List of Pensioners on the Roll, January 1, 1883, Giving the names of each pensioner, the cause for which pensioned, the post-office address, the rate of pension per month, and the date of original allowance, as called for by,
Senate Resolution of December 8, 1882. Volume IV. Washington: Government Printing Office 1883.
Pages photocopied here include the Indiana counties surrounding DeKalb County as well as several counties from lower Michigan.
Indiana: Adams, Allen, DeKalb, Elkhart, Kosciusko, LaGrange, Noble Steuben Whitley.
Michigan: Branch, Hillsdale, Lenawee.
Only DeKalb County, Indiana submitted. Transcribed by A. Goodwin.
No. of Certificate |
Name of pensioners |
Post-office Address |
Cause for which pensioned |
Monthly Rate |
Date of original allowance. |
195,566 |
Culbertson, Jas. K. |
Auburn |
Dis. Lungs |
$ 8.00 |
Sept., 1881 |
210,216 |
Cowan, Jno. A. |
do |
Chr. dia., dis. abdom. viscera |
8.00 |
June, 1882 |
201,200 |
Carpenter, Seymour |
do |
inj. back |
2.00 |
Jan., 1882 |
188,763 |
Brown, Thomas L. |
do |
dis. lung, chr. diarr |
8.00 |
May, 1881 |
197,354 |
Bachtel, Isaac |
do |
chr. diarr, rheum |
12.00 |
Nov., 1881 |
210,582 |
Ober, David S. |
do |
rheum., diarr |
6.00 |
June, 1882 |
170,343 |
McIntosh, Wm. H |
do |
chr. dys |
8.00 |
June, 1880 |
210,722 |
McDonald, Robert |
do |
wd. r. thigh |
4.00 |
Oct., 1882 |
195,261 |
Geeting, John |
do |
chr. rheu |
12.00 |
Sept., 1881 |
58,737 |
Hartman, Ezra D. |
do |
epth. bth eye |
13.33 1/3 |
Sept., 1860 |
210,578 |
Morr, Jno. A |
do |
chr diarr |
$ 4.00 |
June, 1882 |
12, 014 |
Pearce, Jas. E |
do |
w. l. leg |
12.00 |
------------- |
90,553 |
Wolf, Henry |
do |
g. s. w. inj. to lung |
18.00 |
------------- |
31,157 |
Wyland, Cryus |
do |
chr. diar., chr. rheum |
24.00 |
------------- |
124,241 |
Prosser, Adam |
do |
g. s. w. r. thigh |
6.00 |
------------- |
101,715 |
Rainser, Joseph |
do |
chr. dia., odema lower ext |
18.00 |
------------- |
158,844 |
Steward, David W |
do |
dis. lung |
12.00 |
------------- |
110,488 |
Palmer, Hiram |
do |
chr. diarr |
4.00 |
------------- |
151,681 |
Shull, Eli w |
do |
do |
6.00 |
------------- |
88,455 |
Squires, Nathan |
do |
w. l. thigh |
4.00 |
------------- |
199,215 |
Silver, Philip W |
do |
dis. lungs |
8.50 |
------------- |
111,345 |
Simons, Geo |
do |
dis. lungs. chr. dia |
18.00 |
------------- |
218,133 |
Swarts, David J |
do |
chr. diar. dis. abdom, vis |
12.75 |
Sept., 1882 |
86,188 |
Craig, Wm |
do |
loss leg, dis knee |
24.00 |
-------------- |
91,541 |
Doty, Jno. W |
do |
w. r. arm |
12.00 |
-------------- |
91,987 |
Dickinson, Ezra |
do |
dis. lungs |
18.00 |
-------------- |
11,083 |
Link, Jacob |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
-------------- |
14,925 |
Lawrence, Jno |
do |
w. chest |
4.00 |
-------------- |
