BILSLAND-John - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Source: Portrait & Biographical Record of Montgomery, Parke & Fountain Counties (Chapman Brothers, 1893) p 682

John BILSLAND. No name is justly entitled to a more enviable place in the history of Founatin County than the one that opens this sketch, for it is borne by a man who has been usefully and honorable identified with the interests of this locality and with its advancement in every worthy particular. He is a native of this county born 16 September 1848 in a log cabin and is the only son of Bnejmain and Nancy Jane (Murry) Bilsland, the father a native of the Buckeye State. The elder Mr. Bilsland came to Fountain County when a small boy and his scholastic advantages consisted of but two and a half days training in the schools of this county. His father, John Bilsland, received 160 acres from the government and it was all well improved when he died. He was the father of 10 children: Nancy, a native of Fountain co who married Dave Clover and is now deceased; Elsie born in this county unmarried; Mary who was born in this county and died in 1889; John who was born in Fountain County is married and resides in Iowa; Lucinda a native of this county who married a Mr. Myers is now deceased; William also of this county has remained single all his life; Alexander, a native of Fountain County,deceased; and Lorelia who was born in Fountain was married to Nebeker Gray and is a resident of Covington. The original of this notice was the eldest of the children born to his parents. Eunice, his sister was born in Fountain County 1850 and married James Ensly. They now reside in this county and are classed among the best citizens. Belle, another sister was born in Fountain 1852 and died in 1854. Th eyouthful days of our subject were spent in an old log schoolhouse but later he attended school at bloomington where he remained until 20. After finishing his education he worked for his father until 27 and then started out to fight life's battles for himself. He purchased 142 acres of land where he now resides and this has been his home ever since. He has it well improved, nicely cultivated and is engaged principally in raising corn and wheat. He is one of the most pushing, wide awake farmers of this section and is a citizen of whom any community might justly feel proud. Pleasant and genial, he has many warm friends. In the year 1875, Mr. Bilsland was united in marriage with Miss Belle Cooper, a native of this county and daughter of Nancy Cooper. Four children blessed this union: Mary born in Fountain in 1883 resides at home and attends the Normal School at Covington; Benjamin born in 1880 is attending school; Cooper born in 1885 also attends school and Lotta the baby born in 1890. Mr. Bilsland his wife and eldest daughter are members of the Methodist Church and they contribute liberally to its support. They are prominent in all good work and no worthy movement is allowed to drag for lack of exertion on their part. Our subject has been a member of Lodge No. 21, IOOF [Independent Order of Odd Fellows] at Covington 10 years and is a member of Lodge No. 36, Knights of Pythias at Covington. He is a staunch Democrat in his political views and is ever earnest for the success of his party. He has held a number of political positions and discharged the duties of the same in a very efficient and satisfactory manner. Industrious and sociable no man has warmer friends than he.
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