INDENTURES OF APPRENTICESHIP learn the art and trade and mystery...

from the Indenture of Apprenticeship for Samuel Barker

Eliza (Lucy) Funk has discovered some of the most thought provoking documents housed in the DeKalb County Courthouse in Auburn, Indiana. She opens a window on a world created by the combination of family tragedy and ruined financial circumstances. We can only guess what effect being an apprentice had on the lives of the children named in these records. Was it a life of anquish, misery and forced labor or was good food, a warm bed and competent training their lot in life? These record book entries are heartbreaking and at times offensive when viewed by current generations but they were the accepted way of life at the time they were written.

Dictionaries define INDENTURE as a contract, enforced by law for a specific period of time, which secures the labor and service of one person to another. APPRENTICESHIP is explained as the contract in which a person gains instruction in a trade or art such as when a youth is apprenticed to a master. In times past, before these records were created, the Indentures of Apprenticeship document was different from most contracts. A copy for each party was written on a single piece of paper and then cut in two. There was sometimes a notched line or cuts in the paper to show where the two copies were divided. These ensured either copy would be proven the valid duplicate of the other when laid side by side.

This example of an Indenture of Apprenticeship was signed in 1794 in Faversham, Kent County, England. Thanks to Nev Carter of Australia for sharing the Indenture of Apprenticeship of his ancestor, Joseph Elliott, Jr.

This indenture made the fifth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty by and between Samuel Barker of DeKalb County and State of Indiana of the one part and Sanslot Ingman of the State and County of aforesaid. Samuel Barker is a minor boy aged 8 years 22 days of February 1840 by and with the consent of Daniel Strong the said Samuel Barkers guardian … Samuel Barker as an apprentice to the said Sanslot Ingman to learn the art and trade and mystery of cabinet and Cain making and painting. He is apprenticed until Feb 22, 1852.
Deed Book B pages 117, 118.
This indenture made the 12th day Of October in the year of our Lord 1840 between James Brown and Johnson Lawhead witnesseth that the said James Brown binds and apprentices His son Elisha Aged 6 years the 7th day of April last until Elisha shall arrive at the full term and age of 18 years the said Elisha to be instructed in the farming business.
Deed Book B Pages 280, 281
This indenture made the 7th day of November 1843 between Arial Walden of DeKalb and Stephen Albie of DeKalb that Arial Walden guardian of Albert and Julia son and daughter of William Netterfield, deceased to Stephen Albie until they reach lawful age.
Indenture in May 29, 1854.
John Draggoo has put and placed his son Frederick Draggoo as an apprentice to Isaac Brandt to know the art and trade of a shoemaker . This is until the year 1858. Details of the indenture are included..
Miscellaneous Book A Page 23
Lahr, Henry Indenture May 2, 1854.
Jacob Lahr places his son Henry Lahr as an apprentice to Isaac Brandt to learn the art and trade of a shoemaker. This will continue until the year 1857. Details of the indenture are included.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 24
Burk, Eliza Catharine May 1, 1854 Indenture
John Burke of Adams County binds unto Noble D. Bennett of DeKalb County his daughter Eliza Catharine Burk, 9 years old, until she is 19 years of age. Details are included in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 33
Thomas, John H. Indenture April 28, 1855
John Thomas indentures his son John H. Thomas to Isaac Brandt as an apprentice to learn the art and trade of shoemaker. This will continue until 1858. Details of the indenture are included.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 34
Burk, Mary Jane Indenture May 1, 1854
John Burk of Adams County binds unto Benjamin F. Rice of DeKalb County his daughter Mary Jane Burk, 7 years old until she reaches the age of 18 years. Details are included in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 42
Salzman, Jacob Indenture October 4, 1854
Elizabeth Salzman binds her son Jacob Salzman to Conrad Delzel? Until July 29, 1875 (he will be 21 years of age) Details are spelled out in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 63
Maxwell, William B. Indenture May 27, 1857
William Maxwell binds to Joseph and Reuben Ettinger, his son William B. Maxwell, age 16 years of age in August 1857 to learn the art, trade or occupation of cabinet making, chair making. He will serve this apprenticeship until May 7, 1861 Details of the Apprenticeship are included in this document.
Miscellaneous Book a pages 74, 75.
Smith, William Indenture February 3m 1858
John V. Lyon (Superintendent of the Poor Asylum) binds over William Smith (age 10 who is a county charge and under the protection of said Lyon to Robert Shaffer to learn farming.
Miscellaneous Book A Pages 85, 86
Stewart, Harvey Indenture December 23, 1857
Trustees of Smithfield Township (William Cox, John Sears) bind Harvey Stewart (8 years of age on June 13, 1857) to Wesley Jackman until he is 21 years of age. Details are included in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 105
Kellogg, Mary Indenture February 5, 1858
Trustees of Jackson Township (Israel Shearer, James McClellan, James Means) bind Mary Kellogg, a child under 14 years of age, having neither father nor mother, or grandmother and having no sufficient means of support to Egbert B. Mott. She shall dwell with Mott until the April 15, 1863 at which time she will be 18 years of age. Details of indenture are included.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 106
Imhoff, Zephaniah Indenture May 15, 1858
Jacob Imhoff binds his son Zephaniah Imhoff to Joseph and Reuben Ettinger to learn the trade of cabinet and chair making in their Auburn Shop. It is for a term of three years. Terms of indenture are included in the document.
Miscellaneous Book A. Page 108
Ensley, Samuel Indenture October 28, 1858
George Ensley, Guardian of Samuel Ensley, binds to John King, Samuel Ensley, and his ward to be taught the occupation of farming. Details of indenture are included in the document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 124, 125
Ensley, Rebecca Jane Indenture April 8, 1859
George Ensley, Guardian of Rebecca Jane Ensley (age 12 years) binds Rebecca Jane Ensley, his ward, to Levi Campbell until she is 18 years of age. Details included in the indenture document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 154
Grate, Alpheus Indenture September 30, 1859
Mary E. Grate indentures her infant son, Alpheus Grate (age 15 months) to Isaac Grate until he is 18 years of age for learning the art of farming. This indenture will be until June 14, 1876. Details included in the indenture document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 155
Ensley, Jane Indenture April 10, 1860
George Ensley, guardian of the persona and estate of Jane Ensley, aged 13, binds to John B. Palmer until she reaches the age of 18 years of age. Details included in indenture document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 165
Smith, William Indenture March 5, 1861
Jane Smith, binds her son William Smith as an apprentice to Washington Teeters to learn farming. Details included in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book A Pages 195, 196