15,009 |
George, Samuel |
do |
w. lower jaw |
18.00 |
-------------- |
17827 |
Miller, Henry C |
do |
amp. L. forearm. wd. lowr. jaw |
18.00 |
-------------- |
31,223 |
Olinger, Jno. S |
do |
lung. dis |
18.00 |
-------------- |
154,450 |
Elson, Wm |
do |
g. s. w. l. foot |
------- |
-------------- |
142,624 |
Hoover, Jos |
do |
g. s. w. l. thigh |
6.00 |
-------------- |
144,837 |
McClellan, Jno |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
-------------- |
134,147 |
Gordon, Geo. W |
do |
dis. Lungs, chr. diarr |
12.00 |
-------------- |
135,369 |
Hamilton, Geo w |
do |
inj. abdom. & dis. abdom. vis |
8.00 |
-------------- |
46,679 |
Likins, Wm |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
-------------- |
48,715 |
McKay, Joseph W |
do |
dis. lungs |
7.50 |
-------------- |
90,436 |
Hamilton, Jno A |
do |
w. b’th thighs |
10.00 |
-------------- |
124,308 |
Harter, Hugh |
do |
chr. diarr, dis. Liver |
24.00 |
-------------- |
125,542 |
Likins, Isaiah A |
do |
chr. diarrh |
18.00 |
-------------- |
90,966 |
Likins, Jeremiah D |
do |
wd. head |
4.00 |
-------------- |
18,969 |
Ditmans, Isaac |
do |
chr. diarr |
6.00 |
-------------- |
102,329 |
Elson, Richard |
do |
g. s. w. l. thigh |
12.00 |
-------------- |
102,568 |
Johnson, Wm |
do |
g. s. w. l. side |
10.00 |
-------------- |
109,981 |
Headley, DeWitt C |
do |
lumb’o, chr. diarr |
12.00 |
-------------- |
112,047 |
Otto, Jno |
do |
chr. rheu. b’th knees |
18.00 |
-------------- |
20,364 |
Hoodelmire, Leonard |
do |
chr. diarr |
10.00 |
-------------- |
103,668 |
Springer, John |
do |
g. s. w. l. hip |
2.00 |
June, 1870 |
155,260 |
Tomlinson, Thos |
do |
chron. Dia., dis. abdom. vis |
12.00 |
Sept., 1878 |
111,687 |
Bonghan, Wm. M |
do |
chr. dia., inj. r. knee |
20.00 |
-------------- |
212,957 |
Wilson, Jno |
do |
chr. dia |
4.00 |
June, 1882 |
168,333 |
Rose, Wm. A |
do |
wd. l hip, inj. to abdomen |
8.00 |
May, 1880 |
141,747 |
Porter, Geo. A |
do |
loss r. eye, aflect. l eye |
24.00 |
Oct., 1876 |
48,813 |
Powel, Levi B. |
do |
loss. fing., w. l. hand |
12.00 |
Aug., 1865 |
230,466 |
Willis, Moses B |
do |
chr. diarrh |
8.00 |
Feb., 1882 |
65,826 |
Depotly?, John |
do |
g. s. w. l. hand |
6.00 |
------------- |
113,362 |
Hyler, Levi B |
do |
w. chest |
18.00 |
------------- |
147,689 |
Richards, Alexander M |
do |
chr. diar |
6.00 |
Aug., 1877 |
78,833 |
Sparks, Geo W. |
do |
w. neck, l. aboul |
6.00 |
-------------- |
46,801 |
Simpson, Robert |
do |
g. s. w. r. thigh |
6.00 |
Aug., 1865 |
131,737 |
Casebeer, Enos L |
do |
diarr. & sunstroke |
18.00 |
-------------- |
111,831 |
Hall, Susannah |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
Apr. 1868 |
66,563 |
Dysert, Phebe |
do |
do |
8.00 |
-------------- |
104,808 |
Leasure, Ellen |
do |
mother |
8.00 |
Oct., 1867 |
19,485 |
