BEAR-S. S. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H.W. History of Fountain County, Indiana. Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 Page 492

S.S. Bear, dealer in cabinet and household furniture, coffins, picture frames, upholstery, etc., Hillsboro, came to this county from Kansas in 1875; was engaged in mechanical occupations till the latter part of 1879; then took the stock of Mr. Thomas, who is now in the hardware business. Mr. Bear's present stock of furniture is modern in style and finish and would not discredit metropolitan surroundings. The principal portion comes from Indianapolis. His sales have increased since he commenced business, and now warrant a large increase in quantity and variety of stock. Mr. Bear demonstrated his faith in the town's future by building a dwelling house therein, and has given other evidence of a wish to aid its development. This interest the citizens have reciprocated by making him township assessor, to which office he was elected in the spring of 1880. In communities where one citizen is known by almost every other, an election to a responsible position implies a personal recognition of merit and ability, which once tried and proved is not willingly let go, save to occupy higher trusts, and this is what is like to happen in the case of Mr. Bear.
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