CLODFELTER-Marion E. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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AW Bowen History of Montgomery County, Indiana (1913) p 818

No more popular or able exponent of the legal profession is to be found in Montgomery and surrounding counties than Marion E. CLODFELTER, of Crawfordsville, a man who seems to combine, by both nature and training, all the elements essential in the makeup of a firstclass lawyer. He is a man of broad mind, alert, energetic and always has the interests of his clients at heart, sparing no pains in their behalf and being a man of exemplary character he has the confidence and good will of the people of this locality. He is the scion of a worthy old pioneer family and the name Clodfelter has been a well known one in the annals of the Wabash country for many decades, consequently is eminently deserving of prominent mention in any history of this part of the Hoosier state. Mr. Clodfelter was b. in Putnam Co, IN (June 29, 1844) and he is a son of Matthias and Mary M (SAYLER) Clodfelter. The father was b. in NC 1816 and the mother's birth occurred in Tenn in 1819. They both were brought to Putnam Co when mere children by their parents. The father, Mathias Clodfelter was a farmer and miller and well known here in the days of the earliest settlers where Mathias and Mary M. Sayler grew to maturity and were married in 1838, moving from Putnam to Montgomery in Dec 1814, and locating in Ripley Township. This ground was cleared by Mr. Clodfelter and, being a hard worker and a good manager he prospered and added to his original holdings until he owned an excellent farm of 140 acres and this he continued to farm successfuly until his health failed when he removed to Alamo and opened a grocery which he conducted for 6 or 8 years, building up a large trade with the surrounding country. He then retired from the active duties of life and moved to New Ross where his death occurred. He was one of the first township trustees of Ripley and was for some time Justice of the Peace. Politically, he was a Democrat, and in religion a Universalist. The death of his wife occurred in Crawfordsville. She was a woman of rare attributes, being a natural botanist and she knew medical varieties of plants and herbs, and she doctored her own family very successfully. 13 children were b. to Mathias and wife, 4 of whom are living namely: Evelyne wife of Rev. T.E. BALLARD; Ellie wife of E.E. BALLARD; Minnie marr. J.R. ETTER; and Marion E of this review. Marion E. Clodfelter grew to manhood in this native County and here received a common school education, later entering Waveland Academy, from which he was graduated with the class of 1872, with the degree of B.C. He began life for himself as a teacher, in which field of endeavor his rise was rapid and he had the honor of serving Montgomery Co. as its first superintendent of schools, and he deserves much credit for the successful manner in which he disposed of the huge task of organizing the schools of this County. He has always been in sympathy with the local educational work and has done much in furthering the same. Finally tiring of the school room and deciding that his true bent was toward legal circles he took up the study of law with KOONS & EVANS of Crawfordsville, studying part of the five years that he was engaged in teaching. He began the practice of his profession at the town of New Ross in 1878, remaining 2 years and, then seeking a larger field for the exercise of his talents, removed to Crawfordsville in 1880, and he has been continuously and successfully engaged in the practice here ever since, or for a period of 32 years during which time he has figured prominently in the important cases in the local courts and has attained a position in the front rank of attorneys of Western Indiana. He is ever a profound student, and has kept fully abreast of the times in all that pertains to his vocation. He is a careful, painstaking and energetic advocate and as a speaker has great weight with a jury, being a logical, forceful and not infrequently truly eloquent speaker. He is always busy and has built up a large and lucrative practice. Politcally, Mr. Clodfelter is a Progressive and is much enthused in the work of the new party. He belongs to the Masonic Order and to the Patriotic Order of the Sons of America (POSA). Mr. Clodfelter was marr. in 1873 to Lucinda Clodfelter MYERS a lady of refinement and education and a daughter of William Myers a worthy early settler in Fountain County. To this union two children hve been born, namely: Stella I. who is the present court reporter of the local courts; and Cora Donna, wife of Ward WILLIAMS. Mrs. Clodfelter was b. in Fountain Co Oct 4, 1854. Mr. Clodfelter enjoys the distinction of being the first person to hold a life certificate to teach school in Montgomery Co.
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