Bailey, Permelia |
do |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Mar., 1870 |
3,033 |
Osburn, Aaron |
do |
surv. 1812 |
8.00 |
Aug., 1871 |
18,793 |
Kintzner, Isaac |
do |
do |
8.00 |
Sept., 1872 |
166,611 |
Tanner, Eliza D |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
Dec., 1874 |
111,407 |
Meese, Isaac |
Blair |
chr. dia |
8.00 |
-------------- |
111,608 |
White, Edwin D |
do |
do |
10.00 |
-------------- |
15,888 |
Milleman, Jas. M |
do |
g. s. w. r. arm |
12.00 |
-------------- |
150,166 |
Leighty, Jacob D |
do |
g. s. w. l. hip |
8.50 |
Dec., 1877 |
166,998 |
Maxwell, Henry |
do |
injury to abdomen |
8.00 |
Apr., 1880 |
216,130 |
Davis, Jno |
do |
chr. diarrh |
6.00 |
Aug., 1882 |
133,446 |
Lounsberry, Joshua M |
do |
do |
8.00 |
------------- |
182,963 |
Rickets, Asenath |
do |
widow |
12.00 |
Feb. 1879 |
23,275 |
Walker, Martha |
do |
do |
8.00 |
Apr., 1880 |
26,099 |
Shull, Elizabeth |
do |
do |
8.00 |
July, 1864 |
23,779 |
Boyle, John |
do |
surv. 1812 |
8.00 |
Aug., 1878 |
215,285 |
Click, Samuel |
Butler |
g. s. w. forearm |
4.00 |
July, 1882 |
149,341 |
Diehl, Daniel D |
do |
chr. diarrh |
12.00 |
Nov., 1877 |
207,414 |
Casebere, Geo |
do |
do |
6.00 |
Apr., 1882 |
200,044 |
Funk, Henry |
do |
do |
4.00 |
Aug. 1882 |
165,497 |
Houlton, Wm. L |
do |
chr. diarr., dis of abd. vis |
12.00 |
July, 1880 |
205,502 |
McNabb, Daniel F |
do |
chr. diarr |
6.00 |
May, 1882 |
219,710 |
Johns, Garrett T |
do |
pistol w. r. leg |
2.00 |
Oct., 1882 |
216,663 |
Madden, Jno A |
do |
wd. l. knee |
2.00 |
Aug., 1882 |
216,939 |
Miller, Gabriel |
Butler |
chr. diarrh |
4.00 |
Aug., 1882 |
47,436 |
Wickard, Henry |
do |
wd. r. hand |
18.00 |
------------- |
21,083 |
Vaughn, Geo. W |
do |
w. r. arm. side |
12.00 |
------------- |
128,855 |
Slentz, Henry |
do |
rheum, chr. diarr |
14.00 |
------------- |
107,152 |
Showalter, Jacob |
do |
chr. diarr |
4.00 |
------------- |
112,770 |
Slentz, Jacob |
do |
chr. rheum |
16.00 |
------------- |
133,909 |
Smith, Jno. H |
do |
chr. diarr., dis. of abd. vis |
14.00 |
------------- |
86,297 |
Swihart, Morgan |
do |
loss 2 fing. r. hand |
8.00 |
------------- |
206,533 |
Slentz, Abner |
do |
dis. eyes |
8.00 |
Apr., 1882 |
91,785 |
Cupp. Hiram H |
do |
g. s. w. l. shoul., ling, r. hip |
18.00 |
------------- |
95,543 |
Bontrager, Nicholas |
do |
vra. c’ns, ulcers |
18.00 |
------------- |
28,634 |
Cherry, Noble |
do |
inj to spine |
12.00 |
------------- |
88,739 |
Heffelfinger, Martin V |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
------------- |
89,645 |
Greenwalt, Daniel |
do |
w. r. leg |
15.00 |
------------- |
120,696 |
Oberlin, Sam’l |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
------------- |
127,302 |
Krontz, Wm |
do |
g. s. w. l. arm |
6.00 |
------------- |
104,056 |
