Spinks etc. 1850 - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Spinks etc. 1850

Source: Covington People’s Friend 6 April 1850 p 3

Married - On the 28th day of March 1850 by James Townsley, Esq Mr. Alexander Johnson to Miss Melvina Spinks all of Fountain County.

On the same day by James Townsley Esq Mr. Isaac Kearns to Miss Elizabeth Brewer – all of Fountain County.

On the 28 ult by Rev. AM Wilkins, Mr. Josiah R. Davis to Miss Delila Hardesty all of Fountain.

On the 4th of April by JH McCormack, Esq Mr. Cincinnatus Bells of Covington and Miss Ann Atkins of this vicinity.

With these last two notices came wedding cakes.  To the parties --
May wedlock be sweet
May joy be complete
May life be replete
With love luck and inpati__
May they always beat
Their neighbors feet
Raising children and wheat,
And that sort of thing -
For the way they did treat
Printers with cake to eat
Is the song we sing – by Ging!

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