Biography of George A. Bishop, page 383/384. Memorial Record of Northeastern Indiana, the Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, 1896. George A. Bishop, of the firm of Bishop & Lackey, dry-goods merchants of Auburn, Indiana, is one of the best known and most popular business men in De Kalb county. Following is a resume of his life. George A. Bishop was born in the Historic town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, September 17, 1845, son of Peter Bishop, also a native of that place. Peter Bishop was by trade a manufacturer of woolen. In 1849 he emigrated with his family to Indiana an settled at Spencerville, De Kalb county, where he bought a tract of land and engaged in farming, and where George A. was reared. Young Bishop attended the district schools and the Newville high school and had not yet completed his studies when the Civil war broke out. As the war continued to rage and as more troops were needed to fill up the depleted ranks, he enlisted in the fall of 1863, then at the age of eighteen, and went out as a private in Company F, 129th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. He was with his command in all its movements, acting the part of a brave, true soldier, until they were mustered out at Washington, District of Columbia, in September 1865, the war being over. Returning home, Mr. Bishop was employed in assisting his father on the farm until the fall of 1867. At that time he accepted a position with Root & Company of Fort Wayne, with which firm he remained four year. The next year he traveled in the interest of the Fort Wayne Tobacco Company, and on leaving the road he returned to Spencerville and entered the employ of J. D. Leighty, dealer in general merchandise. Subsequently he and his father purchased Mr. Leighty’s stock of goods and until 1888 conducted business under the firm name of F. Bishop & Son. In the meantime, in 1887, Mr. Bishop assisted in organizing the Zimmerman Manufacturing Company, and, later he was one of the organizers of the Auburn Manufacturing Company, of which he was for four years president. In 1886 he was elected County Clerk of De Kalb county, the duties of which office occupied his time until October, 1892. In 1893, in partnership with Mr. G. W. Lackey, he bought the stock of merchandise of W. P. Harter & Company, and has since conducted business under the name of Bishop & Lackey. They occupy a two-story building, 44x120 feet in dimensions, and in addition to their large and well selected stock of dry goods they carry a fine line of carpets, the second floor of their building being devoted to carpets. This is the largest store of its kind in De Kalb county. Both Mr. Bishop and Mr. Lackey are business men of marked ability and are justly deserving of their large patronage. Mr. Bishop was married in 1872 to Miss Mary Silberg, who died in 1881, at the age of thirty-four years, leaving two children. George A. Jr., the elder of these two, is now cashier in his father’s store; the younger is Mary V. November 24, 1881, Mr. Bishop married for his second wife Miss Lillian L. Silberg, a sister of his former companion. Their union has been blessed in the birth of three children, two daughters and a son, namely: Catherine E., Bertha and Walter G. Like most of the veterans of the Civil war, Mr. Bishop is identified with the Grand Army of the Republic. He is also a Knight of Pythias. Politically, he is an ardent Republican. Submitted by: Arlene Goodwin Auburn, Indiana