Myers, Jas |
do |
chr. dia., dropsy |
18.00 |
------------- |
106,566 |
Kanavel, Jno H |
do |
chr. diarrh |
4.00 |
------------- |
107,757 |
Likens, Stephen |
do |
necros. l. tib |
12.00 |
------------- |
113,477 |
McNabb, Geo. H |
do |
injury to abdom |
10.00 |
------------- |
111,532 |
Gibson, Lawrence |
do |
chr. diarrh |
8.00 |
------------- |
171,415 |
Springer, Isaac |
do |
do |
8.00 |
July, 1880 |
110,953 |
Aldrich, Simeon |
do |
do |
12.00 |
------------- |
212,813 |
Van Wormer, Wm. A |
do |
g. s. w. l. shoul |
4.00 |
June, 1882 |
106,448 |
Crook, Wm |
do |
chr. diar, paraly |
18.00 |
------------- |
73,728 |
Pinchin, Abner F |
do |
w. l. shoul |
17.00 |
Nov., 1866 |
142,554 |
Proctor, Julius |
do |
inj. l. hip |
12.00 |
Nov., 1876 |
198,071 |
Kevett, James |
do |
chr. rheum., inj. to abdomen |
12.00 |
Nov., 1881 |
123,496 |
Carr, Thomas |
do |
rheum., part’l deafness |
8.00 |
------------- |
135,556 |
Chilcoat, Humphrey E |
do |
chr., diarr., dis. of abd. vis |
10.00 |
------------- |
123,866 |
Bailey, Reuben G |
do |
do |
12.00 |
------------- |
101,076 |
Akerman, Henry |
do |
w. l. hand |
6.00 |
------------- |
166,407 |
Fifield?, John J |
do |
pt. loss l. r. fing |
2.00 |
Apr., 1880 |
126,072 |
Anidt?, Ludwig |
do |
g. s. w. l. r. fing |
8.00 |
------------- |
158,944 |
Delvin, Elizabeth |
do |
widow |
12.00 |
July, 1872 |
12,5_9 |
Blaker, Harriet |
do |
do |
8.00 |
------------- |
174,961 |
Brown, Wm |
do |
minor of |
10.00 |
Aug. 1876 |
136,206 |
McFarling, Sarah |
do |
mother |
8.00 |
Nov., 1869 |
116,395 |
Oberlin, Eliza |
do |
do |
8.00 |
July, 1868 |
49,587 |
Tarbox, Mariam S |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
------------- |
12,051 |
Stoakes, Melinda M |
do |
do |
8.00 |
------------- |
32,033 |
Rogers, Catharine |
do |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Dec., 1881 |
68,915 |
Smith, Rebecca A |
Concord |
widow |
8.00 |
------------- |
193,591 |
Monroe, Wm |
do |
minor of |
10.00 |
Nov., 1881 |
65,388 |
Stonebreaker, Jas. |
Corunna |
wd. indx. fing. r. hand |
12.00 |
------------- |
121,889 |
Stonebreaker, Jno. M |
do |
w. r. leg |
6.00 |
------------- |
177,238 |
Wert, Wm |
do |
chr. diarr |
4.00 |
------------- |
176,673 |
Reinoehl, Henry H |
do |
dis. lungs |
6.00 |
Oct., 1880 |
158,610 |
Gushua, Philip |
do |
g. s. w. r. thigh |
4.00 |
Mar., 1879 |
129,482 |
McKee, John |
do |
ulcer r. leg |
4.00 |
Aug., 1874 |
75,615 |
Kroh, Sarah |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
June, 1866 |
126,705 |
Orr, Margaret |
do |
do |
8.00 |
Mar., 1869 |
86,003 |
Dellenbach, Elizabeth |
do |
mother |
8.00 |
Nov., 1866 |
93,109 |
Feagler, Wm. A |
do |
dis. of abdominal viscera |
16.00 |
------------- |
18,075 |
Housel, Jared F |
do |
w. both thighs |
6.00 |
------------- |
183,977 |
Fair, Wm. H |
do |
