From the papers of Mildred G. (Smee) Lambka, 3212 Pleasant Plain Ave., Elkhart, Indiana




Mrs. Ethel Strintz
Mr. A. Strintz

731 Cleveland
Elkhart, Ind.

Canaries, Parakeets, Boston Terrier Dogs

Mrs. & Mr. C.J. Claflin

218 1/2 Lafayette
South Bend, Ind.

No listing

Mrs. Gust Giede

221 S. Walnut St.
South Bend, Ind.

Rollers, Warblers, Black & Tan Toy Terriers

Mr. & Mrs. E.H. Eggers

3117 Thompson Ave.
Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Warblers, Whistlers, all colors, Parakeets

Mrs. Carl Witmer

263 Union St.
Hillsdale, Mich.

Warblers, and Seifert Rollers; Persian Cats

Mr. & Mrs. A.M. Frazier

307 E. Main
Peru, Ind.

Warblers, all colors

Mr. & Mrs. R. J. Rsthert

1326 Strophlet
Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Rollers & Warblers

Mr. & Mrs. Fred Lambka

3212 Pleasant Plain
Elkhart, Ind.

Hartz canaries, Parakeets, Bantams, Pidgeons.

Mrs. Goldy Colbert

312 E. Grove St.
Mishawaka, Ind.

Warblers, Canaries, Parakeets

Mr. & Mrs. R. Russell

1205 Huffman St., 
Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Parakeets, Boston Terriers

Mr. & Mrs. D. K. Shuder

208 N. Madison
Columbia City, Ind.

No listing

Mr. & Mrs. J. Schuchhardt

1827 Link St.  
Ft. Wayne, Indiana

Parakeets, all colors

Mr. & Mrs. Clyder Quier

901 1/2 W. 4th St. Mishawaka, Ind.

Hartz canaries

Mr. & Mrs. C.W. Rowley

3901 E. Jackson Blvd. Elkhart, Ind.

Warblers, all colors
Rollers, all colors, Finches.

Mrs. Herma Swartz

2102 Miami St.
South Bend, Ind.

Warblers, Pekenese Dogs.

Mrs. Bertha Priebe

602 E. Monroe St. South Bend, Ind.

Seifert Rollers

Eva Overmeyer

630 Studebaker St.
Mishawaka, Ind.

Warblers, Parakeets

Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Franke

543 E. Leith St.
Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Hartz Mt. Canaries, Bird Supplies, Parakeet, Pekenese, Stud service

Mr. & Mrs. Ray Duton

921 Pape Ave.
Ft. Wayne, Ind.

Hartz Mt. Canaries, all colors.  

Mrs. R. Barnes

201 1/2 W. Main St.
Springfield, Ohio

Hartz Mt. Canaries, White and color

Mrs. Grace Rowley

411 S. Lowry St.
Springfield, Ohio

Hartz Mt. Canaries, White and color

Mrs. H. Snider

1684 N. Limestone
Springfield, Ohio

Hartz Mt. Canaries, White and color

Mrs. Florence Jung

1751 Lagonda
Springfield, Ohio

Borders, Hartz Mt. Choppers, Cinnamons

Mrs. J.R. Fogle

407 S. Wittenberg
Springfield, Ohio

Choppers, Cinnamons, Golden Operas, Hartz Mt. All colors

Mrs. Ray Crouse

1632 Maiden Lane
Springfield, Ohio

Borders, Siskin, Hartz Mt. Golden Operas, Crossed Rollers and Warblers, Cockers

Mrs. E. L. Moon

1714 S. Center Blvd. Springfield, Ohio

Hartz Mt. And Yorkshires, all colors, Ribbon winners.

Mrs. Gladys Baker

Paradise Arcade
Springfield, Ohio

Pets of all kinds; Supplies of all kinds

Mrs. Homer Shaffer

Bourbon, Ind.

Parakeets, all colors, Fancy Persian kitten, Shorthorn Pedegree Cattle.

Mrs. S. C. Johnson

2701 E. State St.
Ft. Wayne, Ind.

No listing

Mrs. Frank Rodgers

1721 Douglas
South Bend, Ind.

Warblers, Choppers, Green & Blue Parakeets

Mrs. Ardeth Schwab

R. R. 1
Hillsdale, Mich.

No listing  

Mr. & Mrs. E. H. Kulow

21242 Margaret St.
Detroit, Mich.


Mrs. Dale Crummel

810 E. Wilson
Bryan, Ohio

No listing

Mrs. A. H. Horein

833 Third St.
Mishawaka, Ind.


Mr. & Mrs. H.C. Crosby

4032 Walker Ave.
Toledo, Ohio

Registered and Pedegreed Rollers

Mrs. Geo. Wilkerson

1404 W. Lusher Ave.
Elkhart, Ind.


Mrs. Edith Rife

650 S. Buffalo St.
Warsaw, Ind.

Canaries, all colors, Parakeets, all colors, Pomerinian Dogs, also Cocker Spaniels, Persian kittens, Guinea pigs, Goldfish, plants

Mrs. Bert Hall

Hillsdale, Mich.

No listing

Mrs. Goldie Mae Ecker

1045 Lincolnway East Mishawaka, Ind.


Mrs. A.R. Brubaker

Wakarusa, Ind.


Mrs. Joy Freed

Wakarusa, Ind.


Mrs. Andrew Koches

1623 Kemble Ave.
South Bend, Ind.

No listing

Mrs. Richard Miller

1013 Superior St.
Benton Harbor, Mich.

Yorkshires and Warblers, all colors  

Mrs. Jane Poulson

331 Harrison St.
Elkhart, Ind.

Warblers and Parakeets

Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Hildebrandt

5352 Maryland Ave.
Chicago, Ill.

American Singers

Mr. & Mrs. A. A. Braslin

1322 W. 79th St.
Chicago, Ill

American Singers

Mrs. Ben Cox

1201 Wilson St.
Rushville, Ind.

Pedigreed Rollers, Whistlers, all colors, Siskin Hybrids

Mrs. Rose Went

1542 Franklin St.
Elkhart, Ind.

Warblers, all colors, Pekenese Dogs

Mrs. Emma Reggou

316 W. Michigan
Augusta, Mich.

No listing

Mrs. Glen Lown

267 Union St.
Hillsdale, Mich.

Warblers, Cinnamon, and colors, Fawn Kittens.

Mrs. Viola Wright

Elkhart, Ind.

No listing

Mrs. M.T. Wright

N. 5th Street  
Goshen, Ind.


Mr. & Mrs. T.E. Issacs

1814 Douglas St.  
South Bend, Ind.

American singers, color and white, Border Fancies, color & white; Toy Boston Terrier puppies

Mrs. Violet Robinson

Chicago Ave.
Goshen, Ind.


The membership committee has made every effort to get all the names and addresses and listings of the members. But this list is not complete. Any member who finds his or her name or address wrong, or who finds the listing incorrect, will please notify any of the officers and the correction will be made in a leter list. Please report any change of address.

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Tom Stevens / Elkhart, IN

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