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Auburn, the county seat of DeKalb County, is located in the central part of the same, and has a population of about 3,300. It is one of the prettiest little places in Northern Indiana, and while it is not under city government, yet every citizen is wide-awake in keeping abreast with cities much its superior in size. Its streets and alleys are kept clean the year ‘round, and as the drainage is good the roads are seldom muddy. An electric light system makes daylight out of darkness, and the many excellent wells (some artesian) furnish the entire place with an abundance of water both for domestic and factory use. Auburn is one of the leading manufacturing towns for its size in the State, becoming famous by the many high-grade vehicles that are being turned out yearly. One thing that helps to make this a manufacturing town is its excellent shipping facilities, being surrounded by railroads that are direct routes to all parts of the United States. Branches of the Lake Shore and Wabash railroads pass through the city, while the main lines of the Baltimore & Ohio and Lake Shore can be easily reached, as they both pass through the county. The schools are governed by a corps of excellent teachers and board of directors. The business blocks and residences are a credit to the place. In short, Auburn is a hustling little place where anyone can find labor and plenty of opportunities to invest their capital in a profitable manner. KNOOP & Miner, Publishers
Charles E. Emmanuel, |
Attorney-at-Law, |
Main Street, opposite courthouse |
Established 1877 |
W. L. Penfield, |
Attorney-at-Law, |
Office in courthouse Residence Main Street |
Established 1873 |
Hartman & Hartman, |
Attorneys-at-Law, |
Main Street. |
Established 1873 |
D. Y. Hussellman, |
Attorney-at-Law, |
Main Street. |
Baxter & Brown, John W. Baxter, Charles M. Brown, |
Attorney-at-Law, |
Corner of Seventh and Cedar Streets. |
Est. 1893 |
Price D. West, |
Attorney-at-Law, Special attention given to Collections and Loans |
Corner of Seventh and Main streets over Farmer’s Bank. |
Established 1890 |
F. L. Welsheimer, |
Attorney-at-Law, Abstracting and Loans |
West of Courthouse |
Established 1892 |
Roby, Shuman & Link, Franks S. Roby, John F. Shuman and Daniel M. Link |
Attorneys-at-Law |
Corner of Main and Seventh Streets |
Established 1894 |
James E. Pomeroy, |
Attorney-at-Law and attention given to collections, loans and fire insurance |
Office on Seventh Street in Yesbera Block |
Established 1894 |
McClellan, Garwood & McClellan, C. A. O. McClellan, D. A. Garwood and Charles McClellan |
Attorneys-at-Law. Notary and Stenographer in office. |
Location: DeKalb Bank Building, Waterloo. First National Bank Building, Auburn |
Established 1862 |
J. E. & J. H. Rose, |
Attorneys at Law |
Ninth Street South of Public Square |
Established 1863 |
Rickel & Sprott, |
Attorneys at Law Real Estate and Loan Brokers |
7th & Main |
Baker & Bauer E. Baker & C.L. Bauer |
Bakery Confectionery and Restaurant. Light groceries |
Main Street opposite courthouse. |
Established 1870 |
Thomas Bros., W. A. & R. L. |
Model Bakery & Grocery, wholesale and retail. Fancy Baked Goods a specialty. |
No. 65 Main Street |
Established 1895. |
The Home Restaurant, W. R. Hidy, Proprietor |
Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Foreign and Domestic, Fruits, Confectionery, Canned Goods, Choicest brands of Tobacco and Cigars |
18 West Seventh Street |
Established 1892. |
Cory Shugers, |
Lunch Room and Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery |
10 West Seventh Street |
Established 1889 |
Union Bakery, George Clark, Proprietor. |
Fresh baked Bread, Pies, Cakes, Etc. every day |
15 Seventh Street |
Established 1895 |
Anna Russell |
Restaurant, Boarding and Lodging |
Main Street |
Established 1894 |
Farmers’ Bank, Albert Robbins, President: J. C. Henry, Vice President, A. C. Robbins, Cashier |
Established 1883 |
First National Bank, C. A. O. McClellan, President, J. A. Garwood Vice President, Charles McClellan, Cashier |
Capital and Surplus $60,000 |
Corner of Main and Fourth Street |
Established 1874 |
George Grund, Barber |
Proprietor of the leading shop of Auburn |
8 West Seventh Street |
Established 1876 |
C. H. Pommert, Barber |
Proprietor of the first-class Tonsorial Parlors |
20 West Seventh Street |
Established 1877 |
Thomas Proctor, Barber |
The traveling public especially solicited |
South Main Street opposite Wabash depot |
Established 1893 |
McDowell Bros., W. H. & E. McDowell, |
A nice haircut and a smooth shave |
Eighth Street |
Established 1887 |
William Edgington, Barber |
South Main Street |
Established 1873 |
W. F. Miller, Barber |
Main Street |
Established 1887 |
J. N. Wilson & Son, J. N. and A. N. Wilson |
Dealers in Boots and Shoes (Ad on front cover "BUY YOUR SHOES Of WILSON, Shoe Man, Auburn, In" |
20 East Seventh Street |
Established 1889 |
Raut & Co., C. H. Raut and U. S. Raut |
Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Rubber Goods |
7 East Seventh Street |
Established 1889 |
William Crane, |
Shoe Store |
Corner Seventh and Main Streets |
Established 1893 |
S.B. Johnston, Dentist |
The oldest Dentist in town, All dental work of the best |
Corner Main and Fourth Streets. Residence the same |
Established 1885 |
H. Darling, D.D. S, |
Surgeon Dentist. Graduate of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery |
South Main Street, opposite Courthouse. Butler every Friday |
Established 1892 |
Schaab & Murphy, E S. Schaab and A. Murphy |
Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Etc. |
West Main Street opposite courthouse |
Established 1886 |
Bishop & Lackey, George A. Bishop and George W. Lackey |
Dry Goods, Carpets, Notions, Millinery Department. A fancy stock of the latest styles. Note: Ad states: Better Dress Goods, underwear, hosiery, furs and cloaks, Cheep prices on cottons, Blankets. We have the finest show rooms in DeKalb County, also dome of the most courteous salespeople." |
Main Street |
Established 1893 |
Mrs. M. Jones & Son, Mrs. M. Jones and C. H. G. Jones |
Dry Goods and Notions and Gent’s Furnishing Goods |
South Main Street |
Established 1880 |
Globe Clothing and Shoe Company, P. Finklestein and M. Guggenheim, |
Dealers in Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Gent’s Furnishing Goods. |
24 East Seventh Street |
Established 1895 |
Peter Young |
Merchant Taylor All work first-class and at prices to suit the times |
16 West Seventh Street |
Established 1880 |
J. H. Yesbera |
Dealer in Clothing, Hats, Caps, and Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Merchant Tailoring a specialty. Note Ad States: "We carry the most complete line of Clothing and Furnishings for men, youth and children in Northern Indiana. Our line of piece goods for Tailor Made Garments covers all the latest patterns in Imported and Domestic Worsteds and Cheviots. Auburn’s Popular Merchant Tailor, Clothiera and Furnisher." |
East Seventh Street North of courthouse |
Established 1876. |
Schaab Bros,. C. A. & W. H. Schaab |
Dry goods, Clothing, Carpets, Etc. |
South Main Street |
Established 1885 |
Robbins & McCord, E. L. Robbins and M. B. McCord, Druggists |
Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles and Stationery. The leading Soda Fountain in the city. |
No. 7 North Main Street |
Established 1887 |
John Fischler & Son, John Fischler and E. M. Fischler, Druggists |
26 South Main Street, opposite Swineford House |