chr. diarr |
4.00 |
May, 1881 |
172,936 |
Larimore, Nancy |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
Apr., 1876 |
223,135 |
Goodrich, Wm |
do |
dis. lungs |
6.00 |
Dec., 1882 |
113,809 |
Husslman, Jno T |
do |
chr. rheum |
18.00 |
------------- |
91,432 |
Krahn, Juliana |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
Mar., 1867 |
146,974 |
Kow, Philip |
do |
minor of |
10.00 |
------------- |
207,314 |
Ashton, Fredk |
Garrett |
g. s. w. neck |
2.00 |
Apr., 1882 |
196,491 |
Osburn, Horace |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
Oct., 1881 |
175,629 |
Hughes, Jas |
do |
do |
4.00 |
Oct., 1880 |
175,973 |
Hathaway, Lucien |
do |
chr. diarr., dis lungs |
12.00 |
Oct. 1880 |
130,9_0 |
Schrieve, Wm. A |
do |
var. vus |
4.00 |
------------- |
177,269 |
Sargent, Wm. E |
do |
chr. diarr., dis. of abd. Vis |
18.00 |
------------- |
147,374 |
Sovine, Geo |
do |
chr. diarr., chr. rheum. |
10.00 |
------------- |
115,153 |
Sargent, Theodore C |
do |
dis. lungs |
8.00 |
Jan., 1872 |
114,539 |
Duck, Martin L |
do |
diarr., rheum, dis. lungs |
15.00 |
------------- |
221,301 |
Preston, Russell E |
do |
prt’l dfn’ss both ears |
2.00 |
Nov., 1872 |
30,827 |
Chambers, Geo. W |
do |
sh. w. l. ft |
4.00 |
July, 1864 |
195,299 |
Brown, Phila |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
Apr., 1882 |
89,296 |
Richardson, Maria A |
do |
do |
8.00 |
------------- |
162,401 |
Webb, Grace |
do |
mother |
8.00 |
June, 1873 |
57,943 |
Kenyon, Sarah M |
do |
do |
8.00 |
Oct., 1865 |
8, 576 |
Matthews, Elizabeth |
do |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Sept., 1878 |
152,400 |
Marsh, Elizabeth P |
do |
widow |
8.00 |
July, 1871 |
87,268 |
Mathews, Nathan H |
Mount Hope |
chr. diarr |
18.00 |
------------- |
64,508 |
Krise, Elizabeth |
do |
mother |
8.00 |
Feb., 1866 |
177,854 |
De Long, Geo |
Newville |
dis. lings, rheum |
16.00 |
------------- |
215,613 |
Fusselman, Nelson |
do |
dis. lungs |
2.00 |
Dec., 1882 |
198,467 |
Fuller, Nathan T |
do |
chr. diarr |
6.00 |
Nov., 1881 |
145,990 |
Inhope, Elijah |
do |
do |
12.00 |
Oct., 1878 |
160,917 |
Warford, Job |
do |
injury to abdomen |
8.00 |
------------- |
188,722 |
Stepleton, Anthony |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
May, 1881 |
196,435 |
Smith, Philander |
do |
wd. forearm, absc r. side |
17.00 |
Oct., 1881 |
160,246 |
Headley, Wilson S |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
------------- |
196,190 |
Wolcott, Wm. H |
do |
dis. eyes |
8.00 |
Sept., 1881 |
140,624 |
Baird, Lewis |
do |
injury to abdomen |
8.00 |
------------- |
132,783 |
Blood, Otis S |
do |
dis. lungs, chr. diarr |
18.00 |
------------- |
137,431 |
Blaker, Abraham H |
do |
chr. diarr |
4.00 |
------------- |
52,449 |
Rhodes, Sarah E |
do |
widow |
20.00 |
------------- |