Baughman, Alvira Indenture April 21, 1862
Solomon Baughman binds his daughter Alvira Baughman to the care of Henry Layman until she arrives at the age of 18 years of age. Details included in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 224

Baughman, Nancy Indenture May 1862
Solomon Baughman binds his daughter Nancy Baughman to Mary Campbell. Details included in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book A Pages 224, 225
Oberlin, Margery, Anna indenture October 31 1862
Nancy A. Oberlin binds her daughter Margery Ann Oberlin, about 6 years of age, until she reaches 18 years, to J. D. Davis. Details of indenture are included in the document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 235
Stafford, Eliza indenture April 21, 1864
James E. Stafford, guardian of Eliza Stafford (12 years of age and minor heir of John Stafford, deceased) binds to Vesta M. Swarts for learning to sew and perform generally the duties of housekeeping. She is bound until the 29th day of January 1871 when she shall be 18 years of age. Details of indenture are included in document.
Miscellaneous Book A Pages 269, 270
Likes, Mary Indenture April 26, 1864
Uriah Johnson and ? Residents of Jackson Township states that Mary Likes a female child about 5 years of age is a poor person not having means to support herself and being neglected and totally unproved for by her parents indenture that John G. Dancer Trustee and overseer of the poor of Jackson Township binds Mary Likes to Boley D. Carnhaan for the term of 13 years and ? months from this date (when she will become 18) Details are included in the document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 273-275
Weaver, Peter N, Indenture December 5, 1865
Susannah Hull the mother of Peter N Weaver, aged 11 years on February 26, 1865 consents is apprenticed unto Samuel Swihart until February 26, 1875 to learn the trade of farming. Details are included in the indenture document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 348
Rose, William Indenture January 3, 1867
Israel Rose the father of William Rose (aged 8 yeas December 29, 1866 binds William rose to Jacob Liby until December 29,1876 to learn the occupation of farming. Details included in the indenture document.
Miscellaneous Book 8 Page 377
Hoover, Francis Indenture February 5, 1867
Doris Day, guardian of Francis Hoover, aged 9 year son December 29, 1866, apprentices her until December 29, 1875 to Henry Dickerhoff to learn the trade and occupation of a housekeeper. Details of the indenture are included in document.
Miscellaneous Book A pages 379, 380
Nickerson, Joshua, Indenture March 24, 1868.
David Culver guardian of Joshua Nickerson (12 years of age on May 20, 1868) apprentices Joshua Nickerson to John Drawcock until he is 21 years of age to learn the occupation of a farmer. Details included in indenture document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 403
Nickerson, Hannah E indenture March 24, 1868
David Culver guardian of Hannah E. Nickerson (born January 18, 1858 minor heir of Alden Nickerson, deceased) apprentices Hannah to Levi J. Walsworth until January 18, 1876 in the employment of keeping house. Details included in the indenture document.
Miscellaneous Book A Page 404
Nickerson, Aaron Indenture March 26, 1868
David Culver guardian of Aaron Nickerson (born May 20, 1856 and minor heir of Alden Nickerson, deceased) indentures Aaron to William Clark of Union Township till May 20, 1877) to learn the trade of farming. Details of the indentured are included in the document.
Miscellaneous Book A.Page 405
Indenture of Apprenticeship Dated March 6, 1879
Rosetta Barnhart the mother of Ettie Almeda Barnhart (age 3 years) whose father is dead, apprentice the dead Ettie Almeda Barnhart to Eliza Barnhart to be taught the occupation of house; keeping and general house work. This agreement is in effect until Ettie is 18 years of age on November 21, 1878. The conditions are spelled out in the indenture.
