Mornout, David - Ardith Tetslaf
Source: Lafayette Journal and Courier
Tues 18 Aug 1964 p 21
Attending the wedding of Miss Ardith
Tetslaf of near South Bend and David L. Mournout of Attica in Sumption Prairie
Methodist Church were Mrs. Stella Mornout, Mrs. Ida Faye Scott, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Sterrett, daughter, Barbara and sons, Robert and James; Mrs. John Dotson
and daughter, Julia, Mrs. James Haley, Mrs. Mildred Anna, and the Robert
Hanthorne family of Attica; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Milburn of Burlington and Miss
Donna Ottinger of West Point. Mornout is the son of Mrs. Stella Mournout.
Robert Sterrett served in the wedding party. Following the wedding, Mr. and
Mrs. Mornout left on a two-week wedding trip in the East after which they will
return to reside in this area.