Established 1894 |
F. E. Davenport, Druggist |
Main Street, |
Established 1870? |
J. W. Platter & Son, J. W. and J. E. Platter. |
Dealers in Farm and Garden Seeds and Feed for stock and poultry |
Ninth Street South of courthouse |
Established 1895 |
T. C. Ford, |
Feed Store |
Sixth Street |
Established 1890 |
Schaab Furniture Company, C. A. and W. H. Schaab and Wm. Crane. |
Furniture and Undertaking |
No. 8 Main Street |
Established 1891. |
C. C. Shaffer & Co,. C. C. Shaffer and F. T. Shaffer. |
Furniture and Undertaking |
Established 1861 |
Bates & Son., F. S. & A. W. Bates |
Novelty Store, Leaders in Hardware, Binding Twine, Gent’s Furnishing Goods and Hats and Caps. |
No. 67 South Main Street |
Established 1895 |
Rollins Bros., C. J. and W. E. Rollins |
General Store |
Main Street |
Established 1895 |
M. E.. Garrett, |
Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries. Fine Fruits a Specialty, Cigars and Tobacco |
Established 1888 |
Ira Brandon, |
Grocery, Confectionery and Bakery Goods. Everything fresh. No stale goods |
North Main Street |
Established 1890 |
John Kruger |
Grocery, Meats, Gent’s Furnishing Goods. Queensware, Crockery |
South Main Street |
Established 1877 |
Hebel Bros, John & Michael Hebel. |
Groceries, Meats, Fresh, Salted and Smoked: Bakery Goods |
Corner Main and Seventh Streets |
Established 1880 |
I. H. Nill, |
Groceries and Provisions of all kinds |
South Main Street |
Established 1872 |
Neff & Weeks D. Neff and E. Weeks |
Fancy Groceries of all kinds, Tobacco and cigars |
Main Street |
Established 1892 |
Rawlston Bros. A. J. and G. M. Rawlston |
Grocers, |
South Main Street |
Established 1882 |
Frank A. Hoff, |
Dealer in Groceries and General Merchandise |
17 North Seventh Street |
Established 1878 |
Pioneer Hardware Co., J. L. Davis, Proprietor |
General Hardware, Plows, Harrows, Stoves and Ranges, Sash and Doors, Plumbing and Tinwork Materials, Pumps, Paints and Oils |
Established 1865 (1850 began, J. L. Davis took over from brother in 1860’s) |
J. Beuret Hardware, |
North Main Street |
Established 1869 |
B. C. Zeigler, |
Farm Implements |
North Main Street |
Established 1893 |
Brown, Culbertson & Boland, W. B. Brown, H. R. Culbertson, and M. Boland |
Dealers in Hardware, Farm Machinery and Buggies |
East Seventh Street |
Established 1884 |
Moore & Baker, S. F. Moore and A. H. Baker |
Dealers in Agricultural Implements of all kinds. It will pay you to call and see us. |
Ninth Street South of courthouse |
Established 1895 |
McDowell & Carter, Eugene McDowell and Alvin Carter |
Dealers in Buggies and the Auburn Wind Mill. |
Ninth Street |
Established 1895 |
Swineford House, G. H. Forkner, Manager |
First-class Hotel. Rates $2.00 per day. Heated through with hot water and hot air. Three sample rooms on first floor |
Corner of North and Main Streets |
Established 1874 |
Watson Hotel, Col. E. A. Watson, Prop. |
Rates $1.00 per day. Fine accommodations. Best of everything. Livery in connection |
S. Main Street near Wabash Depot |
Established 1887 |
D. W. Jenner |
Central House |
Seventh Street |
Established 1889 |
Hollister House. S. Hollister |
Hotel |
South Main Street |
Established 1876 |
Glazier Hotel, C. P. Glazier Prop. |
Hotel |
Corner Seventh and Cedar Streets |
Established 1893 |
E. L. Casebeer |
Life Insurance, Loans and Real Estate Agent. Endowment Insurance at "Life Rates" a specialty |
Cor.. Main and Seventh Streets, over Farmer’s Bank |
Established 1886 |
B. M. Hastings, |
Fire Insurance Agent. Fire insurance promptly placed on all kinds of town or farm property. Nothing but the "best" Companies. |
Office over Farmer’s Bank |
Established 1889 |
W. H. Kuhn, Assistant Superintendent of the branch office of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. of New York |
The Metropolitan leads the world as an Insurance Company. Over 4,000,000 policies in force now. They write insurance on lives from one year to seventy and from $12 to $25,000. |
Branch office over Raut’s Shoe Store, Auburn, In. |
D. A. Hodge, Jeweler |
All Fancy Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Clocks and Fancy China. Repairing a Specialty. |
Kiblinger Building Corner Main and Seventh Sts. |
Established 1892 |
F.J. Yesbera, Jeweler |
Main Street |
Established 1884 |
Kutzner & Meyers, I. S. Kutzner and D. N. Myers |
Livery, Feed and Sale Barn, Buggies, Road Wagons and Carriages for sale |
Cor. Jackson and Sixth Sts. |
Established 1894 |
A. J. Trout, |
Livery, Feed and Sale Barn |
Cedar Street |
Established 1883 |
Walters & Johnson, Cyrus Walters and J. Johnson |
Livery, Feed and Sale Barn |
Corner Jackson and Fifth Streets |
Established 1894 |
Wm. Little, Proprietor |
Of Farmer’s Feed Barn. Good care given to horses placed in my barn |
Cedar Street, South of Courthouse. |
Established 1890 |
E. Freygang |
Manufacturer and dealer in hand-made Harness and everything found in a first-class harness shop. |
Corner of Cedar and Ninth streets, South of courthouse. |
Established 1890 |
H. E. Richey, |
Manufacturer of Fine Carriage Work, Piano and Organ Wagons, Organ Trucks, Straps, Etc., also Carriage and Wagon Repairing, Horse Shoeing etc. |
Cedar St,. South of Public Square |
Established 1888 |
E. T. Hull |
Harness-maker Repairing neatly done |
Main Street |
Established 1893 |
Zimmerman Mfg. Co. |
Buggies, Carriages and Wind Mills. Wagon Hubs. The Monarch Wind Mill. Capacity of 20 to 25 vehicles a day |
Established 1875 |
"White Wave Mfg. Co." |
White Wave Washing Powder, a new discovery that beats the world |
West Fifth St. At L. S. & M. S. R.R. |
Established 1895 |
Henry Shull |
Wagon-Maker |
Main Street |
Ober & Broderick, A. J. Ober and Thomas Broderick. |
Saw Mill. Staves and Heading, Building Material of all kinds. |
On Lake Shore Railroad |
Established 1889 |
W. H. Kiblinger, W. H. McIntyre and. S. C. Snyder |
Wholesale Carriage Manufacturers. |
Office corner Eighth and Jackson Streets |
Established 1880 |
Auburn Foundry and Machine Works, J. W. Baxter, President, C. H. Hanna, Secretary and Treasurer |
Manufacturers of Engines and Boilers and Wood-Working Machinery, Also Designers of Special Machinery |
On Wabash tracks at foot of Main and Jackson Sts |
Established 1880 Incorporated 1888. |
A. B. Nickey & Sons, A.B.,S. M. and W. E. Nickey |
Manufacturing and wholesale dealers in Hardwood Lumber. |
Office on South Main Street |
Established 1889 |
Eckhart Carriage Co., Charles and F. E. Eckhart, Proprietors |
Manufacturers of Fine Carriages and Buggies for the wholesale trade. |
One-half mile east of courthouse |
Established 1874. |
John Treesh, |
Cement Walks of the best kind. Better than natural stone. Cements for sale |
Established 1883 |
E. M. Bishop, |
Manufacturer of Cigars |
No. 6 Seventh Street |
Established 1889 |
Eagle Roller Mills, Isaac O. Bachtel |
Manufacturer of Full Roller Flour |
East Seventh Street |
Established 1865 |
W. Sheffer & Co., W. Sheffer and C. E. Rainier |
Manufacturer of Harness |
No. 22 East Seventh Street |
Established 1875 |
Auburn Flouring Mill, G. L. Hilt, Proprietor |
Manufacturer of "Hilt’s Best" Flour and dealer in all kinds of Feed |
Jackson Street |
Established 1850 |
J. W. Sheffer, Butcher |
Fresh Smoked and Salted Meats |
Main Street, Opposite courthouse |
Established 1892 |
Liegthy & McNabb, Bennett Leighty and Wm. McNabb |
Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats |
Shop: "Yellow Front" on Main Street; south end on South Main Street |
Established 1893 |
Joseph Ramier, Butcher |
