Content-Type: text/plain INELKHAR-D Digest Volume 99 : Issue 18 Today's Topics: #1 [INELKHAR-L] Re: Lavina Bowman [] Administrivia: To unsubscribe from INELKHAR-D, send a message to that contains in the body of the message the command unsubscribe and no other text. No subject line is necessary, but if your software requires one, just use unsubscribe in the subject, too. ______________________________ ------------------------------ X-Message: #1 Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 13:53:58 EST From: To: Message-ID: <> Subject: [INELKHAR-L] Re: Lavina Bowman Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-transfer-encoding: 7bit Hi George, Rachel and Julie, Thanks for your replies. Here is a list of the BOWMANs I have in my data base. It starts with Levi BOWMAN, Lavina's father, but as you can see it is not as complete as my CHAPMAN database which descends to present day. BOWMAN researchers will probably not be interested in my CHAPMAN lineage but if there are any CHAPMAN researchers out there, I would be glad to share information along that line. Thanks again for your replies. George in Toledo Descendants of Mr. Levi Bowman - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 1-Levi Bowman (-) Lavina's father sp: Unknown (-) Lavina's mother 2-Minnie Bowman (-) Lavina's sister sp: Frank Newman (-) Lavina's brother-in-law 2-Sue Bowman (-) Lavina's sister sp: Unknown Hartzell (-) Lavina's brother-in-law sp: George Sheaf (-) Lavina's brother-in-law 2-Rauldi Bowman (-) Lavina's brother 2-Charles Bowman (-) Lavina's brother 2-Lavina Elvira Bowman (abt 1859-UNKNOWN) Here's my brick wall (:-) sp: Melville Sanford Chapman (Sep 16 1855-Nov 13 1937) 3-Harry (Henry) Sanford Chapman (Jul 12 1878-Jul 19 1933) 3-Edgar Roy Chapman (Mar 3 1880-Sep 5 1925) 3-Arthur Melvin Chapman (Apr 1 1882-Apr 4 1958) 3-George Erastus Chapman (Sep 8 1883-Mar 15 1945) 3-Ettie Louise Chapman (May 3 1885-Jun 16 1885) 3-Charles Hiller Chapman (Aug 31 1886-Apr 13 1955) 3-Frederick Leo Chapman (Dec 1 1889-Feb 4 1965) sp: Frank Hitch (UNKNOWN-UNKNOWN) -------------------------------- End of INELKHAR-D Digest V99 Issue #18 **************************************