CARNAHAN-William - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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1881 By H.W. Beckwith page 366

Fountain County, Indiana Shawnee Township

William Carnahan, born of Scotch-Irish ancestry June 25 1785, in Cumberland county Pennsylvania emigrated to Indiana June 25 1835, and settled in Shawnee township. He united with the Coal Creek Presbyterian church in August of the same year at a camp- meeting. At a subsequent period he assisted in the organization of the Rob Roy Presbyterian church, of which he was elected one of the ruling elders. This office he held until the day of his death, which occurred January 25 1869. in the eighty-fourth year of his age. He was one of the many Christian pioneers who, moving west with the first-emigration to the new parts of our country, carry the love of Christ with them and plant the gospel in the wilderness. He was in every way a most excellent man. With a clear mind, well stored with intelligence, and well versed in the doctrines of the gospel,, with a heart fully in sympathy with Christ and His cause, he was at all times a safe and valuable adviser to his younger brethren. At the same time he was a peculiarly humble Christian. Living to a ripe old age he retained his mental vigor to the last. He died in full consciousness and as might have been expected from such a life in perfect peace; gathered home "Like as a shock of corn cometh in his season". In October 1818 he married Mary Huston who died in September 1823. In May 1825, he married Margaret Cooper. Who yet survives him. Mr. Margaret C. Carnahan, relict of William Carnahan, born July 4 1796, of English and Scotch-Irish ancestry in Newville Cumberland county Pennsylvania, is now in her eighty-fifth year. In early life she united with the Presbyterian church of which she is now a member as were also her ancestors away back in the seventeenth century. She is in possession of a church letter given her Great Grandfather and his wife, dated in the Kingdom of Ireland, and parish of Antrim, June 9 1737, just before they emigrated to America, of which the following is a copy. "That John Cooper & wife & family and his son William Cooper and his wife Sarah Cooper all of ye Kingdom of Ireland county and parish of Antrim & hath lived within ye bounds of sd parish, all of them from their infancy until ye date hereof & all of them while here with us behaved themselves soberly and honestly free of any publick scandal or Church Censure known to us & therefore may be received into Christian Communian in any Christian Society where God in his providence may be pleased to cast their lots. Certified at Antrim this ninth day of June Anno Domni 1737. Seven".

By William Holmes
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