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In loving memory

Reason S. Chapman

Daviess County Democrat
Saturday, July 30, 1887, page 2

The Particulars of His Terrible Death on Last Week
Deputy Coroner Parks, accompanied by a reporter for the Daily Democrat, went down in Harrison townhip Friday afternoon to make the customary investigation of the cause of death of Reason S. Chapman, who was killed on Thursday afternoon.
It was discovered that Mr. Chapman, with Dave Jackson and two boys, Dollie Jackson and Alvey Smith, were at work in a clearing on his farm. They had fired a large dead tree and were working around it. The tree burned rapidly and finally broke off a few feet above the ground and fell without warning. All of the four had a narrow escape, but no one except Mr. Chapman was caught by the tree. He was knocked down by a portion of the trunk of the tree. He was crushed under its weight, the heavy piece of dead timber lying across his legs and head. It was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon when the accident occurred. Help was immediately summoned and the unfortunate man taken to his dwelling a short distance away, and every attention given him, but without avail, and death came to his relief in less than an hour from the time he was hurt. His left leg was broken in two or three places and his head was crushed.
Chapman's dwelling stands on a high bluff overlooking East White river, and within pistol shot of the river's edge.
Reason S. Chapman was seventy-three years of age, and had been married four times. His last wife survives him. He leaves eight children, four sons and four daughters, all of whom are married. He was an Odd-fellow and a member of the M. E. Church.
The funeral took place Saturday morning at Ebeneezer church.

Contributed by: Dennis Krebs

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