Fresh, Salted and Smoked Meats. |
Main Street |
Established 1879 |
Shull-Askey, Milliner |
A full line of the latest Millinery Goods always on hand; also a line of Ladies Toilet Articles |
North Main Street |
Established 1893 |
Cowan Sisters, |
Milliners and dealers in everything in the Millinery line |
North Main Street |
Established 1886 |
Auburn Courier, James A. Barnes Editor and Proprietor |
Publishes daily and weekly. The Weekly Courier is a Democratic paper with 1,325 circulation Being the leading paper of the county, its advertising space is the best. |
Office corer of Main and 7th Streets in the Kiblinger Block |
The Weekly established January 1, 1871 |
The Auburn Dispatch, Management of R. H. Weamer Editor and George W. Gordon Publisher and Proprietor. |
It is the leading Republican newspaper in DeKalb County. The Dispatch is making a wonderful advancement in journalism. It has the larges circulation and is, of course, the leading advertising sheet in the country |
Office north of the Public Square |
Is now 21 years old. |
Drs. Swartz & Swartz, D. J. and Vesta M. Swartz. Physicians and Surgeons |
Proprietors of Auburn Sanitarium. A limited number of person desiring to take a course of Baths or Massage, or requiring medical or surgical treatment, will be furnished with rooms and board. |
Main Street |
Established 1860 |
Dr. F.M. Hines, |
Physician and Surgeon |
North Main Street |
Established 1892 |
Dr. Nusbaum, |
Physician and Surgeon |
Corner of Main and Seventh Streets |
Established 1888 |
Drs. Matheny & Hines, T. J. Matheny and L. A. Hines |
Physician and Surgeon |
West Ninth Street, Residence, South Main Street |
Established 1894 |
D. A. Sebring, M. D. |
Physician and Surgeon |
North Main Street |
Established 1875 |
Dr. W. W. Carey |
Physician and Surgeon |
Corner Seventh and Main Streets |
Established 1895 |
I. O. Buchtel, M. D. |
Homeopathic, Physician and Surgeon. |
Office over Madden Bros.: Marble Works, on Seventh Street |
Established 1889 |
Scott & Baker, J. H. Scott and H. F. Baker |
Wagon and Repair Shop. All kinds of Blacksmithing. Scientific Horse Shoeing |
Cor. Jackson and Fifth St. |
Established 1895 |
James Mahan, |
Blacksmithing and general repairing. Scientific Horseshoeing a specialty. |
Corner of Jackson and Sixth streets |
Established 1895 |
E. A. Benedict, |
Dealer in Bicycles and Sundries, and proprietor of Bicycle Repair Shop. Morgan and Wright tires sold by me. Note Advertisement states: "I do Nickle and Enamiling in the best possible manner" |
East Ninth Street |
Established 1887 |
John Knoder, |
Scientific Horse-Shoer, Blacksmith and General Repairer. I have a complete line of tools for gumming and filing saws and also for repairing guns, etc. |
East Seventh Street, opposite Eagle Flouring Mills |
Established 1879. |
L. J. Miller |
Lake Shore Elevator. Dealer in all kinds of Grain and Seeds |
Fifth St. On Lake Shore R. R. |
Madden Bros., A. W., J.E. and C.E. Madden. |
Dealers in all kinds of Cemetery Work and Building Material Dressed and Polished Granite and Iron Fencing. |
Corner of Seventh and Jackson St. |
Established 1880 |
A. Lewis & Co., A. and Alice Lewis |
Lumber, Laths, Shingles, Lime, Cement, Plastering, Hair, Etc. |
W. Fifth St at L. S. & M. S. R. R. |
Established 1874 |
J. G. Clapp, |
Photographer and dealer in Moldings and Enlarged Portraits Advertisement states they make the finest and Best Photos in DeKalb County. Make no mistake, but leave your order for Family Groups, Views of your find Horses, Cattle, Etc. Pictures Enlarged in Crayon and Water Color Etc. at lowest prices. |
Established 1890 |
John Ray, |
Shoe Repair Repairing neatly done |
South Main Street |
Established 1894 |
J. A. Potte, |
Shoemaker, Boots and Shoes made to order. Repairing neatly done |
Eighth Street |
Established 1868 |
M. B. Willis, Jr.. |
News dealer Station r and agent for the Rambler and all cheap Wheels |
16 East Seventh Street, first door east of post office |
Established 1892 |
J. F. Aber & Co., |
Florist. Cut Flowers and Floral Designs. Spring Specialties, Cannas, Tuberoses, Begonias and Bedding Plants. All orders in and out of the city promptly attended to |
70 S. Main Street |
Established 1891 |
Jacob Walburn, |
Justice of the Peace and agent for the Phoenix Fire Insurance Co. |
Corner of Jackson and Seventh Streets |
Established 1872 |
Auburn Steam Laundry, A. A. Lane & Co. Proprietors, A. A. Lane and N. E. Ensley |
First class Steam Laundry. Work guaranteed to be satisfactory. |
Ninth Street, South of courthouse |
Established 1895 |
John H. Weaver |
Contractor and Builder. All kinds of Carpenter Work, Roofing and Slating done on short notice. |
Shop: East Seventh Street. |
Established 1871 |
D. M. Fitch, |
Veterinary Surgeon and Dentist |
Corner Eleventh and Cedar Streets, Two Streets South of Public Square |
Established 1891 |
Rogers and Stafford, A. J. Rogers and J. K. Stafford |
Dealers in all kinds of Musical Instruments |
18 North Main Street |
Established 1895 |
H. C. Trentman, |
Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, |
West Seventh Street |
Established 1895 |
Olds Bros., J. W. and A. B. Olds |
Dealers in Queensware an all kinds of Novelties |
18 East Seventh Street |
Established 1892 |
Is a suburb of Auburn, about one mile and a half from the Courthouse, and is the junction of the Baltimore and Ohio and branches of the Lake Shore and Wabash railroads. It is a very popular transfer station, and as many people are compelled to wait at this point for trains and as it is also an excellent shipping point, a nice little burg has sprung up at this place. A list its businessmen follow:
Hotel Brunswick,. O.B. Oberholtzer |
First class accommodations $2.00 per day. The traveling public especially solicited. |
Just opposite depot |
Established 1890 |
G. H. Oberholtzer, |
Confectionery, Cigars, and Tobacco. |
Opposite depot in post-office |
Established 1884 |
G. W. Morr, |
Grocery, Fancy Groceries of all kinds, Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery |
Near Depot |
Established 1888 |
The Monitor Mfg. Co., |
Manufacturers of Wind Mills, Tanks, Towers and Fargo Harrow |
Near B. & O Depot |
Established 1884 |
John Harris, |
General Store. Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes and Notions. Groceries of all kinds |
Opposite Depot |
Established 1882 |
Meyer, Liniger & Go,. John Meyer, B. L. Liniger, Henry Bresdorf |
Manufacturers of Hoops and Hardwood Lumber |
Mills near the L.S. R.R. |
Established 1890 |
Henry Morsey, |
Wines, Liquors and Lunch Room |
Opposite depot |
Established 1894 |
Garrett, the railroad town of DeKalb, is situated in the western part of the county. It is the location of the Baltimore & Ohio shops and the home of many a railroader. In fact this is about the only enterprise in the city, and as Garrett is not a prominent trading center the merchants depend upon the railroad men for their entire support. Garrett is over twenty years old and is now a very prosperous little city. The citizens are wide-awake and realize the value of modern improvements. A good system of electric lights are operated and controlled by enterprising citizens, and at a called election some time ago the people voted for waterworks and the construction of the same has just begun. The elegant stores, large churches and school buildings show that the town has and is enjoying the best of prosperity. No line of business is overdone and with the 3,500 inhabitants it stands first in population in the county.
