Content-Type: text/plain INELKHAR-D Digest Volume 98 : Issue 69 Today's Topics: #1 [INELKHAR-L] beeghly ["YVONNE E. SCHWARTZ" To: Message-ID: <> Subject: [INELKHAR-L] beeghly Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Disposition: inline Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Bill try the Berlin Area Historical Society po box 35 berlin pa 75530 814-267-5987 they have a couple of books left. $20.00. the last i knew about i ordered one and they sent me the wrong one decsendants of Michael beeghly and barro inken they sent me book I jacob Befhly and Mary Hendricks part b joseph buchley and susanna miller by w.g. beeghly i plan to try to get the other one this week Yvonne