BURBRIDGE-Samuel H. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H.W. Fountain County Indiana History (Shawnee Township). Chicago: HH Hill, 1881, p. 377

SAMUEL H. BURBRIDGE, miller, Attica, second son of Morgan Burbridge, was born in Lafayette Indiana, March 25 1851. He received a common school education, and reared a miller. He came to this township in 1865, his parents preceding him one year. He was too young for military service in late war, but his persistent ardor was three times displayed in attempts to reach a recruiting office and disappointed in each case by his being taken from the cars and returned to his parents by acquaintances. When sixteen he left home on a trip to Missouri, and returning stopped awhile in Illinois. Again he went to Ray county Missouri traveling by team, and from there successively to Baxter Springs Kansas, Springfield and Jefferson City, Missouri and thence to Texas, employed to buy and drive cattle for a man at Springfield. He was in this business six months, and then returned home. In 1873 he visited Springfield again. February 4 1880, while attending to his duties in the mill, he was accidentally caught in the machinery and severely injured in the left arm by having the flesh torn from the bone, rendering this limb permanently useless. In politics he is a republican. His father was born in Pickaway county Ohio, December 6 1817. In the autumn of 1822 his parents moved to Fountain County, and settled two and one half miles west of Crawfordsville. In the fall of 1823 his father bought his land at the office in Terre Haute. Up to the time he was fifteen, Mr. Burbridge worked on a farm, then he began to learn the trade of a millwright. When a boy he worked on the Michigan City mills. In connection with his business he has visited and traveled in the states of Ohio, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, New York, and Pennsylvania. He was married December 25 1847, to Rachel A. Jones, who was born near Newcastle Indiana, August 1 1827. Their four children are; Charles L., Samuel H., Eliza J. wife of George M. Foster, and John William. After their marriage they lived two years at Crawfordsville, and in the fall of 1849 removed to Lafayette, where he owned a foundry and machine shop four years. In 1864 he settled in Shawnee township and bought the flouring mill where he lives on the Shawnee. He is still operating it. Before this removal he was absent from home much of his time millwrighting, but since that has given little attention to his trade.

Source: Huntington Indiana Herald 13 June 1883 p 4

Samuel Burbridge of Attica and his cousin Miss Lida Haines of South Bend have about 120,000 silk worms at work from which they expect to get $250 or $300 this season. They are enthusiasts in silk culture.

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