CRANE-Henry - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 299

Henry CRANE, farmer, Stone Bluff was born in 1808 in the state of Ohio and came to Indiana settling on Osborn's prairie at a very early date. He is a son of JOnathan Crane, who biography will appear in this work. Henry was married in 1835 to Eliza A. SHARP, native of Ky by whom he had 8 children: Jacob H; Lockey J; Kiziah; Jonathan; George W; JOseph; Mary and Jeptha. By the death of his wife 8 motherless children and a loving husband were left to mourn the departure of a kind and exemplary mother and companion. Mr. Crane was married a second time, to Evalin Simerman with whom he is now living. 4 children: James F; Elmira; William and Franklin. Formerly he was a tanner by trade which he pursued 12 years in Fountain Co. He owns a fine farm, where he now resides of 166 acres and 177 of land in Illinois. He now has in progress of erection upon the former farm a fine frame dwelling. In religion he is a firm believer in spirtualism, and is a member of the progressive friends society in Van Buren Twp Mr. Crane is one of the old settlers who came here in very limited circumstances one when the country was a wilderness and by close economy and great tenancity has been able to gather around him enough of this world's goods to make his old age comfortable and happy.
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