L. Covell |
Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. |
Office N. W. Corner Franklin and Keyser Street, Residence same |
Established 1875. Admitted to bar 1853. Began practicing in lower courts in 1857. |
Myers & Montz, E. A. Myers and H. W. Montz |
Attorney-at-Law and Notaries Public |
Randolph Street, Opposite post office |
Established 1892. |
L. J. Gengler |
Attorney-at-Law |
Cowan Street |
Albert Palmer, |
Blacksmithing and Repairing in Wood and Iron Special attention given to Horseshoeing, also all kinds of vehicle painted in the best possible manner. Upholstering departments in connection |
Corner Cowan and King Streets |
Established 1894 |
A. B. Haynes, |
Wagon and Repair Shop, Scientific Horse-Shoeing |
Randolph Street, just north of B. & O. Depot |
Established 1883 |
T. H. Troutner, |
Blacksmith and General Repairing Scientific Horse-Shoeing |
East Gurnsey Street |
Established 1889 |
Hathaway & Workman, C. H. Hathaway and I. C. Workman |
Barbers, Tonsorial Parlors, Hair-Cutting, Shaving and Shampooing neatly done. |
South Randolph Street, First barber shop north of Ross House |
Established 1893. |
McKennan & McCrory, E. M. McKennan and C.B. McCrory |
Barbers, Work done with neatness and dispatch Hair-cutting, Shaving and Shampooing |
King Street |
Established 1894 |
Henry Shelder, |
Barber, "The oldest Barber in the county," A Barber for 43 years |
Randolph Street |
Established 1876 |
L. Stoner, |
Barber, First-Class Tonsorial Parlors |
Quincy Street |
Established 1895 |
Roll Hollopeter |
Barber, For a first-class shave and good hair cut call on me |
West side of Randolph St |
Established 1892 |
Beehler Bros., D. C. and A. W. Beehler |
Barbers, Fine Tonsorial Parlors First-class bath room, Only one in town |
First door north of City Hall |
Established 1883. |
Will Springman, |
Barber |
Randolph Street |
Established 1885 |
L. N. Stoner & Co., L. N. Stoner and A. B. Stoner |
Dealers in Pure Drugs, Medicines. Wall Paper, School Books, Stationery, Toilet Articles. A fine line of Perfumes, etc; also a large line of Tobacco and Cigars and everything kept in a first-class drug store. Physicians and family prescriptions carefully compounded. Night calls answered from store. |
Cor. King and Randolph Streets |
Established 1895. |
J. J. Stohr, |
Druggists and dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Paints, Oils, Wall Paper etc. |
King Street |
Established 1891 |
A. F. Halter, |
Druggist |
Randolph Street |
Established 1875. |
W. L. Webster & Co. W. L. Webster and D. B. Van Fleit |
Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps |
Randolph Street |
Established 1888 |
A. J. Weyer, |
Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Diamonds, Fine Watches Jewelry Silverware Etc. |
Randolph Street |
Established 1890 |
B. Hunsel, |
Merchant Tailor and dealer in Gents’ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes |
Corner of King and Cowan Streets |
Established 1878. |
F. H. Wilhelm, |
Merchant Tailor. First-class work with prices to suit the times |
Randolph Street |
Established 1891 |
C. Reyher & Co., C. Reyher, E. C. Reyher, J. V. Reyher and A. J. Stewart |
Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps and House Furnishing Goods |
Randolph Street |
Established 1876 |
Joseph Singler, |
General store. Dry Goods, Clothing, Gents’ Furnishing Goods. Groceries of all kinds |
Randolph Street |
Established 1875 |
Moore & Schulthess, J. A. Moore and F. Schulthess |
Dealers in Furniture, Pianos, Organs, Singer Sewing Machines and Undertakers and Embalmers |
Randolph Street |
Established 1893 |
S. Tonnesen, |
Furniture |
Randolph Street |
Established 1885 |
Smith & Hersberger, I. I. Smith and W. N. Hersberger |
Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Dry Goods, Queensware, Notions, Etc. |
Corner King and Randolph Streets |
Established 1894 |
W. Y. Johnston, |
Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries, Country Produce and Fruits |
Corner King and Cowan Streets |
Established 1887. |
W. Swihart, |
Dealer in Groceries, Queensware, Fruits, Cigars, Etc. |
Randolph Street office post-office |
Established 1892 |
Magley & Gerard, W. J. Magley and L. R. Gerard |
Dealers in Groceries, County Produce and Baked Goods. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes daily |
Corner of Kiser and Randolph Streets |
Established 1895 |
P. K. David & Son, P. K. David and H. S. David |
Groceries |
Randolph Street |
Established 1875 |
F.H. Mountz, |
Dealer in General Hardware, Courtland How Ventilators and Sherwin William’s Paint, Also Stoves, Tinware Etc. |
Randolph Street |
Established 1894 |
C. B. Jones, |
Dealer in Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Windows, Lime, Cement Sewer Pipe, Builder’s Hardware Etc. |
Near B. &O. Depot |
Established 1863 |
S. S. Teeters, |
Dealer in Hardware, Tinware, Paints, Oils, Farm Implements and Bicycles |
Randolph Street |
Established 1890 |
Ross House, E. W. Ferris Proprietor |
First-class accommodations, Rates $2.00 per day |
Corner Randolph Street and Keyser Streets |
Established 1889 |
City Hotel, Dr. T. C. Sargent Proprietor |
First-class accommodations Rates $1.00 per day |
Randolph Street just South of depot |
Established 1889 |
Singrey House, Mrs. Etta Singrey Proprietor |
Rates $1.00 per day First-class accommodations given to day or week boarders |
Cowan Street |
Established 1875 |
Lumm & Wohlenberg, John Lumm and Otto Wohlenberg |
A complete line of Tinware always on hand, also Roofing, Spouting and Furnace Work. Repairing promptly attended to. Estimates cheerfully furnished |
Randolph Street |
Established 1892 |
John Herbolsheimer, |
Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc |
Randolph Street |
Established 1890 |
Fred Groscup, |
Brick Kiln Manufacturer of fine Building Brick |
East part of town near B. & O. |
Established 1891 |
Garrett Engine, Boiler and Machine Works, J. B. Mager, President, E. P. Fitzgerald, Manager |
Gas and Gasoline Engine Builders. General Jobbing and Repair Work |
King Street |
Established 1895 |
J. B.. Mager, |
Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Hides, Fish, Oysters and Game in season |
Cowan Street |
Established 1880 |
Mrs. F. Ferrell, |
Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Etc. Highest market price paid for Hides and Poultry |
Randolph Street |
Established 1886 |
Clark Bros., E. E. and O. F. Clark |
Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Fish, Oysters and Poultry, also shipper of Live Stock |
Randolph Street |
Established 1875 |
North Side Meat Market, F. T. Smith, Proprietor |
Dealer in Fresh and Salt Meats, Lard, Hides, Poultry, Oysters and Game in Season |
North Randolph Street |
Established 1895. |
The Garrett Clipper, A. J. Little Publisher |
Business men of DeKalb County will find The Clipper the best advertising medium office |
Randolph Street in Singler Block upstairs |
Established 1885 |
The Garrett Herald, E.W. Miner Proprietor |
Issued every Tuesday and Friday, also publishes The Hudson World, a weekly newspaper in the interest of Hudson (In) and her people. This office is well equipped with three presses, steam and all modern appliances. Its uniform low prices and excellent quality of Job Pricing have won for it the best patrons and a constant rush of business. The popularity of the Herald is marvelous, and its circulation is increasing at the rate of ten new subscribers each week. |
F. H. Kadletz, |
Practical Painter Painting in various branches. Special attention paid to Sign Painting and Graining, also Gilding on Glass |
Established 1877 |
J. F. Johnston & Son, J. F. and J. K. Johnston |
All kinds of Painting, Paper-Hanging and Decorating a Specialty |
Corner King and Brittain Streets |
Established 1879 |
W. H. Pinder, |
All the latest things out in the Photograph line at Pinder’s Gallery. Enlarging and Copying a specialty |
King Street |
Established 1892 |
Sullivan’s Gallery, T. H. Sullivan, Proprietor |
Photographer. All kinds of Photo work, enlarging, etc. done in the latest style |
Corner of Keyser and Randolph streets |
Established 1885. |
Dr. J. F. Thomson, |
