COLEMAN-Henry - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana, 1893 p 310

Mr. Coleman is a man whom nature seems to have especially designed to be a tiller of the soil. The pursuits of agriculture have affored him high gratification and in the conduct of his farm the principles he has held have been peculiarly adapted to the successful develoment and improvement of the varied elements of farm life. He resides on Section 3, Wabash Twp, Fountain County on the old homestead and has 200a cres of well improved land which he values at $50 per acre. He erected a fine house of 7 rooms at $1500 in 1862 and in 1885 a large and comodious barn was built. Mr. Coleman is energetic and enterprising and evething about the place indicates that an experienced hand is at the helm. Born 8 July 1832 our subject was one of 9 born to Linsey and ELizabeth Coleman the former native of the Old Dominion born Dec 25, 1795 and the latter born 22 oct 1805. Of their children Mary J. was born 22 Nov 1824. Julia, born Fountain Co June 22, 1826 married Will Webb who died shortly afterwards. Her next marriage was to Henry Munson and after his death she married Samuel Phebus. She is the mother of 3. Samuel Coleman the third child was born in Fountain county 1828 and married Miss Susan Prevo who died at the home of our subject in 1858. Samuel is now a resident of Perrysville. Henry and Lovina were twins. Wilber was born March 16, 1835 and selected his wife in the person of Eliza Milem. His 2nd marr was to Miss Samantha Bass and 3rd to Miss Margaret King. During the late war he served faithfully in defense of the Old Flag enlisting in the 63rd Indiana Regiment in 1862 and serving until 1864. Eliza was born in Fountain county oct 2, 1837 and married Jefferson Spinks. She died at her home in 1880. Maria, also a native of Fountain County first saw the light of day on 22 Jan 1841. She married Nelson Bogart and died in this county on 5 Sept 1879, left six children. The father of these children came to Fountain County from his native state at an early date and settled on the Wabash River where he entered Government land. He had a tract of 80 acres and he afterward purchased 260 acres and improved and developed it. In connection with is farming interest he worked at the hatter's trade in his own shop. He reared his children to mature years in Fountain County and there passed the remainder of his days. His wife also died in that county. They were much esteemed citizens and prominent in all good work. Their son Henry our subject was early trained to the duties of the farm and was fairly educated in the common schools. After reaching mature years he married Miss Angeline Bass, born Feb 14, 1834 and the daughte rof Nancy Bass. Their nuptials were celebrated 15 Nov 1855 and as the years passed along the following children grew up around them: Linsey born Fountain County Feb 3, 1857 married Miss Stanton and resides in this county. Scott born 20 oct 1858 died 10 Jan 1859. Howard born July 24 1860 died 27 Dec 1872. Eva born June 10, 1862 married J. D. Orahood resides at Stringtown. Ovid born 15 Oct 1863 died 1873. Ray born April 9, 1866 resides at home. Frank born Aug 11, 1868 is at home. Willie born March 28, 1870 single received a thorough education at Valparaiso. Chancey born May 2, 1871 died 21 Aug 1872. Cheeny born April 5, 1875 resides at home. Olin and Ola twins born June 13, 1877 died same year. Our subject finally settled on the old homesteadand as his early life had been passed on the farm it was but natural that when starting out for himself he should choose agricultural pursuits as his occupation in life. He has followed this with substantial results all his life and is classed among the representative farmers of the county. He and Mrs. Coleman are active members of the church and contribute liberally to the support of the same. Mr. Coleman is a teacher in the Sunday School and 3 of his children are teachers in the same. Linsey is Superintendent of the SS. Mr. Coleman was a member of the Farmers' Mutual Benefit Association for one year and is activ ein all good work. In politcs our subject is a stanch supporter of the Democratic principles but while he has ever taken an active part part in politics, he does not aspire office. He is one of the respected citizens of the county and his friends are legion.
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