CARTER-C.W. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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C. W. Carter

Bowen, A. W. History of Montgomery County, Indiana. Indianapolis, IN: 1913, p. 1265

One of the best known and most representative agriculturists and business men of the northwestern part of Montgomery County is C. W. Carter of Wingate, Coal Creek Township, a man who has worked hard and managed well and at the same time has so ordered his ways that he has avoided offense to those with whom he has had dealings or come into contact with in any way, being a man of proper conceptions regarding right and wrong and one who believes in following the precepts of the Golden Rule in the every day affairs as near as possible, consequently he has ever enjoyed the confidence of his neighbors and acquaintances. For many years he was an extensive dealer in hardware at Wingate, but he has recently abandoned that and turned his attention exclusively to his large and valuable farm just on the edge of Fountain County on the west and he has proved that he has the capacity for most any kind of business that he cares to direct his attention to. Mr. Carter was born on August 17, 1869 in Davis Township, Fountain County, Indiana. He is a son of J. F. and Rachel (Washburn) Carter. The father was born Nov 18, 1843 in Fountain County and there he grew to manhood, was educated and devoted his active life successfully to farming and stock raising, being still in that vocation. His wife is also still living. They are the parents of three children, all living. C. W. Carter received his education in the common schools of Fountain County and when a boy worked on the home farm. On May 23, 1893 he was united in marriage to Hattie A. Wilson. She is a sister of J.D. Wilson, whose sketch, containing a history of their parents will be found on another page of this work. Mrs. Carter received a common school education. Four children have been born to our subject and wife: Lloyd is deceased: Avenalle is at home; Leslie and Ruth are the two younger children. Mr. Carter began life for himself as a farmer which he continued with success until 1904 when he came to the town of Wingate and opened a hardware store, and soon built up a very satisfactory and extensive business with the surrounding country, but about a year ago he found it to his advantage to return to the farm, and he is now devoting his attention to general farming and stock raising on a large scale. He has a finely improved and well cultivated farm of 240 acres just across the line in Fountain county also land in Fulton County. He has a good grade of live stock and no small part of his annual income is derived from this source. There is a substantial and convenient set of buildings on his land, and he resides in his beautiful, modern bungalow, of 9 rooms and neatly furnished which is one of the most desirable homes in this part of the county. Politically, Mr. Carter is a Democrat, but he has never been especially active in public affairs, however assists in any way he can in furthering local improvements. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and fraternally is a member of the Knights of Pythias at Wingate.
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