Physician and Surgeon |
Corner Cowan and King Streets |
Established 1876 |
Chas. S. Stewart, M D. |
Physician and Surgeon. |
Thomson Lackey Block, Randolph Street, Residence, Cowan Street |
Established 1891 |
J. A. Clevenger, M.D. |
Physician and Surgeon, Graduate of medical department of Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Specialty of Gynecology |
Office and Residence east side of Randolph Street, three doors north of Post office |
Established 1889 |
J. Skilling, M.D. |
Physician and Surgeon. |
Eastside of Randolph Street, first block south of railroad |
Established 1889 |
J. P. Strouse M.D. |
Physician and Surgeon |
Office and residence on Quincy and Cowan Streets |
Established 1892 |
Dave Carter, |
Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Everything first-class |
Randolph Street |
Established 1895 |
D. Widmer, |
Agent for the Foss-Schneider Brewing Co of Cincinnati, Ohio, also runs a fine Sample Room |
King Street Hunsel Block |
Joseph R. Glenowhich, |
Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, etc. |
Randolph Street |
Established 1891 |
A. P. Moste, |
Wines and Liquors Fancy Drinks of all kinds |
Corner Randolph and King Streets |
Established 1891 |
Chas. Linkenhelt, |
Wines and Liquors. Fancy Drinks of all kinds |
Randolph Street |
Established 1875 |
Hal’s Sample Room, H. T. Strouse, Proprietor |
Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars, Mixed and Fancy Drinks of all kinds. Fresh Beer always on tap |
Randolph Street in Keller’s Block |
Established 1893 |
Peter Behler, |
Wines, Liquors and Fancy Drinks |
Randolph Street |
Established 1895 |
J. N. Ritter, |
Wines, Liquors, Fancy Drinks etc |
Corner Randolph and King Streets |
Established 1887 |
Excelsior Sample Room, E. E. Sherman, Proprietor, |
Wines, Liquors Fancy and Mixed Drinks of all kinds |
West side of Randolph Street |
Established 1894 |
Harmor Liccius, |
Dealer in Liquors |
King Street |
Established 1895 |
Ike Whirledge, |
Dealer in fine liquors |
Corner Quincy and Randolph Streets |
Established 1890 |
G. E. Gage & Co., |
Books, Stationery and School Supplies, Millinery Goods of the best and latest styles. Ribbons, Lace, etc, Notary Public, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Musical Instruments. |
Corner Keyser and Randolph Streets |
Established 1885 |
D. Seely, |
Notions, Stationery, News Stand, Cigars and Tobacco |
In Post office |
J. N. Schmidt, |
Harness, Boots and Shoes. All kinds of repairing done on short notice |
Quincy Street opposite round house |
J. D. Vanlear & Son, J. D. and H. M. Vanlear |
Shoemakers. Boots and Shoes made to order. Repairing a specialty. |
Randolph Street |
Established 1887 |
G. P. Essig, |
Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. Wholesale and retail. Pictures sold. Soda Fountain |
Randolph street, five doors north of post-office |
Established 1895 |
G. Hollis, |
Cigars, and Tobacco, Confectionery and City News Depot. Ice Cream Parlors |
Randolph street |
Established 1890 |
Garrett Banking Company, Directors: H. N. Coffinberry, Jacob Bogert, D. H. Kinsley, R. Sawvel and T. O. Mitchell |
Incorporated according to the laws of Indiana. Transact a general Banking, Exchange and Collection business. Capital Stock $25,000. |
Randolph Street |
Established 1892 |
Mrs. D. W. Ocker, |
Milliner Millinery goods of the latest styles. Fancy Goods |
Randolph Street |
Established 1882 |
The Model Steam Laundry, |
Work guaranteed to be the best |
King Street |
Established 1890 |
C. A. Branch, |
Second-Hand Store Buys and sells all kinds of second-hand goods. Also do repair work of any description |
Corner of Cowan and Quincy Streets |
Established 1895 |
Mrs. Clara Baker, |
Optician. Auburn every Tuesday, Waterloo first and third Thursday of each month. |
Corner Keyser and Franklin Streets |
Established 1892 |
M. M. Johnston, |
Dentist |
Randolph Street |
Established 1894 |
Garrett Mill , M. Berktrand Proprietor |
Dealer in Flour, Feed Grain etc. Manufacturer of the "White Foam" Flour |
Mill corner Quincy and Peter Streets |
Established 1885 |
E. S. Alsbaugh, |
Jeweler |
Randolph Streets |
Established 1884 |
H. A. Kingsbury, |
Jeweler Watches, Clocks and all kinds of Jewelry Coal and Wood |
South Randolph Street |
Established 1890 |
Butler is situated in the eastern part of the county at the junction of the Wabash and Michigan Division of the Lake Shore R. R. It is a town of about 3000 inhabitants, surrounded by a rich farming community. In modern improvements Butler is far ahead of most towns of its size, having an excellent system of waterworks and a good electric light plant. These things, and its well-kept streets, fine business blocks and beautiful homes, impress the stranger at once with the energy of the inhabitants. In its manufacturing interest, Butler is not behind. The Butler Co. is known all over the country as manufacturers of high grade bicycles and windmills and employ a large number of hands. The Basket Factory with a capacity of 400 dozen a day gives employment to a large number of men and girls. Butler has two wide awake newspapers that keep the people well informed on the topics of the day. It has several fine churches, a fine brick schoolhouse with all modern improvements and its teachers are the best the country affords. It s a very desirable location for anyone wishing to invest capital or find a nice home. Note: Advertisement states" Butler Company Incorporated Manufacturers of High Grade Bicycles, Steel and Wood Windmills and Towers, Pumps, Tanks, etc, etc."
Andrew J. Baxter, |
Attorney-at-Law Collections promptly made. Notary always in office |
Broadway |
Established 1879 |
Frank A. Brink, |
Attorney-at-Law |
Office E. North Street |
Established 1893 |
J. C. Coats, |
Attorney-at-Law |
Broadway |
Established 1880 |
Charles Hinei, |
Blacksmithing and General Repairing Scientific Horse Shoeing a Specialty |
North Street |
Established 1891 |
A. J. Baker, |
Blacksmith General Repairing Scientific Horse Shoeing a Specialty |
Cor. North and Pearl Street |
Established 1891 |
J. H. Latson, |
Proprietor of First class Shaving Parlors. For a good shave and hair cut call at my shop |
East side of Broadway |
Established 1882 |
Loyell Hunter, |
Barber, "Ben Ton Shop" Only bath room in town |
W. Oak Street |
Established 1892 |
J. T. Revett, |
Barber, Two-chair shop. Fine Tonsorial Parlors |
S. Broadway |
Established 1895 |
G. B. Metzler, |
Barber |
Broadway |
Established 1894 |
Geo. Kehrer, |
Druggists Drugs, Medicines, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Stationery, Cigars and Tobacco |
West side N. Broadway |
Established 1886 |
S. G. Stoner, |
Druggist |
Broadway |
Established 1877 |
S. W. Otis, |
Undertaking and Furniture. The Latest of designs at the "Old Reliable" |
North Street |
Established 1867 |
S. L. Hamlin, |
Furniture, Cabinet Maker. Everything in the latest Style |
Oak Street |
Established 1883 |
Charles Rundy, |
Feed Store. Feed and Grain of all kinds at bottom prices |
North Street. |
Established 1894 |
Jas. Stuller, |
Dealer in Feed, Flour, Hay and Straw |
Corner of Broadway and Oak Streets |
Established 1880 |
M. E. Ellsworth, |
Grocery, Queensware Confectionery, Etc. |
North Broadway |
Established 1890 |
A. D. Morse, |
Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, Queensware, Glassware, etc. |
Corner of Broadway and Oak Streets |
Established 1888 |
E. C. Miller, |
Dealer in Groceries, Country Produce, Queensware, Glassware and Crocker |
East side of Broadway |
Established 1881 |
The Knisely Dry Goods Co,. M. L. Wilkinson, Wm. Knisely, H. L. Tess |
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and General Merchandise |
Broadway |
Established 1875 |
G. Wolff, |
General Store. Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries Buyer of Wool |
Broadway |
A. Levy & Co., A. Levy, H. Hirsch |
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Gent’s Furnishing Goods |
Broadway |
Established 1881 |
L. Walker, |
Tailor. Suits in the latest styles at bottom prices. As good as the best |
Broadway |
Established 1887 |
Edward May, |
