BEVER-Michael - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Michael BEVER

Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 244

Michael BEVER, farmer and stock raiser Newtown. About 1825 Henry and Elizabeth Evans Bever originally from VA came from Ohio to Fountain County and settled on Coal Creek in Cain Twp, where the subject of this sketch was born in 1830. His brother Alexander lives on the old homestead. When his parents arrived in the county there were but 3 or 4 families living in the neighborhood where they made their home. In getting here they were compelled to make their own roads by cutting their way through the forests. His mother died in Feb 1865 and his father Sept 1872. Mr. Bever was married Nov 11, 1852 to Elizabeth Thompson. They have had 8 children: Joanna born Dec 24, 1853 died Sept 2, 1855; James W born Nov 16, 1855; John M Nov 16, 1857; Henry W March 30, 1860; Alexander Jan 13, 1862; Nathaniel E, Feb 20, 1864; Wilbert N March 20, 1867; Chauncey March 21, 1871 and Artille Jan 13, 1875. In 1851 Mr. Bever went to California via Panama and remained there 10 months. He arrived without funds, but immediately went to work and during his stay saved 41,000. This was his start in life. Returning home he invested it in 160 acres of land in Cain Twp, and engaged in farming and trading in real estate till the spring of 1867. He then moved to Rossville, Vermilion County Illinois near which place he bought a farm from Alvan Gilbert but his health failing there in the spring of 1869 he came back with his family to his old home in Fountain Co. In March 1873 having sold his farm, he moved to his present home in Richladn Twp He owns about 850 acres of land, 450 being in the home place and the balance in Cain Twp Mr. Bever is a decided republican, and has been a Mason since 1866. He is a zealous temperance advocate and has recommended and encouraged total abstinence by example as well as precept during an active and well spent life. His wife has been a life-long member of the Methodist Episcopal Church and he has sat in the communion board with that numerous people since he was 17.
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