CRANE-Benjamin F. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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CRANE-Benjamin F.

Benjamin F. CRANE

Beckwith, H.W. Fountain County Indiana History - Shawnee Township. Chciago: HH Hill, 1880, page 359

BENJAMIN F. CRANE, farmer, Stone Bluff. Samuel Crane, brother to his grandfather Jonathon Crane served through the whole war of the revolution and his grandfather Jacob Schnorf, was a soldier in the later years of that struggle. In 1827 James Crane, father of our subject, and his father came to Fountain county from Warren county Ohio, probably most of the way on foot, the father entered a piece of land and purchased another, and the two went back together. James was married to Ann Schnorf, November 1 1828, and he and his bride spent their honeymoon, and made their bridal tour on horseback, 200 miles through the new and sparsely settled country, crossing high streams and encountering and overcoming other obstacles, which gave them practical training frontier privation and adventures. They lived one season west of Stone Bluff on some land which Jonathon Crane had bought the year before and the following season moved up on the Shawnee and occupied the other piece he had purchased. At this point at a mile above the mouth of the Shawnee, Mr. Crane had a mill and about 1835 or 1836 sold both land and mill to a company of Yankees, who afterward built a distillery there. After the sale James Crane bought out the Hickman and Hanly heirs and moved and settled on the place where the subject of this notice was both born and now lives. They occupied a log cabin till 1841, that year they built the brick house which standing on the farm. In the summer of 1875 this old couple moved to Covington to live the remainder of their days and both died there soon after their removal. Mr. Crane of Erysipelas, July 14 aged sixty-eight, and Mrs. Crane August 24 aged sixty-two. Mr. Crane was married November 14 1874 to Margaret E. Irvin. They have one child, James W. born September 29 1876. He and his wife belong to the Christian church. He owns 278 acres of good land, nearly 100 of which he cultivates, valued at $16,500. In politics he is republican.

Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Indianapolis: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p 425.

Benjamin F. CRANE is one of the later generations of farmers and stock raisers of Fountain County, native and to the manor born, who form an important element in the maintenance of the prosperity of the county and are helping greatly to extend its wealth. He is the son of an early pioneer of this part of Indiana who played an important part in developing the agricultural resources of this region. He is the proprietor of two farms in Shawnee and VanBuren Townships and makes his home on the one situated on Sec. 29, Shawnee. Mr. Crane is a son of James Crane, a native of Warren County, Ohio and grandson of Jonathan Crane, who was born in the same county in the very earliest years of its settlement. His parents, who were from England were among its pioneer citizens. His brother, Sam, served as a scout throuth the Revolution and on the mother's side two brothers were killed during the struggle for independence. James Crane was married in his native county to Ann, a daughter of Jacob Shnorf, who was a PA Dutchman and one of the heroes of the Revolutionary War. After marriage the Cranes set out on horseback for their future home in the wilds of Indiana, his father having been to Fountain county the year previous and entered land from the Government. Mr. and Mrs. Crane's first home in the state was near Stone Bluff, where they lived but a short time and then removed to the mouth of the Shawnee, where James and his father operated a mill. They afterward sold out and James bought a farm on Lopp's Prairie, which he increased in size from time to time by furthe rpurchases until he became the owner of 600 acres of land. His father spent his last days on Osborne's Prairie, where he was instrumental in a large degree in the upbuilding of the Christian Church of which he was a devoted member until death closed his eyes to the scenes of earth at the venerable age of 89. His wife departed this life at the age of 82. The father of our subject continued to live on his farm in Shawnee Twp until 6 weeks before his death when he took up his residence at Covington where he and his wife died shortly after in 1875, his death occurring July 16. He was one of the early members of the Christian Church at Osborne's Prarie and used his influence to promote its growth spiritually and in numbers as one of its deacons until death called him hence. His good wife was also an earnest working member of that church. In his political convictions he was a sound Republican. He was the father of 11 children, of whom 3 sons and 3 daughters grew to maturity, Benjamin F and his brother, John D, the proprietor of the Revere House at Attica, being the only survivors of that family. Their brother William lived to be some 30 years old. Benjamin F. Crane was born May 14, 1850 on the old family homestead on Lopp's Prairie Shawnee Twp and his education was conducted in the local district school. He became thoroughly familiar with farming in all its branches, and when he arrived at years of discretion he selected agrictulre as the calling most suited to his tastes. After his marriage he located on the home place, his father deeding him 180 acres of land. He subsequently bought land of the other heirs of the estate, and had 350 acres of the old homestead. he sold 215 acres of it at a good price, and buying 225 acres at the rate of $80 an acre moved upon it in the spring of 1886, and now has under his management two finely appointed and highly cultivated farms which he devotes to general farming, raising a good class of stock. He has a fine farm residence which is well kept up. Everything about the place is neat and orderly, making it one of the pleasantest of the rural homes of this district. Nov 14, 1871 is the date of the marriage of Benjamin Crane with Margaret E, daughter of William and Mary (Hawk) Irvine. Her father was born in one of the early pioneer homes of Indiana and lived here until his removal to Ford Co IL where he died. Mr. and Mrs. Crane have been blessed in their happy wedded life with the following children: James W, who is 15 years old; Frank who died at the age of 2 1/2; Myrtle who is 11; Zua, aged 9 years; Pearly six years old; Ruth four years of age, and Baby Julia. Mr. Crane is numbered among our best citizens, and whatever concerns the well being of his native county is of deep interest to him. He is a well-known figure in its religious and social circles, and the Republican party finds in him a steadfast advocate. The Osborne's Prarie Christian Church with which his father's name is so closely associated, has in him one of its most estimable members and he has served it as Trustee for a number of years. He is also one of the trustees of the Cemetery. He has recently been elected County commissioner.
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