Godlove Cemetery
Godlove Cemetery is located on County Road 600 North east of County Road 525 East in Delaware Township. It is on the south side of the road at the curve. The cemetery was donated to Delaware Township by Mrs. Sellers and Joseph Godlove. It is listed on the 1887 Atlas.
Travel Indiana State Road 67 North to County Road 500 East, turn Right travel south to County Road 600 North, turn left traveling east about half a mile to the cemetery.
Godlove Cemetery History By Virginia Fyfe

Godlove Cemetery Sun Dial
Click on photos to view larger image.
Elaine Bennett
Jane Bennett
Vella Lawson Black
Vella & Walter Black
Dawn Dee Ann Breedlove
Doris DePoy Burke
Affa Calaway
Affa Calaway
Lina & John Crowell
Delph Children
Delph Children
Delph Children
Julia & Lewis Delph
Wayne DePoy
Winifred & Walter DePoy
Abraham Godlove
Abraham Godlove
Baby Godlove
Baby Godlove
Eliza Godlove
Eliza Godlove
Elizabeth Godlove
Elizabeth & John Godlove
Hannah Godlove
Hannah Godlove
Henry Godlove
Henry Godlove
John Godlove
Joseph Godlove
Joseph Godlove
Joseph Godlove
Mary Etta & John Godlove
Mary Etta Godlove
John Godlove
Misty Godlove
Sarah Godlove
Adelia & William Goings
Clara E. Goings
Gadda Bell Goings
Gadda Bell Goings
Infant Goings
Mary E. Goings
Mary E. Goings
Mary M. Goings
Minnie Leoti Goings
Minnie Leoti Goings
Nora L. Goings
Nora L. Goings
Wm. Murry Goings
Wm. Murry Goings
Martha A.M. Green
Martha A.M. Green
Green & Whicker Stones
Green & Whicker Foot stones
J.M. & Effie Markley
J.M. & Effie Markley
Minor Family
Minor Family
Brian Morris Minor
Morris C. Minor
Nadine DePoy Minor
Reed & Vernon Family
Grace Reed Vernon Jesse & Kathryn Reed
Sellers Family
Catherine Sellers
William J. Sellers
John Sellers
Sellers Foot stones
Jacob & Lydia Sellers
Lydia Sellers
Jacob Sellers
Arlie M. Short
Arlie M. Short
Emma Short
Emma Short
Marshall D. Short
Mary J. Short
Aaron R. Sloniker
Abraham G. Taylor
George W. Taylor
John H. Taylor
John H. Taylor
John H. Taylor
John H. & James R. Taylor
Michael Wm. Tighe
Michael Wm. Tighe
Unknown Stones
Indian Graves
Mathew J. W. Whicker
A list of burials for Godlove Cemetery has been added to the Cemetery Burial Index.
Godlove Cemetery Map
Photos Contributed By: Gina Richardson
Delaware County INGenWeb
©2006-2008 by Gina Richardson
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