INELKHAR-D Digest Volume 99 : Issue 39 Today's Topics: #1 [INELKHAR-L] Re: Mishawaka Enterpr [ckimes ] Administrivia: To unsubscribe from INELKHAR-D, send a message to that contains in the body of the message the command unsubscribe and no other text. No subject line is necessary, but if your software requires one, just use unsubscribe in the subject, too. ______________________________X-Message: #1 Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 06:07:03 -0500 From: ckimes To: Message-ID: <> Subject: [INELKHAR-L] Re: Mishawaka Enterprise index Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Toni wrote: > > How would you go about getting this index? Does someone do lookups? > It covers Elkhart Co. too? > The post on the indexes for the St. Joseph Co newspapers was sent to this list as many folks in Elkhart Co. had relatives living in St. Joe Co, too! The indexes may provide just one more source for finding connections or clues. As for how you GET the index? These volumes are BIG! I would imagine they cost quite a bit! For lookups: the Elkhart Public Library has a website. I believe there is information about writing to the reference librarians for simple lookups by snail mail. Given a single name, they might check these volumes for your 'kin'. Elkhart Public Library