college he also read law in a private office of practicing attorneys. After leaving college he spent some time in teaching. He afterward became a resident of Covington and during 1871-2 he was studying law with the firm of Stillwell & Wood. In 1872 he began practice and in 1875 made his first efforts in the Supreme court of Indiana. He was a member of the Board of School Trustees of Covington, and is also a member of Covington Lodge No. 21, 1.0.0.F.
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