Merchant Tailor First-class work and fit guaranteed |
Broadway |
Established 1882 |
The Butler Fair, |
General Store |
Corner Broadway and Oak St |
Established 1894 |
G. F. Gengnagel, |
General Hardware, Plows, Harrows, Etc. |
Main Street |
Established 1870 |
J. C. Vernier, |
Dealer in Hardware, Stoves and Tinware |
Broadway |
Established 1895 |
Wm. Mutzfeld, |
Harness Maker, A complete line of all kinds of harness |
N. Broadway |
Established 1882 |
E. W. Mutzfeld, |
Manufacturer and dealer in Harness, Blankets, Robes, Saddles, Brushes, Combs, Collars, Whips Etc. All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done |
Corner of Broadway and Main Street |
Established 1888 |
Wabash House, D. T. McNabb Proprietor |
First-class accommodations |
S. Broadway, near Wabash Depot |
Established 1882 |
Aldrich & Son, Hotel Alrdrich |
First-class hotel |
Near Lake Shore Depot |
Established 1878 |
Clifton House, E. Long, Prop., |
Everything first-class |
Near Lake Shore and Wabash Depots. S. Broadway |
Established 1894 |
L. J. Diehl, |
Jeweler and Watchmaker. Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Musical Instruments. |
East side of Broadway |
Established 1875 (Please note family has a different date of Establishment.-in 1860’s) |
J. B. Proctor, |
Jeweler and Watch Repairer. Special attention given to all kinds of repairing |
East side of Broadway |
Established 1878 |
Geo. Chrildes, |
Livery, Feed and Sale Barn |
W. Oak Street |
Established 1888 |
G. W. Cummins, |
Livery, Feed and Sale Barn |
E. Oak Street |
Established 1892 |
J. E. Decker, |
Livery, Feed and Sale Barn |
W. Oak Street |
Established 1894 |
Butler Canning Co., |
Incorporated Stock Co., Packer of High Grade Fruit and Vegetables |
Near Dept Street and East Avenue |
Established 1894 |
A. D. Morley, |
Manufacturer of Spring Beds, Cots and Woven Wire Mattresses |
Railroad Street |
Established 1893 |
Melroy & Watson, D. D. Melroy, Alexander Watson |
Manufacturers of Carriages and Wagons. We also do repairing of all kinds in wood and iron |
Main St. |
Established 1891 |
E. M. Hopkins, |
Tile Mill Manufacturers of Brick and Tile |
In Norris Addition, West of Lake Shore Depot |
Established 1869 |
J. W. Squiers, |
Saw Mill,. General Custom Work and Shipping. All kinds of building material furnished |
East end of town |
Established 1894 |
The Butler Basket Co.,. J. C. Eviston Supt. |
Manufacturers of Baskets. Capacity, 400 dozen daily |
West part of town |
D. G. Gratz & Son, P. Gratz |
Flouring Mill |
Near Lake Shore Depot. |
Established 1893 |
Herald, M. E. Gardner |
Publisher and Job Printer |
Tomlinson Block opposite post office |
Established 1880 |
The Butler Record , L. H. Higley |
Editor and proprietor Publisher of the Butler Record. All kinds of Job Work neatly done |
Corner Broadway and Oak St. |
Established 1877. |
Capp Bros., Chas. And Will Capp |
Butchers. Fresh Salted and Smoked Meats. Canned Goods |
N. Broadway |
Established 1887 |
Haverstock & Thiel, J. Haverstock, N. Thiel |
Butcher Shop. All kinds of meat always on hand |
East side of Broadway |
Established 1894 |
Mrs. M. A. Hines, |
Exclusively Millinery Goods, Latest Designs always on hand |
Broadway |
Established 1890 |
Mrs. B. A. Lewis, |
Milliner Millinery and Fancy Goods |
Broadway |
Established 1893 |
F. W. Fanning, M D. |
Physician and Surgeon |
Corner North and Broadway , Residence 156 Oak Street |
Established 1868 |
W. P. Carpenter, M.D. |
Physician and Surgeon |
W. Oak Street |
Established 1881 |
J. B. Bennett, M D.. |
Physician and Surgeon |
Corner North and East Streets |
Established 1861 |
W. F. Shumaker, M D |
Physician and Surgeon |
North St. |
Established 1892 |
H. H. Lilly M.D. |
Physician |
West Oak St |
Established 1881 |
Z. L. Kindig, |
Restaurant and Bakery, Cigars and Tobacco. The leading restaurant in Butler |
N. Broadway St. |
Established 1887 |
Geo. C. Haskins, |
Restaurant and Bakery, Ice Cream Parlors, Confectionery |
S. Broadway St. |
Established 1893 |
C. Voight, |
Restaurant and Bakery, |
N. Broadway |
Established 1893 |
J. M. Long, |
Restaurant, Shelf Groceries. An Elegant Lunch Counter. Everything fresh |
N. Broadway |
Established 1889 |
J. E. Candleberry, |
Restaurant and Lunch Room, Ice Cream Parlor |
No. 8 W. Oak Street |
Established 1895 |
W. S. Matheny, |
Shoe Shop. Repairing neatly done |
Broadway |
Established 1872 |
S. T. Graf, |
Shoemaker. Boots and Shoes made to order Repairing a specialty |
Main St. |
Established 1883 |
C. J. Nedry, |
Tobacco Store, Cigars and Tobacco |
Broadway |
Established 1891 |
C. W. Beechler, |
The oldest Resident Dentist in the County. Dentistry in all its branches executed with the best of skill. Crown and bridge Work a specialty. |
Office: Corner of Oak and Broadway |
Established 1876 |
The Butler Steam Laundry, L. E. Freeburn, Prop. |
Work guaranteed the best |
E. Oak St. |
Established 1895 |
C. Sise, |
Woodwork and Repair Shop. All repairing promptly done at low prices |
Shop on E. North Street |
Established 1883 |
Madden Bros., A. W., J. R. and C. E. Madden |
Dealers in all kinds of cemetery work and building material, dressed and polished granite and iron fencing |
N. Broadway |
Established 1890 |
Jeff N. Boyle, |
Real Estate Agent. Negotiator and Promoter. Will buy, sell or exchange your property Write him for list. |
35 Broadway opposite post office |
Established 1888 |
Weirick & Seed, G. C. Werick, F. H. Seed |
News dealers, Stationery and Books |
East side of Broadway |
Established 1895 |
Knisely Boots & Co., T. J. Knisely, D. H. Knisely, Geo. E. Boots, F. W. Kinney, L. C. Harding. |
Bankers |
Broadway |
Established 1882 |
C. A. Newman, Photographer |
Fine Cabinets a specialty. Enlargements made in Crayon, India Ink, Water Color and Pastel. I will discount agent’s prices and guarantee satisfaction. |
21 ½ Broadway |
Established 1881 |
J. J. Sise, |
Justice of Peace |
Office E. North Street |
Established 1879 |
David W. Steward, |
Justice of Peace and Collection Agent |
Office over the Post office |
Established 1892 |
A. J. Mason & Son, W. A. Mason |
Dealers in Building material, Lime, Glass, Nails Etc. Sewer Pipe and Heavy Tile |
Railroad Street |
Established 1875 |
Blanch Weldon, |
Novelty Store |
Main Street |
Established 1895 |
J. C. Brown, |
Boot and Shoe Store |
Main Street |
Established 1890 |
Waterloo is situated in the northern part of DeKalb County on the main line of the Lake Shore and the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad. It is a thriving little town and a good business place. The stores carry good stocks of goods and are liberally patronized by the people of Waterloo and surrounding country. It is well supplied with churches and has a good school, presided over by able instructors. It has all the convenience of a city, a good bank where people can safely place their money, a good wide-awake newspaper, which presents the news to the people in good style and everything necessary to make a town prosperous. Its population is about 1500.
Wm. X. X McDonald, |
Attorney-at-Law. Manager of the Waterloo Loan and Real Estate Company. Also Trust Funds for Investments |
S. Wayne Street |
John Schuman, |
Attorney-at-Law |
Office in DeKalb Bank Building |
L. J. Blair, |
Attorney-at-Law |
S. Wayne Street |
Established 1867 |
C. M. Phillip, |
Attorney-at-Law |
Wayne Street |
Wm. H. Leas, |
Attorney-at-Law |
Office Wayne Street |
Established 1875 |
J. W. Hoover |
First-class Shaving Parlors Good Work is my motto. |
Shop on Van Vleek St. First door west of Post Office |
Established 1885 |
Edward Wareham |
Proprietor of First-Class Shaving Parlors |
On the Corner off Van Vleek and Wayne Street, Under Campbell’s Drug Store |
Established 1883 |
H. E. Wareham |
Barber |
S. Wayne St. |
Established 1878 |
A. C. Gruhlke, |
Proprietor of Restaurant and Lunch Room. Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, |
Opposite the L. S. and M. S. Depot |
Established 1883 |
G. J. Beck, |
Baker and Confectioner. Fresh Bread, Pies and Cakes, daily. A fine line of Cigars and Tobaccos. Also runs an Ice Cream and Oyster Parlor in Season. |
Wayne St. one door south of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad. |
