BIRDCELL, John M. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: Waynetown Hornet Saturday, March 17, 1888

Waynetown, March 10, 1888
Editor Hornet:-Please permit me space in your paper to answer a report that is in circulation at Hillsboro and vicinity in regard to the funeral of Mrs. John Fossett, of Hillsboro. I have it by good authority that some person or persons made the statement that I, John M. Birdcell, went to the funeral of Mrs. Mary Gray and raised a racket with B. T. Merrell in regard to the funeral of the person above mentioned, which is a positive falsehood. I went to the funeral of Mrs. Gray and asked Mr. Merrell in a kind and gentlemanly manner to stop at my office as he returned from the cemetery, which he said he would, and that was all the words that was passed between us at the funeral, but he never stopped as he said he would. After that I got another telegram from Crawfordsville, then I went to his house to see him and then we had some words to ourselves and no one was near. I can give the whole proceedings of the affair if required and then the people can see for themselves, as this is not the first time I have been used in this manner. I am satisfied it is done to hurt my business. If any person can give me the name of the person or persons who made the statement at Hillsboro, they will confer a great favor on me by doing so. I will answer any reasonable questions asked me through the paper in regard to the affair. I have lived in this county over 20 years and I defy any man to say that I ever laid a straw in any man’s path since I have lived in the state. I can show as good as character and record as the best of people, therefore I feel much hurt the way I am talking about. You will hear from me again if required.
                                              Yours Respectfully,
                                              John M. Birdcell,

ote: He passed awayu 21 Oct 1901 aged 63 and is buried at Waynetown Cemetery in Waynetown Indiana - wife Amanda Hatt 1837-1901 as well - two children listed Sarah E Musser 1858-1880 and John J. 1860-1916

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