165,066 |
De Long, Maria |
do |
do |
30.00 |
June, 1874 |
97,671 |
Yarnell, Cordelia J |
do |
do |
8.00 |
July, 1867 |
104,015 |
Ackley, Roxanna |
do |
do |
8.00 |
Dec., 1867 |
108,872 |
Thomas, Hannah S |
do |
mother |
8.00 |
Oct., 1877 |
95,453 |
Moore, Laura |
do |
Do |
8.00 |
Jan., 1867 |
134,762 |
Wartinbe, Nancy |
do |
Widow |
8.00 |
Sept., 1869 |
18,303 |
Caldwell, Martha M |
do |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Feb., 1879 |
36,932 |
Rager, Daniel |
Sedan |
w. l. leg |
10.00 |
------------- |
76,350 |
Guthrie, Simeon |
do |
Opth |
18.00 |
------------- |
118,020 |
Tryon, Christopher |
do |
inj. l. side |
8.00 |
------------- |
205,275 |
Schroeder, Chas |
do |
var. vuc. chr., diarr |
18.00 |
------------- |
192,855 |
Markel, Henry |
Spencerville |
Rheum |
4.00 |
July, 1881 |
184,885 |
Keysler, Alfred |
do |
chr. diarr., heart dis. |
10.00 |
Dec., 1881 |
117,832 |
Steward, Jno. M |
do |
inj. r. hip |
6.00 |
------------- |
139,857 |
Nichols, Joshua R |
do |
chr. rheum & diarr |
18.00 |
------------- |
153,619 |
Spetler, Joseph |
do |
chr. diarr |
12.00 |
June, 1878 |
203,676 |
Rumnell, Owen W |
do |
sun. str., brain dis |
12.00 |
Feb., 1882 |
107,086 |
Provines, Jno. A |
do |
scurvy, chr, diarr |
18.00 |
Dec., 1870 |
121,706 |
Buchanan, Florence |
do |
g. s. w. r. leg |
10.00 |
------------- |
930 |
Carnes, Rebecca |
do |
Widow |
8.00 |
------------- |
184,096 |
Fisher, Lewis |
do |
minor of |
12.00 |
May, 1879 |
28,663 |
Scott, Elizabeth |
do |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
Feb., 1880 |
197,719 |
Pewick, Joseph |
Summit |
pt. paraly |
4.00 |
Nov., 1881 |
108,023 |
Baxter. Chas K |
Waterloo |
Rheuma |
7.50 |
Feb., 1871 |
201,789 |
Anderson. Lebbeus |
do |
injury to abdomen |
4.00 |
Jan., 1882 |
221,616 |
Butler, Wm. O |
do |
inj. spine |
4.00 |
Dec., 1882 |
209,737 |
Brand, Jno C |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
May, 1882 |
206,354 |
Goodrich, David |
do |
Do |
6.00 |
Apr., 1882 |
192,748 |
McCosh, Silas |
do |
rheum, dis. heart |
12.00 |
July, 1881 |
116,673 |
Mathews, Aaron |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
------------- |
174,582 |
Lock, Robt |
do |
loss st. l. eye |
8.00 |
Oct., 1880 |
208,592 |
Lightner, Jno |
do |
chr. diarr |
6.00 |
May, 1882 |
96,463 |
Reed, Chas R |
do |
wd. l. side chest |
8.00 |
------------- |
92,553 |
Rea, Jas. O |
do |
w. r. arm |
4.00 |
------------- |
54,023 |
Stevens, Almon R |
do |
g. s. w. r. arm |
13.33 1/3 |
------------- |
161,800 |
Strow, Simon P |
do |
injury to abdomen |
4.00 |
------------- |
128,184 |
Vanhorn, Geo W |
do |
chr. diarr |
12.00 |
------------- |
82,616 |
Dickinson, Simon Z |
do |
thph. Pncu |
18.00 |
------------- |
160,416 |
Lower, Alonzo |
do |
chr. diarrh |
8.00 |
------------- |
166,975 |
Fisher, Wm. H |