Established 1863 |
H. W. Beck, |
Baker and Confectioner. Also runs a First-class Lunch Room |
Van Vleek St. |
Established 1894 |
The Lone Tree Restaurant, James D. McAnaly, Proprietor |
Dealer in Confectionery, Cigars, Tobaccos, Etc. Also runs a first-class Lunch Room and Restaurant. People boarded and roomed by the day or week. |
Railroad Street Near the L. S. and M. S. Depot |
Established 1892 |
J. A. Denison, |
Dealer in Confectionery, Cigars, Tobacco, Ice Cream and Oysters in season |
Wayne Street South of the railroad |
Established 1873 |
J. D. Campbell, |
Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Wall Paper, Etc. Sole Proprietor of Campbell’s American Catarrh Care and American Asthma Care |
Corner Wayne and Van Vleek Sts. |
Established 1873 |
Frank Bevier & Co,. |
Dealer in Drugs |
S. Wayne Street |
Established 1882 |
E. T. Rehfield, |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Gent’s Furnishing Goods |
Wayne St. |
Established 1895 |
Peter Fisher, |
Merchant Tailor, All work first class and prices to suit the times. |
Wayne St. over Willis & Co.’s Book Store |
Established 1865 |
Boyer & Leas, J. C. Boyer, D. L. Leas |
Dealers in Dry goods, |
Wayne St. |
. Established 1888 |
Plum & Co., |
Dealers in Groceries, Country Produce, Etc. |
South Wayne St |
.Established 1893 |
Speer & Co., |
Dealers in Groceries, Provisions and Queensware |
Corner of Marion and Wayne St. |
Established 1880 |
Grueter Bros., Herman and Henry Grueter |
Dealers in Groceries, Country Produce, Queensware Glassware etc. |
Corner of Van Vleek and Wayne St. |
Established 1887 |
L. E. Zerkle, |
Dealer in Groceries and Provisions |
S. Wayne St. |
J. C. Day, |
Dealer in Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Stoves, Doors, Sash, Paints and Oils |
Wayne St. |
Established 1889 |
Sinclair & Son, A. J. Sinclair and A. V. Sinclair |
Groceries, Hardware, etc. |
Corner of Marion and Wayne St. |
Established 1891 |
Robinson Livery and Feed Barn, James Robinson, |
Proprietor of Leading Livery, Feed and Sale Stable of Waterloo. |
Washington St. At the head of Van Vleek St. near the Hotel Locke |
Established 1889 |
J. A. Yeagy, |
Veterinary Surgeon and also runs a first-class livery, fee and Sale Stable. |
Wayne St. South of the Lake Shore R. R. |
Established 1875 |
Daniels & DeLong, R. G. Daniels and Miss Mattie DeLong |
Dealers in Millinery. Everything up to date in the millinery line. |
South Wayne St. North of the Railroad |
Established 1895 |
Mrs. Prentiss Gill, |
Millinery and dealer in Fancy Goods. The latest styles in the Millinery line always on hand. |
East side of Wayne St., north of Railroad |
Established 1889 |
Standard Mf’g. Co,. |
Manufacturers of the Electric Cigar Lighter |
South of Lake Shore Depot. |
Established 1895 |
Henry A. Henning, |
Manufacturer of the "Inquire" cigar, one of the best brands on the market. All the leading cigar dealer of the county, handle this brand |
Wayne St. |
Established 1895 |
Wm. Wallace, |
Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness, Saddles, Halters, Whips, Robes etc. |
East side of Wayne St. |
Established 1860 |
L H. Klotz, |
Wagon and Carriage Builder |
Van Vleek St. |
Established 1880 |
Swartz Bros,. Melvin and Tarring Swartz |
Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats, Lard, Hides, Fish and Poultry. |
East side of Wayne St. North of the Railroad |
Established 1893 |
S. P. Strow, |
Dealer in the best of Fresh and Salt Meats, Fish, Poultry and Butter. Known as the North Side Meat Market. |
West side of Wayne St. |
Established 1891 |
Mosher & Co.,. |
Dealers in Fresh and Salted Meats, Lard, Hides, Poultry, Etc. Known as the Braun Meat Market |
South Wayne St. |
Established 1894 |
J. E. Showalter, M D. |
Physician and Surgeon. Previously engaged in farming and school teaching. |
Office on Railroad St. on the ground floor of the DeKalb Bank Building. |
Graduated in 1893 |
F. Broughton, |
Physician and Surgeon. Graduate Rush Medical College, Lake Forrest University |
Residence on Wayne St. |
A. B .Darby, M.D. |
Physician and Surgeon |
Office in Darby block |
Wm. Bevier, |
Physician and Surgeon |
Wayne St. |
Established 1863 |
R. Till, |
Proprietor of First-class Sample Room |
On Railroad St |
.Established 1865 |
Philip Waters, |
Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Cigars Also runs a lunch counter |
Wayne St. one door north of the Lake Shore R. R. |
Established 1892 |
A. Parks, |
Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors, Cigars, Etc. Everything first-class |
Corner of Wayne and Van Vleek St. |
`Established 1893 |
Frank Shaver, |
Dealer in the finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars |
Van Vleek St. |
Peter Montavon, |
Shoemaker. All kinds of custom work and repairing promptly and neatly done |
East side of Wayne St. |
Established 1874 |
P. Morell, |
Shoemaker. The neatest of repairing and the best of custom work always done at my shop |
West side Wayne St. |
Established 1866 |
O. P. Smith, |
Shoemaker. Real Estate, Insurance and Collecting Agency. I also practice law |
Office over the Citizen’s Bank, Wayne St. |
Citizens’ Bank, H. K. Leas, Cashier |
Do a general banking business, buy and sell, Exchange and make collections and loan money |
Wayne St. |
Established 1871 |
Locke House, M. Kelley, Proprietor |
First Class Hotel. Rates $2.00. The best of accommodation to transients as the house is up with the times in every respect. |
Van Vleek Street |
Established 1865. |
H. H. Boozer, |
Dealer in Agricultural Implements of all kinds. One of the largest firms in the county. |
Main Street, South of the railroad (Note no street, today known as Main could be Wayne?) |
Established 1865 |
J. F. Maxson, |
Jeweler and Watchmaker, Also dealer in Jewelry, Silverware, Watches, Clocks, Etc. |
Wayne Street |
Established 1895 |
Frank Zirwes, |
Blacksmithing, Wagon and Carriage Shop, Horseshoeing a specialty. |
Shop corner Railroad and Washington Streets |
Established 1886. |
DeKalb Bank,. C. A. O. McClellan President, Giles T. Abby, Cashier |
Capital and Surplus $25,000 |
Wayne and Railroad Streets |
Established 1865 |
G. A. Lacey & Co., Photographers |
Enlarging and copying and anything in the photo line always up to date at this gallery. |
Darby block over post office. |
Willis & Co., Henry and Frank W. Willis |
Books, Stationery, Wall paper, Window Shades, Fancy Goods, etc. |
Wayne St. |
Established 1865 |
John M. Amstutz, |
Tinner. Dealer in all kinds of Tinware. Also do repairing of all kinds |
Wayne St. |
Established 1895 |
The Waterloo Press, Frank W. Willis, Editor and Publisher |
The oldest paper in DeKalb County. The circulation is one of the largest in the county and is therefore a good advertising medium. It is also clean, pure, newsy and strictly up to date. |
Office over Willis & Co.’s Book Store |
Established 1859 |
J. M. Waterman, |
Dealer in Furniture, Carpets, House Furnishings. Also dealer in Grain |
Wayne St. |
Established 1885 |
W. M. Ettinger, |
Funeral Director and Embalmer. A large line of undertaking supplies always on hand. |
West side of Wayne St. |
Established 1861. |
Reed & Co., C. R. Reed, O. F. Nichols |
Flour and Feed Exchange. Also handle all the best grades of flour |
Wayne St., in the Kinney Block |
Established 1890 |
Brown Bros., E. A. & J. C. Brown |
Dealers in Boots, Shoes, and Rubber Goods |
Wayne St. |
Established 1892 |
J. S. Jackman, |
Dealer in Ladies’ and Gent’s fine Shoes |
Wayne St. |
Established 1891 |
S. D. Myers, |
Dentist; |
Wayne St. |
Established 1892 |
Frederick Deventer, |
Blacksmith |
Van Vleek St. |
Established 1883. |
St. Joe, the beehive of DeKalb county, is situated about twelve miles east of Auburn on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad. It is a beautiful little place and surrounded by as fine a farming country as can be found in Northern Indiana. It has about 450 inhabitants, beautiful houses, large brick business blocks, elegant churches, and a large roomy schoolhouse. As a hustling business point, a pleasant location, it is not excelled by any town in the State for its site.