Indenture of Apprenticeship Dated May 29, 1897
Augustus Bartles, Superintendent of the County Asylum overseer of the poor, apprentices Hallie Shay a female child, fourteen months old on May 11, 1897 (inmate of the poor house) to Samuel E. Esterday. The conditions are spelled out in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book D Pages 421, 422
Indenture of Apprenticeship Dated March 10, 1897
J Henry Dove the father of William Dove, aged 3 years four moths and four days on the tenth day of March 1897 apprentices William Dove to William Rhodes until the 8th day of November 1914 to learn the occupation of farming. The conditions are spelled in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book D page 457
Hall, Anise Indenture Dated January 7, 1898
August Bartles, Superintendent of the County Asylum and overseer of the poor apprentices Anise Hall, a female child twelve years of age in April 1897 to S. M. Barnes until she is 18 years of age. Conditions of the apprenticeship are found in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book D page 486, 487
Lula Mertimer indenture Dated May 24, 1898
Augustus Bartles Superintendent of the County/asylum and overseer of the poor of said count apprentices Lula Mertimer six years old April 6, 1898 to George Shaffer until she is 18 years of age. Conditions of the apprenticeship are found in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book D pages 509, 510
Helen Lucile McDonald indenture Dated August 29, 1898
August Bartles, Superintendent of the County/Asylum and overseer of the poor of said county apprentices Helen Lucile McDonald, born January 13, 1898 to Frank Groscup until she is 18 years of age. Conditions of the apprenticeship are found in the indenture.
Miscellaneous Book D Page 545.
Lula Fails Indenture of Apprenticeship Dated October 9, 1900
On October 9, 1900 John W. Henderson, Trustee of Concord Township in DeKalb County apprentices to Frank Groscup Lula Fails, aged 8 years of age. Whose mother is dead and whose father has abandoned her and neglected to support or care for her. Said Groscup is a farmer and resides near Auburn is a married man, living on a farm with his wife and has not children. Said Groscup is now 40 years old. Apprenticeship to terminate on September 15, 1913 when she will arrive at the age of 21 year.
Miscellaneous Book E Page 109
Etta Vieth Apprenticeship Dated October 23, 1900
On October 23, 1900 between Mrs. Etta Vieth and Frank Broughton. Etta Vieth being the sole surviving parent of Edna Kinsey commonly called and known as Edna Broughton and who is now in possession and under the control of said Frank Broughton and who is under the age of 14 years doth binder her until she shall arrive at the age of 18 years.
Miscellaneous Book E Page 113, 114
Apprentice of Children
Mary Ingalls, is mother of Rank Elwood Ingalls (born August 5, 1901) and Gem? Wesley Ingalls (born February 16, 1903. The father G? Wesley Ingalls being deceased and the mother being in poor circumstances makes and agreement with William E. Ingalls to apprentice said children. (Conditions are spelled out in document). Note on the side of page: State of Michigan, County of Ingham. Lansing Michigan. We the undersigned parties of both the first and second part do hereby mutually agree to rescind and annul the within apprentice contract ….Ida May Ingles, Griffin, William C. Ingles recorded June 22, 1905
Miscellaneous Book E Page 404

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| DeKalb County, Indiana GenWeb Project | Indentures of Apprenticeship |
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| This page was revised on Saturday 31 July 2004 by Dan Terry |
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