World War II Veterans

89th Cavalry Reconnasance Sqadron

Courtesy Wikipedia

3rd Squadron History

Shortly after D-DAY, the 3rd Squadron, 89th Cavalry Regiment received a mission in the town of St. Vith. Allied troops discovered German soldiers patrolling near the town. 3rd Squadron's job was to secure the perimeter of the town. While setting up a secure perimeter, German soldiers were spotted. 3rd Squadron and its allies developed a plan to counterattack the Germans. The Germans took out many tanks and had an advantageous high ground position against the dismounted patrol of 3rd Squadron. The Cavalry machine gunners laid down heavy suppressive fire to allow all the allied forces to bound backwards.

3rd Squadron was assigned to a town named Beaufort in December 1944. American forces were under attack so 3rd Squadron was sent as reinforcement. German forces had a heavy presence in Beaufort, patrolling nearly every road. The Squadron suffered many casualties due to an attack from patrolling German unit.

3rd Squadron returned to France after receiving heavy casualties. While in France they performed Military Police duties. Many activation's and deactivation's restricted the unit from deploying again until 2006 in Iraq. The most recent deployment was in 2015 in Afghanistan. They are still active to this day and serve in our country's modern day combat zones