BROWN-R. D. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: HH Hill, 1881, p. 126

R. D. BROWN, farmer, Covington, was born in Augusta Co VA June 13, 1820 son of John and Martha M. Talbert Brown, both of whom were also natives of Augusta Co VA. His father was born in 1777 his mother 1797. They were married in 1819 and in the spring of 1830 came west and settled on what is now known as the old Bodine farm in Troy Twp. They erected a cabin and resided there until 1832 and then removed to the farm now occupied by Mr. Brown. The father died March 23, 1837, mother Sept 29, 1850. Mr. Brown's opportunities of attaining an education during his early boyhood were limited to the old subscription system. His life has been devoted to agricultural pursuits, in which he has shown both energy and enterprise and now owns a finely improved farm of 240 acres. He is a member of the Order of AF & AM. Jan 22, 1851 he married Miss Drusilla, daughte rof Joh and Tamar Masterson Ward, who were natives of KY and came to Fountain Co about 1838 where Mrs. Brown was born Feb 20, 1831. They have a family of 3 children living: Charles F, William B and Edward R; two deceased, John M and Emma J.
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