E. L. Jenkins, Barber |
Fine Tonsorial Parlors. Fancy Hair Dressing of all kinds, Cigars and Tobacco. Agent for Laundry |
West Main Street |
Established 1894 |
City Barber Shop, J. C. Hull, Proprietor |
Barber Shop. Fine Tonsorial Parlors Fancy Hair Dressing of all kinds. Dealer in Gum, Cigars, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco. Agent for Accident and Insurance and Laundry |
Main Street |
Established 1886. |
A. Kinsey, |
General Hardware, Furniture and Undertaking. Latest styles of Furniture always on hand. Agent for Fire Insurance Ad on Page 7 states "The only combined furniture, hardware Store in the County." |
West Main St. |
Established 1870 |
White & Bearss, F. J. White and Roland Bearss |
Furniture and Undertaking. The latest styles in Furniture and all kinds. |
Main Street |
Established 1895 |
The Big Four Store, Patterson Bros. & Olds Proprietors., W. C. and C. A. Patterson and M. E. Olds |
Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Drugs, Medicines, Jewelry, Watches, Clocks etc. (Ad states occupying over 5,000 sq. ft. of floor). |
Established 1892 |
Sol Barney, |
General Store, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Notions, Groceries, Queensware |
Corner Main and Third Streets |
Established 1865. |
White’s Hotel, E. D. White, Proprietor |
First-class accommodation. The oldest house in town. Livery and Feed Barn in Connection |
West Main Street |
Established 1878 |
M. Tustison, |
Groceries and Provisions, Cigars, Tobacco and Confectionery Fine Ice Cream. Oysters in season. |
Main Street |
Established 1886. |
Lake Bros,. A. L. & J. H. |
Bakery Restaurant and Grocery Wholesale and retail bakery, Fresh every day. |
Main Street |
Established 1894 |
William Leighty, |
Hotel |
Established 1874 |
E. Case & Co., |
General line of Hardware, Doors and Sash and all kinds of Building Materials |
Main Street |
Established 1892 |
Baker, Kagey, & Curie, D. J. Baker, J. T. Kagey and Wm. Curie |
Buggies, Carriages, Wagons and all kinds of Farming Implements |
Main Street |
Established 1890 |
J. H. Conrad, |
Dealer and Jobber in Tin and Steel Roofing Spouting etc. House Furnishing Goods |
Main Street |
F. A. Zeigler, |
Harness Maker. Hand made Harness of all kinds an guaranteed to be the best. Fly Nets, Whips and all House-furnishing goods. |
West Main Street |
Established 1885 |
Foote & Bowen, O. M. Foote and S. J. Bowen |
Butchers, |
Main Street |
Established 1894 |
Filley & Bishop, A. B. Filley and M. T. Bishop |
Saw Mill. Sawing and Planing. Manufacturers of all kinds of Building Material and dealers in all kinds of Hardwood Lumber |
Simon Wineland, |
Saw Mill. Building Material of all kinds. Cider Mill |
North of railroad |
Established 1885 |
Dr. H. W .Bowman, |
Physician and Surgeon. Local Surgeon of B. &O. |
South side of East Main Street; Residence same |
Established 1876 |
Dr. B. S. Sheffer, |
Physician & Surgeon |
West part of town near Main Street |
Established 1882 |
Dr. W. L. Hines, |
Physician and Surgeon |
Main Street |
Established 1894 |
Prof. J. P. Bonnell, |
Principal of Schools |
South Second Street |
Samuel Souder, |
Wagon and Repair Shop. Manufacturer of Wagons and Buggies |
West Main Street |
Established 1894 |
Daily Bros., F. & C. Daily |
Wagon and Repair Shop. General Blacksmithing of all kinds |
West Main Street |
Established 1889. |
"St. Joe News", Mortimer E. Olds, Editor |
A Weekly paper $1.00 a year All job work neatly done |
Established 1886 |
St. Joe Valley Bank,. W. C. Patterson, Cashier |
General Banking Business |
Main Street |
Established 1889. |
Julius Weinberger, |
Boot and Shoe Shop. Repairing a specialty |
East Main Street |
Established 1888 |
Mrs. A. Warner, |
Millinery Goods. The latest styles always on hand |
Kinsey Bock |
Established 1893 |
H. H. Meek, |
Painter, Payer-Hanger and Decorator. Graining neatly and tastily done |
South Third Street |
Established 1880 |
Frank Barney, |
Dealer in Grain and Seeds of all kinds. Salt, Wood, Etc. |
East Main Street |
Established 1875 |
Corunna, one of the most busy little spots in DeKalb County, is situated on the main line of the Lake Shore, about seven miles west of Waterloo. Corunna is surrounded by a rich farming community, which makes it one of the best trading points in the county. It is an excellent grain market and is said to do as much business some days as any other town in the county. Although the town has only about 500 population. It has good churches, a nice school building and several costly residences. The stores carry good stocks and are all well patronized.
Chas. Wallace, |
Barber. First-class Shaving Parlor where you can always get a good haircut and a clean shave. |
Shop on Bridge St., North of Railroad |
Established 1893 |
G. A. Royer, |
First-class Barber Shop. For a good shave call on me. |
Bridge St., South of railroad |
Established 1892 |
O. P. Raber, |
Druggist. Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc. |
Bridge St, North of the railroad |
Established 1885 |
W. M. Mercer, |
Druggist Dealer in Drugs, Medicines, Notions and Books |
Bridge St. north of railroad |
Established 1861 |
A. H. Clark, |
Loomis Agent. Dealer in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Groceries and everything found in a General Store |
South Bridge St. |
Established 1894 |
I. H. Knauer, |
Dealer in Dry Goods, Clothing, Groceries, Boots, Shoes Etc. |
Established 1875 |
Dr. F. Snyder, |
Physician and Surgeon Buffalo Medical College, 92 |
Residence and Office, Cor. Michigan Avenue and Walnut St. |
A. F. Phillips, M D. |
Physician and Surgeon Graduate in the Toronto Medical College 94-95 |
Office and residence on S. Bridge St. |
M. M. Bowen, |
Physician and Surgeon |
Office and residence, N. Bridge St. |
Corunna Mills , Wigent Bros., Props. |
Manufacturers of Full Roller Flour and all kinds of Ground Feed. "Our Best" Special Brand Custom grinding Solicited |
South of |
W. A. Cremean |
Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco, Candles, Books, Stationery, Tinware, Etc. Also Postmaster |
Bridge St. North of Railroad |
Established 1893 |
Cutler & Chaney, Homar Cutler, E. M. Chaney |
Blacksmiths and Woodworkers. All kinds of repairing in both wood and Iron done in prompt order. Horse shoeing and repairing a specialty in the blacksmith department, and anything in the woodwork line done in the best manner by the wood worker. |
Shop on Bridge St. north of the railroad |
Established 1891 |
M. J. Thomas, |
Dealer in General Hardware, Farming Implements and Pine Lumber |
Bridge St. |
Established 1886. |
J. L. McKee, |
Dealer in Fresh and Salted Meats, Lards, Hides, Est. |
Bridge St. |
Established 1889 |
Albert Harding, |
Shoemaker. Custom work and repairing neatly and promptly done |
Shop on Bridge St |
.Established 1895 |
W. M. Leines, |
Blacksmith, Wagon Builder and Repairer. Horse shoeing a specialty |
Established 1885 |
P. D. Graham, |
Dealer in Furniture of all kinds. Carpets, Sewing Machines, Paints, Oils, Varnish etc. |
Bridge St. |
Established 1890 |
Kline House,. C. H. Willets Prop. |
First-class Boarding House. Rates $1.50 per day. Good accommodations to all |
Depot St |
.Established 1888 |
Reynolds Bros., M. E, W. T., and F G. Reynolds. |
Manufactures and dealers in Hardwood Lumber. Also run Plaining Mill in connection. We also grind plow points. North Bridge St. |
North Bridge St. |
Established 1894 |
G. H. Miles, |
Manufacturer and dealer in Harness, Saddles, Robes and everything found in a first-class harness shop. |
North Bridge St. |
Established 1878 |
A. Pairan, |
Dealer in Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars |
Bridge . South of railroad |
Established 1891 |
John Lipsett, |
Dealer in Groceries, Provisions, etc. |
Bridge St. North of railroad |
Established 1880 |
Spencerville, one of the oldest towns in the county, is a picturesque little village in the southeast part of the county. It is a beautifully little place of about 250 inhabitants. Its beautiful shade trees, well kept streets, elegant homes and absence of the railroad, form a picture rarely seen in this country at the present day. The nearest railroad station is three miles away; but even with this disadvantage the businessmen are able to hold their own. A more pleasant place to live cannot be found
C. B. Walker, |
Druggist. Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Wall paper, Cigars, Tobacco, Confectionery, Soda Fountain, Stationery and Novelties |
S. Main St. |
Established 1894 |
J. Carnes, |
Jeweler, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry of all kinds. Repairing a Specialty. Glasses fitted to the eyes. |
S. Main St. |
Established 1894 |
Erick bros. S. G. & G. B. |
General Store, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Gent’s Furnishing, Goods Groceries, Oliver Steel Plows |
Main St |
Established 1888 |
Beams Bros,. H. W. & J. W. |
Dry Goods, Clothing, Gent’s Furnishing Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Yarns of all kinds Furniture and Undertaking |
Main St. |
Established 1880 |
O. W.. Rummell, |
Harness Maker. Hand Made Harness Guaranteed to be the be Best. Whips, Harness, Hardware Etc. |
Established 1860 |
Murray Bros., T. S. & J. H. |
Flour Mill. Manufacturer of "Pearl Drop" The oldest miller in the County. |
Established 1863 |
Steward Bros., J. N. & L. W. |
Saw Mill and Tile Mill. All kinds of Building Material always on hand |
Established 1889 |
Theodore Kressly, |
Wagon and Repair Shop. Wagons and Buggies made to order. Blacksmith of all kinds, Painting, Etc. |
Established 1888 |
Markel & Chapman, A. Markel, E. Chapman |
Wagon and Repair Shop. Manufacturers of Wagons and Buggies |
Established 1894 |
Baltz & Smith, J. F. Baltz, F. B. |
Wagon and Repairs Shop |
Established 1886 |
E. U. Beams, |
General Hardware, Tinware, Etc. Stoves, Ranges, Cutler |
Main St. |
Established 1894 |
Dr. J. W. Morr, M. D. |
Physician and Surgeon |
Main St. |
Established 1894 |
Carnes & Cupp, H. J. Carnes, Gust. Cupp |
Meat Market, Fresh and Cured Meats of all kinds |
Main St. |
Established 1893 |
"Bon Ton Shop", Chas. Vancsoik, Barber |
A fine Hair cut and a smooth Shave. Superior Hair Dressing. Shampooing etc. |
Main St. |
Established 1895 |
G. Brybrook, |
Restaurant. Light Groceries, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco |
Main St. |
Established 1895. |
Submitted by Lucy E. Funk and Constance Sue Carper