Forty-fourth Indiana Infantry. — Cols., Hugh B. Reed, William C. Williams, Simeon C. Aldrich, James F. Curtis; Lieut. -Cols., Baldwin J. Crosswait, Sanford J. Stoughton, Simeon C. Aldrich, Joseph C. Hodges, James F. Curtis, Philip Grund; Majs., Sanford J. Stoughton, William B. Bingham, Charles F. Kinney, William M. Wiles, Joseph C. Hodges, James F. Curtis, James W. Burch. This regiment was organized at Fort Wayne, was mustered in Oct. 24, 1861, and left the state in December for Henderson, Ky. It was assigned to Cruft's brigade and ordered into camp at Calhoun, where it remained until Feb., 1862, when it was sent to Fort Henry, thence to Fort Donelson, participating in the siege and battle at the latter point. It was engaged both days at Shiloh, losing 33 killed and 177 wounded, was in the siege of Corinth, engaged in several skirmishes, and joined in the pursuit of the enemy as far as Booneville. It was with Buell's army in its movement through Alabama and Tennessee, and in pursuit of Bragg through Kentucky, being engaged at the battle of Perryville. It was in the battle of Stone's river, losing 8 killed, 52 wounded and 25 missing, and then encamped at Murfreesboro until spring, moving with Rosecrans to Chattanooga via McMinnville, Bridgeport, Shell Mound and Whiteside. It participated at Chickamauga, and fought again at Missionary ridge, losing in the two battles 3 killed, 59 wounded and 20 missing, after which it was assigned to provost duty at Chattanooga. It reenlisted in Jan., 1864, and visited home on furlough, resumed provost duty at Chattanooga, was mustered out Sept. 14, 1865, returning home with 30 officers and 670 men, of whom 360 were recruits transferred in July from the 68th and 72d Ind. The original strength was 933; gain by recruits, 1,050; reenlistments, 220; total, 2,203. Loss by death, 249; desertion, 65; unaccounted for, 102.