CLARK-Samuel - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Samuel CLARK

Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p. 695

Treasurer of Fountain County, Indiana is one who has been long and worthily identified with Fountain County and indeed no history of this immediate vicinity would be complete which failed to make proper mention of Mr. Clark, who was originally from Warren County, Indiana his birth having occurred near the old town of Independence, Dec 6, 1831. His parents were Honorable Samuel D. and Elizabeth Beard Clark, both of whom were born in the Buckeye State the former removing from Miami County of that State to Warren county, Indiana in 1825 his death occurring in 1860 at the age of 62. The paternal grandfather was one of the organizers of Warren County and was its first Judge. He was a member of the Legislature when the state adopted public improvement systesms such as canals. Samuel Clark resided at home and assisted his father in the duties of the farm until he attained manhood, when he followed the same occupation on his own account until 1862 after which he was elected by his numerous Democratic friends to the position of Sheriff of Warren and he soon after took up his residence in Williamsport, where he made his home for two years. In that county the Republican majority was usually 900 and Mr. Clark's popularity was shown by his election tot he office. In 1865 he moved to Attica, Fountain County and engaged in the grocery business which he continued with success for a period of 20 years winning a wide circle of friends by his upright and honorable business methods and by his geniality kindness of heart, courtesy and desire to accommodate and please his patrons. In 1885 our subject turned his attention to the manufacture of hard wood lumber and very successfully conducted a saw, planing and finishing mill at the same time devoting considerable attention to the grain business which he found a profitable source of revenue. His industry, perseverance and intelligence have been intelligently applied and have achieved a result which could only have been gained by having one object in view and improving every opportunity to ultimately attain that object. The mill and lumber business he still conducts and he is also an extensive dealer in railroad and bridge timbers. He is a wide awake man of affairs and has alays manifested a considerable interest in politics but never to the detriment of his business. He has been a Councilman of Attica for six years and in 1890 was elected ont he Democratic ticket to the position of County Treasurer over Tom Harvey, a leading wagon manufacturer of Attica with a majority of 162 after athorough canvass. He has also served as a member of the county Central Committee for about 15 years has been a delegate to district and state conventions and always active in party organizations and in its interests has wielded much influence. Upon entering upon the duties of his present office he gave bond for $200,000. On the 18th of February 1855, Mr. Clark was married in Warren County to Miss Rosetta Hall also a native of that county born Jan 8, 1832 and died 21 Nov 1890. Her father, RObert Hall had been a resident of PA where he resided until 1845 when he became a resident of Warren County, Indiana. To Mr. and Mrs. Clark two children were born. Orrie, Deputy County Treasurer was born 26 November 1856 was educated in the State University although not a graduate and for somet time was engaged in the grocery and grain business. From 1878 to 1884 he was on the Texas and Colorado plains in the cattle business his rach being in the NW part of the Lone Star State. He conducted this busines son an extensive scale and his operations met with good results. Lillie is at home and is her father's housekeeper. Mr. Clark erected a substantial residence in Covington and he is in the enjoyment of a competency which is the result of his own earnest endeavors and right living. He has been a member of Williamsport AF&AM since 1861 and his son Orrie is a member of the Knights of Pythias. The latter was married April 21, 1881 to Miss Laura McMasters, a native of Lockport NY.
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