Biography of John Wagner, page 87. History of Northeast Indiana; LaGrange, Steuben, Noble, and DeKalb Counties, Vol. II, under the editorial supervision of Ira Ford, Orville Stevens, William H. McEwen, and William H. McIntosh. The Lewis Publishing Co., Chicago and New York, 1920. John Wagner has been a resident of DeKalb County for over half a century, spent many industrious years as a farmer and is now enjoying his well merited comfort and retirement on his home place in Franklin Township. He was born in Germany October 8, 1842, a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Jacobs) Wagner. His parents on coming to America spent a short time in Ohio and then settled in Indiana, north of Waterloo, and their last years were spent in Franklin Township. They were buried at Hamilton Indiana. Both were active members of the Reformed Church, and the father voted as a democrat. John Wagner is the only one of eight children still living. He was twelve years old when he came to this country and received most of his education in common schools of Germany. He began earning his own living as a youth in DeKalb County and has pursued a straightforward and industrious career. In 1869 he married Catherine Anthony, who was born in Stark County, Ohio, and was educated in the district schools there. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Wagner settled on a farm in DeKalb County, and their home life uninterrupted until her death more than thirty years later, 1901. Mr. Wagner still lives on the home farm of eighty acres. There were seven children, six of whom are still living: Sarilla, wife of John Timbleson; Lewis, Minnie E., wife of William Sanders, of Fort Wayne; Charles; Clarence, who married Lottie Walter and has five children, named Homer, Frank, Bessie, John and Dorothy; and Vernie wife of Glenn Moughler, of Wilmington Township. Mr. Wagner is a democrat in politics and has served as a member of the Township Advisory Board of Franklin Township. Submitted by: Arlene Goodwin Auburn, Indiana