CRANE-John R. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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1913 AW Bowen History of Montgomery County, Indiana p 809

The name of John R. Crane is well known over the northwestern part of Montogmery County where he has long been engaged extensively as a buyer and shipper of live stock and he has also followed general farming successfully in the vicinity of the town of Wingate. He is a man whom the farmers have learned to rely upon, consequently he is one of the most successful stock buyers that this locality has ever known. Mr. Crane was born September 28, 1857 in Fountain County, Indiana. He is a son of Joel and Mary TAYLOR Crane. The birth of the father occurred in 1817 in Warren County, Ohio from which state he came to Indiana when a boy and here he became a prosperous farmer and a well known citizen of Fountain County, dying in 1902. The mother of our subject was born in Kentucky and she too reached an advanced age, dying in 1900. They were a hard-working, hospitable, honest couple who were well liked by all their neighbors. They received meagre education in the common schools of thier day, and they spent their lives engaged in general farming. Their family consisted of 7 children, all sons: Oliver H; Louis C; Cyrus; John R; A. F.; J. W. and Ira A. They were all reared ont he farm and assisted their father with the work on the same during their boyhood days and they had the advantages of good common schools. John R. Crane began life for himself as a general farmer which had remained one of his chief vocations, however, he now turns his attention very largely to handling of live stock, which he raises, buys and ships, and is doing an extensive business. He is the owner of 80 acres of land in Fountain County, which is well improved and productive. He resides in a pleasant, large home in Wingate and he has a fine 10 acre feed lot in the same town. He has been successful in his life work and is one of the substantial men of Coal Creek Township. Politically, Mr. Crane is a Republican, but he has never sought public office. Fraternally, he belongs to the Masonic Order and the Knights of Pythias, both at Wingate. Mr. Crane has been twice married, uniting with his second wife on November 27, 1902. This union was to Mrs. Carrie O. WEBB BUTLER, she having been previously married to a Mr. Butler. She is a daughter of Horace and Sarah Ann PHILLIPS Webb, a highly respected family. Mrs. Crane received a good common school education. Mr. Crane second union has been without issue, but there were three children by his first wife, living namedly: Abel C; Lula and J. Forrest. These children are all living at home and have received excellent educational advantages of which they are making the most. The family is well known in this neighborhood and being neighorly and of good personal characteristics they are liked by all who know them.
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