BURNSIDE-John - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties, Indiana. Chicago: Chapman Brothers, 1893, p. 645

John BURNSIDE. Prominent among the many eminent and enterprising agriculturists of Fountain County, Indiana worthy of mention in these pages, is Mr. Burnside, who has been identified with the farming interests of this community for many years. Nowhere in the county can there be found a man who takes greater interest in farming and stock raising than Mr. Burnside, or who strives continually to promote and advance these interests to a higher plane. he is one of the old and much esteemed citizens of the county, and is the owner of a fine farm on Sec 13, and his postoffice address is Coal Creek. Mr. Burnside first saw the light of day in VA born in 1819, being the son of William and Marion Anderson Burnside, both native Virginians and of Scotch-Irish origin. Their children were 9 in number, four sons and five daughters, Abigail, born in 1821 die din infancy; Anthony, born in 1823, died when a young man; Isaac, born in Fountain Co Ind in 1825, resides in Knox County, ill and is engaged in farming; Elizabeth, born in 1827, married John Hadley, a farmer and now resides in Kansas and they have 5 children; William born in FOuntain County in 1829, married Miss Renick and is engaged in farming; Mary born in 1831, married Samuel Coffman and they now reside in Chicago he being engaged in the cattle business at the stock yards; George, born in Fountain County is married and has two children and he resides in Knox County, Ill and Julia is deceased. The early life of our subject was passed in his native state, but in 1834 he came to this county with his parents, who bought 240 acres of land. This farm was covered with timber but the older mr. Burnside with the help of his sons, began at once to clear and develop this tract of land, erected a comfortable log cabin and in this resided for many years. He was one of the pioneers and a man universally respeted. Young Burnside was educated up to 15 years of age in the Old Dominion but after coming with his parents to this state his educational advantages were not of the best, much of his time being spent in assisting his father to clear the farm in the year 1852 he was united in marriage to Nancy Lewis, a native of Fountain County Ind born in the year 1821 and the daughter of C. Lewis. After his marriage the original of this notice resided in Parke County, Indiana for some time, but subsequently moved on the old homestead. He now resides on a tract of land that he purchased from his father, and altogether has 1300 acres of some of the best land in the section. He has his farm well improved and in an excellent state of cultivation. Everything about the place proves the owner to be a man of advanced ideas and excellent judgment and one who is authority on all agricultural matters. He has a comfortalbe house, good, substantial outbuildings and is surrounded by all the conveniences of life. He enjoys the distinction of being not only one of the pioneers of Fountain County but one of its highly esteemed and honored citizens. He is known throughout the section as a man of kind disposition and an intelligent and worthy gentleman. Mr. and Mrs. Burnside had born of their union six children who are named as follows; Charles, a native of Fountain County born in Feburary 1854 died when 18 years of age; Hattie, born in 1857, died when 15; Rose, born in 1859 died in infancy; Amy M, born Feb 15, 1861 married Will Phelps; Albert, a farmer of Fountain County born in 1851, married Ella Morrison, daughter of Capt. Morrison and they have 3 children: Ora Bell, born in 1871, and who resides in Fountain County married E. Randolph and has one child. All these children were educated at Greencastle. Albert and Amy graduated from the Greencastle School. Mr. and Mrs. Burnside have been members of the Methodist Church for 30 years, and are deeply intersted in all good work. They are active workers in the Sunday school and liberal supporters of their church. In politics Mr. Burnside is a strong Republican.
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