DeVETER-George - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893 Page. 649

George T. DeVerter, MD a successful physician residing in Waterman, Parke County, belongs to a family whose representatives for generations have been numbered among the most patriotic and honorable of our country's citizens. He was born in Waveland, Montgomery county, Indiana March 16, 1839, and is a son of George and Mary E. Foreman DeVerter. His paternal grandfather emigrated from France in Colonial days, in comapny with Gen. Lafayette, and served int he Revolutionary War, after which he settled in PA, where it is supposed he died. George DeVerter, Sr. was born in PA and while following his trade of shoemaker as a "jour," he tramped over 14 states and finally arrived at Chillicothe, OHio where he married. From that place he removed to Montgomery County, Ind and later settled in Parke County where he died at Annapolis in 1873.He had followed his trade throughout his entire active life, and was an industrious, energetic man, kind and sympathetic in disposition, possessing a firm will and decided convictions on eery subjet. Prior to the Civil War, he was a Democrat, but after 1864 he voted the Republican ticket. His wife was born March 26, 1808 in Pickaway County Ohio and died aug 4, 1891. She was the daughter of an Ohio farmer, who traced his ancestry to Germany. 8 of 9 children born to the parents of our subject grew to maturity, one having died in childhood. Michael moved to California in 1850 and died in Arizona. He was a member of the 2nd California Cavalry. lucinda died unmarried. Celinda, widow of Henry Laughlin, resides in Annapolis; Rebecca is the wife of Charley Booze and resided with her daughter near Crawfordville; Mrs. Elizabeth Sherman died in Chilicothe, Mo; George T. is the subject of this notice; John M, served in Co. A, 85th Ind Infantry and died in Nashville, Tenn in 1862. The youngest member of these Alonzo, is a mail messenger. The mother of these children was a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was a noble christian woman. After receiving a common school education, our subject became self-supporting at the age of 12, and two years later commenced to work as an apprentice to the blacksmith trade, at which he served an apprenticeship of 3 years. Completing the trade at 17 years of age, he worked as a journey man carriagesmith until July 6, 1861, when he enlisted as a member of Co. H, 21st Ind Infantry of which he was chosen 5th Corporal. He participated in the engagements at Ft. Jackson at the mouth of the Mississippi River), Baton Rouge, Camp Bilsland, Port Hudson, Sabine Pass, Pleasant Hill, Cane River, Yellow Bayour and others. In 1862, he became Sgt, in which capacity he was discharged July 31, 1862. While his company was returning home, it was fired into by the enemy at Gaines' Landing on the Arkansas shore and 5 were killed and 10 wounded. In January 1865, our subject went to Cincinnati, and thence to Columbus, Ohio where he enlisted in Co. C 5th Veteran Volunteers or Hancock's Corps and at Washington was promoted to be Sergeant. After his discharge from the army in March 1866, our subject commenced the study of medicine at Annapolis and in the winter of 1867-68 attended Miami Medical College at Cincinnati from which he graduated in 1871. he opened an office for practice at Howard, Parke County, Ind where he remained for 18 years. In 1882, he took a course of lectures at Bellevue Hospital Colege, NY and two years afterward located at Lodi, Ind where he opened a drug store in partership with CL Steinbaugh. May 21, 1879 occurred the marriage of Dr. DeVerter to Miss Clara B, daughter of Christian and Susannah Fashbaugh Steinbaugh. Three children, Elizabeth I, William J and Donald have been born to the union. Mrs. DeVerter is a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church and is a lady of culture, whose friends are as numerous as her acquaintances. As a Republican, Dr. DeVerter served as Trustee of Liberty Township, parke County from 1872 until 1878 and has occupied other honored positions with efficiency. In social connections, he is a Mason and takes an interest in fraternal work. His prosperity shows that he possess the keen acumen of the successful business man and in addition to his comfortable home he is the owner of 212 acre sin Liberty Twp. He takes an active interest in the local work of the Grand Army of the Republic and during the year 1892 was the President of the Regimental Reunion of 21st Ind Volunteers which was held at Greencastle, Ind Sept 1892.

Taken from: The 1880 History of Parke County, Indiana. J. H. Beadle. Chicago: H. H. Hill

DEVERTER, George T., physician, Howard, was born in Montgomery County, Indiana , March 16, 1839 and received his education at the common school, which he left when 12 years old. He worked in the wool factory, pottery shops and tannery until 14 when he commenced at the blacksmith trade and remained at that two years. He then came to Annapolis, this county, and worked at blacksmithing and carriage making. In 1861, he enlisted on the first call for 300,000 volunteers, in co. H 21st Art. and was present at Battle Rush, Sabine Pass, Port Hudson, Camp Bisland, and on the expedition of Gen. Banks up the Red River. Leaving the army in 1864, he came home and worked at blacksmithing for a short time, and then went to Columbus and reenlisted for one year in Co. C 5th Reg. Vet. Vols. During his time of service he was through most of the New England states, guarding stores, etc. The regiment did guard duty during the trial of the conspirators at Washington. At the close of the war, he returned to Parke Co and set up a blacksmith shop, and continued at that business until he contracted a disease of the eye, which caused him to give it up. In 1866 he studied medicine at Indianapolis, attending Miami Medical College and graduated there in 1872. He entered into partnership with Dr. SURBAUGH in 1868 and practiced for two years, when he sold out and went to Missouri, but only remained there two months, at the end of which time he returned to this county and commenced practice in the village of Howard, where he is still located. The doctor is a very popular man in the county; has served 3 terms as township trustee and is now candidate for auditor, with every prospect of being elected to the office. May 21, 1879, he was married to Miss Clara STEINBAUGH. He is a prominent member of the AF & AM and is worthy master of the Lodeville Lodge, and in politics is strongly republican. he owns 75 acres of land and a house and lot in Howard.

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