do |
dis. lungs, catarrh |
24.00 |
------------- |
152,746 |
Forrest, Wm. R |
do |
dis. heart, chr. rheum |
24.00 |
------------- |
158,822 |
Johnson, Silas B |
do |
chr. diarr |
4.00 |
------------- |
77,200 |
Fisher, Peter |
do |
w. r. breast |
6.00 |
------------- |
78,911 |
Getz, Franklin |
do |
loss r. thumb |
8.00 |
------------- |
111,291 |
Thomas, Geo. L |
do |
chr. diarr |
14.00 |
------------- |
164,110 |
Triplet, Henry C |
do |
chr. diarr., dis. eyes |
12.00 |
------------- |
46,804 |
Harwood, Asaph |
do |
g. s. w. r. arm |
18.00 |
------------- |
94,906 |
Huffman, Silas |
do |
chr. diarr |
12.00 |
------------- |
96,974 |
Marcum, Jno |
do |
g. s. w. l. thigh |
8.00 |
------------- |
14,692 |
Beard, Wm. H H |
do |
w. r. leg |
2.00 |
------------- |
14,918 |
Baughman, Isaiah |
do |
Do |
12.00 |
------------- |
102,534 |
Lock, Simon J |
do |
inj. r. ankle, foot |
8.00 |
------------- |
104,880 |
Kinsey, Jno M |
do |
dis. abd. Vis., chr. diar |
18.00 |
------------- |
104,970 |
Kennedy, Samuel |
do |
chr. diarr |
6.00 |
------------- |
106,972 |
McBride, Robt W |
do |
chr. synovitis l. knee jt. |
18.00 |
------------- |
108,021 |
McFadden, Irvin J |
do |
inj. l. side |
18.00 |
------------- |
108,154 |
Kennedy, Benjamin F |
do |
dis. lungs, chr. diarr |
50.00 |
------------- |
109,985 |
Kennedy, Philip |
do |
chr. diarr |
24.00 |
------------- |
118,427 |
Mortorff, Noah |
do |
dis. lungs |
18.00 |
------------- |
113,169 |
Franks, Jno H |
do |
chr. diarr |
8.00 |
------------- |
111,347 |
Hammon, Daniel F |
do |
dis. r. ankle, chr. diarr |
10.00 |
------------- |
72,567 |
Delong, Ebenezer |
do |
w. bth. thighs |
4.00 |
------------- |
150,341 |
Crockett, Jno |
do |
shl. wd. l. hip |
10.00 |
------------- |
166,534 |
Waters, Albertus |
do |
inj. l. leg |
4.00 |
Apr., 1880 |
172,571 |
Summerslott, Emanuel |
do |
w. neck |
4.00 |
Aug., 1880 |
117,903 |
Chandler, Francis S |
do |
pul. Phth |
18.00 |
------------- |
115,641 |
Dewitt, Daniel |
do |
chr. diarr |
10.00 |
------------- |
108,345 |
Cutler, Elam B |
do |
chr. rheum |
8.00 |
------------- |
127,188 |
Gillespie, Rufus R |
do |
dis. eyes, blind |
72.00 |
------------- |
26,015 |
Seberts, Geo W |
do |
loss r. eye |
18.00 |
------------- |
129,088 |
Sangston, Geo |
do |
w. r. arm |
6.00 |
------------- |
25,215 |
Mann, Margaret |
do |
widow 1812 |
8.00 |
June, 1870 |
34,294 |
Booth, Martha |
do |
Mother |
8.00 |
Nov., 1864 |
105,499 |
Dougherty, Sarah A |
do |
Widow |
8.00 |
Dec., 1867 |
112,471 |
Martin, Mary A |
do |
Do |
8.00 |
------------- |
38,915 |
Reed, Harriet E |
do |
Do |
8.00 |
------------- |
156,550 |
Jennings, Alexander |
do |
minor of |
10.00 |
------------- |
176,257 |
Meek, Jno |
do |
Father |
8.00 |
------------- |
43,423 |
Fike, Nancy |
do |
Mother |
8.00 |
------------- |