BAILEY, Washington - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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BAILEY, Washington

Source: Bloomington, Illinois Pantagraph Mon 19 March 1917 p 8

Washington Bailey was one of 9 children born to Eben and Rhoda Odell Bailey on a farm in Adams County, Ohio on October 24, 1831.  He received his early schooling from a “subscription school.”  Later he went to the district school in the country.  In 1849 he moved with his parents to Fountain County, Indiana where his parents spent the rest of their lives.  In 1853 Mr. Bailey with one of his brothers crost the plains to California.  They went there with the intention of prospecting for gold and followed that occupation for about a year. However that did not prove a paying investment. The next year they hired out to work on a farm and for which they received $50 a month.  While they were in California their father took the money they sent him and invested it in 160 acres of land where the city of Bellflower now is located. After three years of hard life in the west, Mr. Bailey and his brother came to their farm here in Illinois and began farming for themselves. At that time one-half of the land they purchased was almost a swamp while the other half was good farming land.  It might be interesting to note that their father purchased the land for them at $5 per acre and when they sold, it was for $6 per acre while the same land now probably could not be bought for $300 per acre.

In 1857 Mr. Bailey purchased 85 acres of land just north of Cheney’s Grove and it was he began housekeeping.  Julia A was one of 9 children born to Nathan and Sarah Barnett Brittin on December 12, 1879 on a farm northeast of Leroy known as the old Britin (sic) farm and which is now occupied by William Baremer. She received her first schooling at what is known as the west Crumbaugh School and later went at what is still known as the Brittin school. In her early years she was a very active worker in the Sunday School held each Sunday afternoon at the school house. As she became older she came to Leroy ME Church which then stood in the vicinity of the DF VanDeventer residence. During the winter months many happy evening were spent attending “spelling and huskin” bees around the different homes.

On March 19, 1857, just 60 years ago today she was united in marriage to Washington Bailey. They immediately began housekeeping on Mr. Bailey’s farm north of Cheney’s Grove.  It was here that by the hardest struggle and by working almost night and day Mr. and Mrs. Bailey got their start for accumulating the unusual among of land which they were later able to possess. Mr. Bailey was then a cattle feeder and he says many days during the winter he would go out at 2 o’clock in the morning and feed his cattle, then start to Bloomington with a load of corn or wheat and sell it to buy grocers and start back the same day, returning home in time to again feed the cattle about midnight.  He says that he has hauled many a load of corn to Bloomington for which he only received 36 cents per bushel. On his trips to Bloomington he says there was at that time no bridge over the Kickapoo Creek on his road and he either had to go when the creek was frozen over or ford it. It was while living on this place three of their children came to help complete their home – Nancy, Matilda now Mrs. VanDeVenter of Leroy, Sarah R now Mrs. MD Brown of Maron and Lincoln of Leroy.

After a few years they sold that place and bought land in Wilson township in DeWitt county near Rucker Chapel. For the first few years on this place prices were lower than before but Mr. Bailey was feeding cattle so did not sell his corn. However at one time he purchased corn to feed them for 3 cents per bushel.  It was while living here the tile first came into use and Mr. Bailey saw at once the benefit to be derived form it. Previous to that time it was necessary to pick out the rolling land or high land for farming on account of the water but Mr. Bailey said as soon as he learned what could be accomplished by the use of tile he began buying the level and tilling it. It was while living here the other three children came to complete the family circle. They are Emma now Mrs. Charles Vance of Farmer City; Henry and Albert, both of Leroy, Albert being the present mayor of Leroy.  Mr. and Mrs. Bailey continued to resided on their farm in DeWitt County and by hard work and strict economy they were able to purchase land until at one time they were owners of 700 acres. Then the children became grown and started out for themselves and Mr. Bailey seemed as eager to work for the children then as he was before. As each child was married he gave them 80 acres of land and sold them 80 more, taking their notes and loaning them the money to pay him.  This practice they continued with each child until all were well started for themselves. They of course retained sufficient land for their own income during their remaining days. In 1890 Mr. and Mrs. Bailey purchased a home in Leroy and retired from the farm and have continued to live in the same place since then.  

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