Base Hospital No. 36, sponsored by the Detroit College of Medicine, was originally activated in World War I and stationed in Vittel, France. During the winter of 1942 the 36th was reactivated as a 1,000 bed General Hospital under Wayne University's sponsorship. In August of 1943 when the 36th left Camp Carson, Colorado for overseas duty, it had a staff of 50 medical officers, 120 nurses, and 500 enlisted men. Included in its ranks was a large number of Wayne University medical personnel. After first being shipped to Algeria, the 36th was ordered to Caserta, Italy in October of 1943. Established in the rear of the Fifth Army, the hospital had an average daily census of 1,800 patients. In June of 1944 a Texas hospital unit was added to the 36th to make it a 2,000 bed facility. The hospital followed the allied invasion forces north into France and was located successively at Aix-en-Province, Dijon, and Garches. The unit was deactivated at Baston in November of 1945. During its 3 1/2 years of service the 36th had treated over 45,000 sick and wounded and received two decorations.