BUCK-Samuel - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Samuel BUCK

The Biographical record of Bureau, Marshall and Putnam Counties, Illinois Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1896 p 59

Samuel BUCK, who resides upon section 19, Richland Twp while not classed especially among the pioneers, has yet spent in Marshal County nearly 40 years of active business life, and is well and favorable known, not alone in his own county but in the adjoining counties, as well. He is a native of Montgomery County, Indiana born Sept 25, 1831, and is a son of Andrew and Hannah Butt Buck, the former a native of PA born May 14, 1797 and the latter of Maryland. They settled in Montgomery County, Indiana near Crawfordsville at a very early day and there spent the remainder of their lives, the mother dying April 3, 1843 when Samuel was in his youth, the father Aug 10, 1869. They were the parents of 10 children, 6 sons and 4 daughters all of whom grew to maturity, but 3 daughters and our subject are the only ones now living. One son, Daniel was a soldier in the Mexican War and another, Jacob was a soldier in the Civil War, died in service. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood on his father's farm in Indiana and was educated in the district schools. He there learned the making of brick, and became an expert in that industry. It was for the purpose of engaging in this industry that he came to Marshall County, Illinois, in the Spring of 1857. Purchasing a small tract of land on Sec 19, Richland Twp, which was then covered with timber and brush, he at once set about the improvement of the place, clearing and developing a farm. He also commenced the manufacture of brick, in which business he continued in connection with farming until 1882, a period of 25 years. At that time he made many thousands of superior brick and sold his products for miles around. For some years he also operated a steam saw mill and in carrying on the 3 lines of business it may well be conceived he was a busy man. Two years after coming to this locality Mr. Buck united in marriage with Sarah J. Malone, a daughter of Joseph Malone, now deceased who located here in 1843, coming from Fountain County, Indiana where Mrs. Buck was born. On coming to this county she was but a very small child and here she grew to lovely womanhood and in 1859 married our subject. Three children were born to this union - Andrew, Ella and William. The daughter is now the wife of Lincoln Kunkle and resides in Richland Twp. The mother died April 30, 1888 after a haply married life of 29 years. She was an earnest Christian woman, a member of the Christian Church many years and died in the hope of the resurrection and the blessed reunion beyond the grave. On coming to this county, Mr. Buck was in limited circumstances, but he came with an object in view, and with a steadfast determination to succeed in life. From a small beginning and to his original purchase of 160 acres of land, he added from time to time until today he is the owner of 775 acres of fine land all of which is highly improved. Almost all the improvements made have been by his own hands or under his supervision. Success has crowned his efforts and he is able to enjoy the fruits of a life well spent in honest toil and the honest accumulation of years. Samuel Buck has, from the beginning of his life in Marshall County, enjoyed the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens. A man of fine qualities and of excellent judgment, he has frequently been called upon to administer upon estates and it can be safely assumed he never betrayed a trust and every duty was faithfully discharged. Fraternally, Mr. Buck for some years a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows but at present does not affiliate with the order, although its principles he holds in the highest respect. Politically, he is a Democrat, with which party he has always been associated, believing strongly in the principles of the party, as advocated by its great leaders, Jefferson, Jackson, Douglas and others. Of late years, however, he has taken but little interest in political affairs, leaving such matters to younger men. During his residence here he has often been called upon to fill local office, having served as supervisor of the township and for many years as school director, having taken great interest in educational matters. Purely a self-made man, his life is worthy of emulation by the youth of the land.
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